
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Chris Beal

    I am opposed to any plan that potentially damages Stonehenge and its environs. I object to the damage that the road etc will cause to Stonehenge and its environs potentially destroying archaeology... Read more

  • Chris Jones-Jenkins

    UNESCO advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. The tunnel is too short to be effective, as the entrances still lie within the area of WHS.

  • Chris Pagan

    Any major work in the area of stonehenge will cause severe damage to a fragile site that cannot be replaced. There are enough roads to get round the site and people will just have to make allowances... Read more

  • Christine Carlton

    I have no specialist training in road planning or architecture or anything like that. But I am an engineer, albeit in electronics (and to a lesser extent mechanics), as well as just someone who... Read more

  • Christine Edwards

    Although I appreciate that people should be able to travel roads that are safe and as free from congestion as possible I do not think that the authorities, who have granted permission for this road to... Read more

  • Christopher Clark

    I have driven past Stonehenge hundreds of times, getting so much enjoyment from the experience. This plan will prevent others getting the same joy, benefitting the few at the expense of the... Read more

  • Christopher Dequincey

    The Stonehenge area is such an important World Heritage site that it should be preserved for the professionals to work in , should be protected from destruction for the knowledge of the Human past it... Read more

  • Christopher Porter

    This scheme, in it's present form, "flies in the face" of advice given by Unesco's advisors. Lack of less damaging options in consultation. Permanent damage to the archaeology of the World Heritage... Read more

  • ( )

    (1) This is a site of world concern. My role (founding an internet project (, @CityVoicEd) supporting ‘democracy’ in town and country planning) is to observe/record – and publish... Read more

  • Claire HC Keohane

    This is not the solution to the problem of heavy traffic using the 303 . Another solution must be found with great urgency - English Heritage are not the arbiter of what's best for our... Read more

  • Claire Maycock

    This scheme will cause irreparable damage to a landscape which is unique and precious, indeed, damage has already occurred at the Blick Mead Mesolithic site. This is a heritage area that belongs to... Read more

  • Claire Slater

    I have serious concerns about the impact of this on the world famous and unique site

  • Clare McGann

    I am very concerned at the inevitable damage which will be done to irreplaceable historical artefacts. There is simply no way this project can avoid such destruction. It is profoundly short sighted.... Read more

  • Clifford Clarke

    Present scheme would cause permanent damage to a WHS and its archeology and setting . There could be damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site . Lack of options in consultation which would preserve the WHS... Read more

  • Colin J Todd

    I strongly object to this as it clearly gives no protection or interest in preserving the historic site. They have already damaged one part drilling cores and have proved to show no care at all for... Read more

  • Colin Lingard


  • Crispin Horsfield

    It seems inevitable that this plan will destroy the archaeology surrounding the World Heritage Site that is Stonehenge. Traffic should be discouraged from going anywhere near Stonehenge.

  • Cyril Andrews

    Dear Sir/Madam, I object to this destruction of a National Heritage iste on the grounds of destruction to natural habitat and for the invasion that this will cause to the land and the historic... Read more

  • Danu Forest

    I strongly object to the current plans for the stonehenge tunnel, as it does not sufficiently protect the surrounding archaeology for future generations to a standard which is appropriate given the... Read more

  • David Beacham

    This is far too historic and sensitive to allow the unnecessary development to rip it up.

  • David Church

    The greater stonehenge site is unique in the world and Britain in character and completeness, so is of utmost cultural significance, as recognised by UNESCO when designating it a World Heritage... Read more

  • David George

    Without doubt the whole Stone henge site has not only fired the imagination but has given spectacular interest to generations of people of all ages. The unique importance of the WHOLE site has Beeb... Read more

  • David Gordon

    I object most strongly to the proposals for the A303 at Stonehenge. A general outline of my submissions is as follows: 1. Massive loss of amenity on the borders of the site. This includes: The... Read more

  • David Howes

    I'm objecting to the short-sighted, permanent and irreversible damage to a world heritage site

  • David Perrow

    I OBJECT to this project since it will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, which UNESCO describe as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international... Read more