
A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 26 to 50 of 213 representations, newest first.

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  • John Robert Warrant

    With regard to Junction 21 Southern roundabout, I would very much like to see a point of access for a road to Maldon, bypassing Hatfield Peverel. As a resident of Hatfield Peverel, the through traffic... Read more

  • David John Knubley

    I am very supportive of the overall project and development plans, in particular those directly affecting the village of Rivenhall End and Oak Road. The decision to divide the village in half with the... Read more

  • Lord Rayleigh's Farms Ltd (Lord Rayleigh's Farms Ltd)

    We wish to make comments on; 1) The nature and extent of proposed permanent land take 2) The nature and extent of proposed temporary land take 3) Inadequate engagement between National Highways and... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    see separate written submission for RR

  • The Honourable John Frederick Strutt

    The compulsory acquisition of 58 acres of my land that is only required for temporary purposes (e.g. the borrow pit). No evidence has been provided that shows there is a need to permanently take this... Read more

  • Colin Cutler

    The project to widen the A12 will cause upheaval to many communities near the road, disrupt access to areas by emergency services and cause major disruption to commercial traffic from the coast to... Read more

  • Glenn Martin King

    My main issue is the same one I raised objections to during the earlier public consultation process. Namely that removal of Hatfield Peverel Junction 20a will increase the traffic through the village... Read more

  • Laura Blake

    I strongly oppose this proposed project because it would be destructive and harmful. At a time of climate emergency and Carbon Net Zero targets, a project that emits nearly 2 million tonnes of carbon... Read more

  • Sarah White

    Concerns about increase in traffic from Hatfield Peverel through Boreham and speeding. Wish to suggest 2 or 3 calming measures along main road Boreham if current slip road at 20a is closed off.

  • Christine Boyle

    The effect of the amount of traffic that is going through Boreham now and this is before work had started on this project - the speed is horrendous and unable to get onto the main road - we have just... Read more

  • Debbie Ingram

    Main concerns are extra traffic coming through the village, making it harder to get out of side roads & peoples drives making it more dangerous. Not to mention extra noise & pollution. This will... Read more

  • Victoria Burrows

    I want to unsure sufficient traffic calming will be put in place in Boreham as this scheme will increase traffic so much and it’s already much too busy for a small village.

  • Charles Henry Martin

    I am a net supporter of the A12 widening scheme. However, the closure of the existing Junction 20A between Boreham and Hatfield Peverel will, by National Highways own figures, increase through traffic... Read more


    Increased traffic along Main Road Boreham due to the closure of junctions 20a. Hatfield Peverel residents will not go back to junction 21 to the backtrack along the A12 to Chelmsford/London they will... Read more

  • Feering Parish Council (Feering Parish Council)

    We are submitting a response on behalf of Feering Parish Council. Feering Parish is going to be significantly affected by this scheme and the Parish Council are concerned about the effect on the local... Read more

  • Fernando César da Costa Magalhães

    I, as resident of Boreham village, I'm very concerned with the widening scheme planned. There are already a heavy traffic flow from A12 through our main road and church road and with this new scheme... Read more

  • Graham Ekins

    I am very concerned about the closure of the access road just west of Hatfield Peverel. The result is a massive increase in traffic through Boreham. This will make it difficult for those living on... Read more

  • Jan Webster

    This will absolutely destroy Boreham Village. It will become dangerous for childrens and residents due to the heavy flows of traffic in an emergency situation the emergency services wont be able to... Read more

  • Little Braxted Parish Council (Little Braxted Parish Council)

    The Parish Council has concerns that the existing link from the A12 slip road to Little Braxted will be adversely affected by the development, in so much that the link is removed, or that it is... Read more


    I am appointed as a Chartered Surveyor to act on behalf of claimants affected by the proposed scheme being the Brice Family and Brice Aggregates and wish to register for this process. The claimants... Read more

  • Alan Fisher

    The project should consider additional traffic calming measures in Boreham village.

  • Geoff Ambrose

    I think the closing of junction 20A is a gigantic mistake as this will automatically send more of the traffic which travels towards Chelmsford from the Maldon rd and Hatfield Peverel area through our... Read more

  • James Harrison

    Widening the A12 will cause negative impact on the local environment and the world climate. Such projects should not go ahead. We instead need investment in public transport and low carbon transport... Read more

  • Jo-Anne Mathieson

    I am opposed to running the traffic through boreham, it goes against the mission statement for the project, puts unnecessary pressure on the village road system. It will hamper emergency services... Read more

  • Linda Fisher

    Consideration should be given to cars joining Main Road from Plantation Road and Church Road.