
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Andy Paterson

    The advances made in archeological techniques and therefore knowledge in the last generation has been extraordinary. In another generation we will know more, much more about the culture and history of... Read more

  • Anya Thompson

    The proposed development will damage this very important cultural and archaeological site and also.posesba risk to.protected bird species.

  • Aurora Yaacov

    I strongly object to A303 Stonehenge Expressway. The main reasons for my objection are: •According to all archaeology experts that I am aware of, the construction of this road will cause irreparable... Read more

  • Chris Evans

    I am registering as I have been following this for some time now and am appalled by the proposal and by the processes being followed. The proposal is clearly both unnecessary and extremely... Read more

  • Chris Ford

    please drop this ridiculus unnecessary road tunnel scheme,just make the short stretch of single lanes into dual carriageway and let it be !! yours chris ford

  • Chris Freimanis

    My primary concern is the integrity of the World renowned Heritage site which has been acknowledged by UNESCO as well as numerous other parties. Sentiment also stacks with this, given it is a symbol... Read more

  • Christian Potiszil

    UNESCO have described the ancient landscape including and surrounding Stonehenge as a "landscape without parallel". They do not believe that the scheme should go ahead in its current form and I agree... Read more

  • Cycling UK (Cycling UK )

    Cycling UK wishes to ensure that the proposed scheme eliminates the existing severance issues for cyclists along this section of the A303 and that it does not create new severance. In particular we... Read more

  • Dr Jeff Oliver

    I am concerned that the proposed expressway will cause serious damage to the WHS and its landscape settling. One of the key aspects of the Stonehenge environs is the high density and quality of... Read more

  • Ellis Glyn Jones

    Stonehenge is a monument of international importance. It has been reported that the wider site has already been damaged by workmen. It is outrageous to me that a scheme such as this should be... Read more

  • George Muirhead

    I object to the fundamental damage to the WHS and to the archaeology which future generations may be able to learn more from than we can in 2018. I object to the loss of the view of the monument... Read more

  • Gill Greenwood

    Stonehenge is a UNESCO world heritage site, and I believe that the current proposals will totally ruin this wonderful landscape

  • Glyn Calvert

    I am concerned about damage to The World Heritage Site of Stonehenge, disturbance to rare bird nesting sites and also a lack of alternative schemes which would not damage the site.

  • Heather Collins

    I feel that UNESCO realises of the extraordinary importance of this site, which the Government fails to understand. It is an ENTIRE LANDSCAPE under threat by the proposals. They should not go ahead.

  • Helen Armitage

    Stonehenge and its surroundings are a World Heritage site, unique and of immense importance to many people from around the world. The scheme as it stands would damage this internationally important... Read more

  • Jack Holland

    It is patently insane to destroy a site of such archeological importance. This is a World Heritage Site, not a village bypass.

  • Jacqueline Brown

    I am concerned that this will cause serious damage to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge which is an ancient and important archaeological site as well as an important site for pagans. UNESCO have... Read more

  • John Barnes

    Having studied the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway scheme I would like to raise a number of concerns in relation to this, these being that the scheme: 1. does not meet with the requirements of... Read more

  • Karen Bailey

    -This is a National Heritage archaeological site of immense importance, it is entirely unique on this earth. There is archaeology still unexcavated, therefore this set should be completely protected... Read more

  • Karen Espley

    I wish to express my concern that whatever work is carried out does not damage Stonehenge and the surrounding areas. The whole area is has great historical significance. And any proposed work needs... Read more

  • Kathryn Baker

    I object to this proposal. I believe it will cause irreparable damage to one of the most important historical & spiritual landmarks in our country. It will also have a huge impact on local wildlife.... Read more

  • Kiana Miles

    Stonehenge is a sacred site with sacred energies and sacred rituals. People come from all over the world to enjoy its splendour. The planning intention decreases this sacridity. I believe it will... Read more

  • L J Partridge

    I am concerned about the effect of the proposed scheme on the World Heritage Site. We are in danger of losing valuable information about the past due to an ill thought through process, which will... Read more

  • Mitchell A Mccarthy

    Stonehenge is a sacred site of which also has a burial site and if construction goes ahead everything such as the burial site itself and everything around it will be ruined. And the history of... Read more

  • Morgan Serres

    Prevent damage to site and wildlife, I object to the noise, loss of view of a world heritage site and possibly paying to view.