
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 101 to 125 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Debbie Ayres

    I am extremely concerned about the proposed road/bypass passing so close to a World Heritage site. The extra traffic will cause problems with pollution and vibration, causing possible damage, to these... Read more

  • Deborah Dudman

    The designated WHS and much of the surrounding area is a landscape of world-wide importance both in terms of endangered wildlife and unique archaeological sites. Once destroyed or damaged we and... Read more

  • Debra Guptill

    I am very concerned about the impact on the unknown treasures that lie under the earth that could be lost forever by tunneling. Unless they plan to build the tunnel as archaeologists, carefully... Read more

  • Dee Toth-Jones

    Utterly horrified by the lack of protection offered to a world heritage site that cannot be replaced when destroyed -- Britain is famous for this site, how can it be treated with such disrespect?!... Read more

  • Devon County Council (Devon County Council)

    Devon County Council strongly supports the A303 Amesbury to Berwick Down scheme, along with other schemes currently being progressed at Sparkford to Ilchester and Ilminster to M5 at Taunton, as a... Read more

  • Diane Wood

    I object to this proposal on several points: 1) The damage to the local environment, in the context of the area being of significant archeological/historical status, and also the disturbance of... Read more

  • Dr Angela Blaen

    As a dowser I am very concerned that the earth energies of this site will be further destroyed.

  • Dr Barbara Weavers

    Stone Henge is famous throughought the world and brings us many tourists to the area. It is also a very important and significant structure historically, and for many people also has a spiritual... Read more

  • Dr David S Flynn

    UNESCO's international advisers warn that the scheme should not go ahead in its present form because of the damage it will cause to the site. There is a lack of alternative options in the... Read more

  • Dr Edward Livings

    My main reasons for objecting to the A303 development at Stonehenge (described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’) are as follows: * The development will cause irreparable damage to the... Read more

  • Dr Glyn Banks

    The importance of the prehistoric area surrounding the Stonehenge Monument cannot be understated. The plans submitted will irrevocably damage the area for ourselves and for future generations... Read more

  • Dr Graeme Davis

    My concern is in particular about Blick Mead: * The boundaries of the site have not been established. As well as the spring itself it appears that the site extends to Countess Roundabout (borehole... Read more

  • Dr Nicola Hall

    I find the plan for the Stonehenge, A303 Expressway quite ill thought out. It would irreparably and for all time damage the World Heritage site, destroy valuable unique archaeology, and threaten... Read more

  • Dr Peter Michael Simmons

    The proposed road will irrevocably damage the World Heritage site and its surroundings. The tunnel should be longer or the road should be moved away from the site altogether. Road building is a short... Read more

  • Dr Rob Donovan

    I find it disturbing that the planning decisions for this historic site should be made contrary to the UNESCO advice which is likely to be more objective with a wider perspective. Those responsible... Read more

  • Dr. Barbara Brayshay

    My representation is concerned with the archaeological and environmental impacts of the proposed scheme damage to the landscape of the Stonehenge World Heritage site - one of the world’s most... Read more

  • Duncan Tait

    I have no time, but i am making this time to register my total opposition to this vile & ill conceived plan.

  • Dylan Jones

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its... Read more

  • Edward Marks

    Stonehenge and the area surrounding it, as a world heritage site, is of immense historic and archaeological importance. It is world renowned and receives visitors from all over the globe. The... Read more

  • Eileen Wright

    The whole of the landscape and its archaeology is an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The new road will irreparably damage important parts of that, including damage to the Blick Mead Mesolithic site and... Read more

  • Elaine Nuelle

    I am horrified that this route could even be considered. Stonehenge is a designated world heritage site and this route will irreparably damage this sacred and very important monument. Any road... Read more

  • Elizabeth Anne Rhodes

    Please don't build anything in the area which will spoil the history of the country! Take all the modern road structures further out, thus protecting Stonehenge. Put the car park further away - if... Read more

  • Elizabeth Armstrong

    World Heritage Site is for all international citizens. We ask that you do not damage a site that is sacred to some of us. The construction will damage the site and prevent the viewing of the stones... Read more

  • Elizabeth Connor

    Stonehenge is an important historical site not just for Britain but for the world. There is a misconception that the only part of this site that is important is the henge itself and this is not true.... Read more

  • Elizabeth Cook

    I object to the new scheme as I feel it will cause irreparable damage to the surroundings of Stonehenge, both on the surface and below ground all around the site. Archaeologically speaking there... Read more