
Lower Thames Crossing

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1101 to 1148 of 1148 representations, newest first.

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  • Rebecca Reynolds

    The LTC is an extremely expensive scheme costing £10 Billion and will not solve the problem of congestion. It will make congestion worse in the longer term due to induced traffic demand. There will be... Read more

  • Arup (Arup) on behalf of Redrow Homes Limited (Redrow Homes Limited)

    Redrow has an interest in development sites in the vicinity of, and area affected by, the Lower Thames Crossing (LTC). The following three points provide an outline of the principal submissions Redrow... Read more

  • Richard Keegan

    I believe that the option described below has not been fully explored by the promoters of the Lower Thames Crossing. For more than 100 years the London, Tilbury and Southend (LTS now C2C) Railway... Read more

  • Rimrose Valley Friends / Save Rimrose Valley (Rimrose Valley Friends / Save Rimrose Valley)

    I and the organisation I represent oppose The Lower Thames crossing for the following reasons: Transport is the UK's biggest generator of climate-wrecking CO2 emissions. Roads and the traffic they... Read more

  • Rita Godfrey

    My main points are: The need to reduce the building of new roads, including 'bypasses' in order to meet the government climate change goals. The reduction of the costs/benefit ration in light of... Read more

  • Rob Cox

    We live in [Redacted] cottages along North Road, South Ockendon. We understand that there will be a compound to the rear of our properties to be serviced by an access road to the side of the cottages.... Read more

  • Robert Blake

    I am opposed to the Lower Thames Crossing. It wouldn't fix things at the Dartford Crossing, and I believe the evidence actually shows it would make things worse. It is not worth the billions of pounds... Read more

  • Robert Wynn

    I m one of the landowners at Scalers Hill and have not bene satisfied with the approach of the proposed land agreement ( notwithstanding current negotiations).

  • Roger Lindley

    There is not much open land left between Gravesend and the Medway Towns. There is already the A2, the Medway bypass, the A226, the Gravesend to Strood railway and the HS1 railway in the vicinity. This... Read more


    Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order Application Planning Inspectorate Reference: TR010032 Text of Relevant Representation from the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) 23... Read more

  • Ruskin Landscapes Limited (Ruskin Landscapes Limited)

    We oppose the current DCO proposals on the basis that the new site location for the Construction compound presents far greater harm to the openness of the Green Belt and will incur greater costs to... Read more

  • Shoosmiths LLP (Shoosmiths LLP) on behalf of S&J Padfield & Partners LLP (S&J Padfield & Partners LLP)

    This relevant representation is submitted by Shoosmiths LLP on behalf of Christopher Scott Padfield, S&J Padfield & Partners LLP and S&J Padfield Estates LLP (together, our “client”), the owners of... Read more

  • Shoosmiths LLP (Shoosmiths LLP) on behalf of S&J Padfield Estates LLP (S&J Padfield Estates LLP)

    This relevant representation is submitted by Shoosmiths LLP on behalf of Christopher Scott Padfield, S&J Padfield & Partners LLP and S&J Padfield Estates LLP (together, our “client”), the owners of... Read more

  • Sara Muldowney

    I am against the LTC scheme and am particularly concerned about the health and environmental impacts of the scheme, as well as the cost. The scheme is based on pre-COVID data which is now out of date... Read more

  • Savannah

    I am strongly opposed to the LTC, this scheme is a waste of taxpayers' money in the cost-of-living crisis, equating to over 10 billion for construction and it is not fit for purpose.  I have been... Read more

  • Scott Seacombe

    The proposed LTC is meant to solve the congestion at the current Dartford Crossing, ok this point it fails completely. NH own data shows that the Dartford crossing will be busier when the LTC opens... Read more

  • Sharon Innes

    The impact on local roads and environment. Local voices to be heard.

  • Sheila Pinkstone

    This will not ease as proven by other roads, it will increase. Also it will badly affect the narrow road in my village causing traffic build ups as it has only one way in. Will cause unacceptable... Read more

  • South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment (South Coast Alliance for Transport and the Environment )

    SCATE believes that the regional repercussions of a new Lower Thames Crossing have been underestimated, that the implications for encouraging increased car use and climate change issues need... Read more

  • Richard Max & Co LLP (Richard Max & Co LLP) on behalf of St John's College, Cambridge (St John's College, Cambridge)

    Please see attached.

  • Pinsent Masons LLP (Pinsent Masons LLP) on behalf of St Modwen Developments Limited (St Modwen Developments Limited)

    This response is submitted by Pinsent Masons LLP on behalf of St Modwen Developments Limited ("St Modwen"). St Modwen is the developer and promoter of a proposed development known as Brentwood... Read more

  • Stephen Perrett

    The project would: increase traffic growth leading to more carbon emissions, and combined with the construction emissions (see below), the total carbon emissions from the scheme would be at least 6.6... Read more

  • Steven Edwards

    The proposed Lower Thames Crossing: • Would induce traffic demand – increasing cross river traffic by 50% (Private E Cars are a massive source of plastic particulates, contribute to congestion, road... Read more

  • Shoosmiths LLP (Shoosmiths LLP) on behalf of Stuart Mee (Stuart Mee)

    This relevant representation is submitted by Shoosmiths LLP on behalf of Stuart Mee (our “client”), the owner/joint owner and occupier of land located within the wards of Upminster (Manor Farm,... Read more

  • Stuart Richard Chappell

    It is not in the national interest to grant consent to a proposed development order without providing replacement ancient woodland. The consent order proposes use of immature tree saplings on... Read more

  • Stantec (Stantec) on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (Taylor Wimpey)

    This representation has been prepared by Stantec who are working on behalf of Taylor Wimpey (TW) in relation to their proposed development site know as ‘Land West of Hoo’ on the Hoo Peninsula in... Read more

  • TfSE (TfSE)

    Transport for the South East (TfSE) is a sub-national transport body (STB), which provides a single voice on the transport interventions needed to support sustainable economic growth across its... Read more

  • Thames Crossing Action Group (Thames Crossing Action Group)

    We are strongly opposed to the proposed LTC. Evidence shows that the project fails to meet the scheme objectives. 6.6 million tonnes of carbon emissions is not compliant with Net Zero. There is no... Read more

  • Thames Water (Thames Water)

    Thames Water have engaged with National Highways to address the risks of this scheme to our asset and its performance at Ockenden Road, Upminster, RM14 3QR. We have come to an agreement the terms of... Read more

  • Lichfields (Lichfields ) on behalf of The Church Commissioners for England (The Church Commissioners for England )

    The Church Commissioners for England (CCE) manage the historic property assets of the Church of England. Their Strategic Land Portfolio currently comprises circa 6,000 acres, with sites located... Read more

  • The Green Party of England and Wales (The Green Party of England and Wales)

    The representation I intend to submit relates to the carbon emissions from these proposals and the damage to the environment.

  • Barton Willmore, now Stantec (Barton Willmore, now Stantec) on behalf of The Hoo Consortium (The Hoo Consortium)

    Barton Willmore, now Stantec acts on behalf of the Hoo Consortium, which comprises the following 5No parties: • Church Commissioners • Dean Lewis Estates • Gladman Developments • Redrow Homes • Taylor... Read more

  • Thibault Jeakings

    I am concerned about the following points: - Induced demand creating more traffic, congestion and pollution for surrounding areas. - Increased carbon emissions as a result of the above. - Lack of... Read more

  • Tom Benton

    I object to the Lower Thames Crossing proposal. The new NMUs will cause a lot of problems with unauthorised access and anti social problems. We already get off road motorbikes, quads and 4x4s... Read more

  • Tony Bosworth

    I object to the scheme. It is entirely wrong to increase traffic and carbon emissions in a climate emergency.

  • Tracey Crouch CBE MP

    I am writing as the Member of Parliament for Chatham & Aylesford in order to register as an Interested Party for the upcoming inspection of the Lower Thames Crossing Development Consent Order. I... Read more

  • Transport Action Network (Transport Action Network)

    Transport Action Network OBJECTS to the DCO application for the Lower Thames Crossing. Our objection includes but is not limited to: CLIMATE CHANGE - the scheme would increase traffic growth leading... Read more

  • Transport for London (Transport for London)

    1. Introduction 1.1 Transport for London (TfL) is the integrated transport authority for Greater London, responsible for delivering the commitments in the Mayor’s Transport Strategy and London Plan.... Read more

  • Trina Dunk

    I object to the proposed lower thames crossing for the following reasons : I have lived in the gravesham area for 58 years and the destruction of land during the build will Destroy and impact... Read more

  • Valerie Adams

    Pollution and Air Quality Destruction of Green belt Wild life habitats Noise barrier

  • Hogan Lovells International LLP (Hogan Lovells International LLP) on behalf of Veolia ES Landfill Limited (Veolia ES Landfill Limited)

    Veolia is the owner and operator of the Ockendon landfill site at Medebridge Road, South Ockendon RM16 5TZ (the "Site"). The Site is within the order limits of the project (see Sheets 30, 34, 35, 36,... Read more

  • Vince Knight

    I am opposed to having this on our doorstep and the pollution and noise it will bring, further harming our health and that of our children. Spoiling our countryside and view is scandalous.

  • Wayne Sibley

    I object to this project

  • Wayne Thacker

    Environmental damage pre-construction, construction and post-construction. Vast carbon emissions! The cost of production. The negative impact on historic communities. Carving up and division of the... Read more

  • William Embliss

    I object to the proposed new Lower Thames crossing because as a country we need to achieve net Zero by 2050. Building a bridge that will encourage use of polluting vehicles that will create tons of... Read more

  • Woodland Trust (Woodland Trust)

    Dear Planning Inspector, The Woodland Trust is the UK's leading woodland conservation charity, aiming to protect native woods, trees and their wildlife for the future. We own over 1,000 sites across... Read more

  • Zoe Connell

    I think this will be really bad for biodiversity and local wildlife’s

  • Holland Land and Property (Holland Land and Property) on behalf of Linford Land Group and Mulberry Strategic Land Ltd (Linford Land Group and Mulberry Strategic Land Ltd)

    CA REG RR Dear Sir/Madam On behalf of our clients, Linford Land Group (AP1631) and Mulberry Strategic Land Ltd (AP1581) we write in respect of MRC03 and with reference to our previous representations... Read more