
A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1 to 100 of 213 representations, newest first.

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  • Allan J Baker

    Due to the fact the new scheme will be directly behind our property and our neighbours The noise and the Veiw will be changed also the possible depreciation Of our property Values Are all concerns... Read more

  • Colchester Cycling Campaign (Colchester Cycling Campaign)

    I wish to draw the attention of the Inspectorate to the submission by Colchester Cycling Campaign which calls for a separate layer on the scheme so that cycling improvements and issues can be seen... Read more

  • Councillor William Sunnucks

    I am interested in a number of issues surrounding this scheme which is important to residents in my Rural North ward. One area of particular concern is linkage with the a120. Modelling needs to... Read more

  • Gerald Wells

    The proposals for junction25 will not work, having meet with representatives of Jacobs they have not process the traffic data sufficiently to appreciate the impact the proposed changes will make. They... Read more

  • Ian Mackenzie Scott-Thompson

    I live in Marks Tey, near the A120, which is a traffic bottleneck. I am also a keen walker and cyclist, and hope that safe and pleasant routes for pedestrians and cyclists can be planned around the... Read more

  • Mark East

    I am gravely concerned that the scheme as presented has not adequately considered the risk to human health in respect of residents living in Hatfield Peverel through increased traffic. The reports... Read more

  • Councillor Ross Playle

    [Redacted] many of the parishes and communities I represent have an interest in the plans being proposed.

  • Geraldine suskins

    Moving to feering impact of a12 on my property

  • Nigel Free

    We live next to A12 current and proposed. have lots of concerns of access and drainage. along with the control and upkeep of the old A12 when its de trunked etc.

  • Stephen Butcher

    the project is going to take away all of our garden causing our lives to be disrupted and stressed .

  • Dave Thompson

    The widening and changes to the A12 are long overdue. But they must fit within a plan for the A120 extension from Braintree to A12 as well as the proposed new house build along the existing A120 to... Read more

  • Tim Olley

    Concerned on the impact on local roads due to the changes to junctions on the A12, this suggests that the scheme fails in its stated aim to put traffic on appropriate roads

  • Sonya Louise Clover

    [Redacted] How will The widening affect my back garden ? And also the traffic whilst you are working in the widening through The Street.

  • Graham Peter Womack

    My main concerns relate to: 1. the ecological impact of the scheme (both during construction and when in operation); 2. The impacts of the proposed changes to junctions around Kelvedon and Feering; 3.... Read more

  • James Willis

    If the plans were approved the road works themselves would take a considerable amount of time and cause motorists increased journey times than already present. As we have seen with other road projects... Read more

  • john triston

    i am concerned about the additional traffic through Boreham on the B1137 with the closure of junction 20A.

  • John Walkinton

    One of my main concerns is how the Witham South junction is dealt with. Currently the local traffic from Witham to Hatfield Peverel and vice versa, has to join the north bound A12. This, in my mind,... Read more

  • Neil Edwin Osborne

    I think in general the proposal will be positive, as a daily user of the A12 to Chelmsford I think the changes will improve safety and traffic flow which will support Economic Growth. My only point of... Read more

  • Mike Sullivan

    I am concerned with how residents of Oak Road will gain access the A12 once the new plans are in place. For example- are we expected to drive through the already congested Witham town centre to access... Read more

  • John Alastair Lindsay

    Our small, 250 year old country cottage is now completely surrounded by this enormous project, with the red line delineating “order limits” abutting our boundary. We have been shown little or no... Read more

  • Mary Ann Lindsay

    Our small, 250 year old country cottage is now completely surrounded by this enormous project, with the red line delineating “order limits” abutting our boundary. We have been shown little or no... Read more

  • Chris Stevenson

    Interested in commenting on sustainable transport provision and also public rights of way and repurposing of bypassed sections of the current A12 alignment.

  • North East Essex Badger Group (North East Essex Badger Group)

    NEEBG has a log of badger setts (collected over many years) that may be impacted. We are keen to ensure that these have picked up during ecological surveys and ensure that mitigation will be planned... Read more

  • Steven Peake

    I use this section of the A12 virtually every day. I am keen for the infrastructure to be improved but am concerned about the impact of the construction phase.

  • Freddie Hacker

    I am in support of the project. I use the A12 at least 5 times a week, and due to the location of my home relative to my job I am unable to use public transport, therefore have to drive. On my 1 hour... Read more

  • John Robert Warrant

    With regard to Junction 21 Southern roundabout, I would very much like to see a point of access for a road to Maldon, bypassing Hatfield Peverel. As a resident of Hatfield Peverel, the through traffic... Read more

  • David John Knubley

    I am very supportive of the overall project and development plans, in particular those directly affecting the village of Rivenhall End and Oak Road. The decision to divide the village in half with the... Read more

  • Lord Rayleigh's Farms Ltd (Lord Rayleigh's Farms Ltd)

    We wish to make comments on; 1) The nature and extent of proposed permanent land take 2) The nature and extent of proposed temporary land take 3) Inadequate engagement between National Highways and... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    see separate written submission for RR

  • The Honourable John Frederick Strutt

    The compulsory acquisition of 58 acres of my land that is only required for temporary purposes (e.g. the borrow pit). No evidence has been provided that shows there is a need to permanently take this... Read more

  • Colin Cutler

    The project to widen the A12 will cause upheaval to many communities near the road, disrupt access to areas by emergency services and cause major disruption to commercial traffic from the coast to... Read more

  • Glenn Martin King

    My main issue is the same one I raised objections to during the earlier public consultation process. Namely that removal of Hatfield Peverel Junction 20a will increase the traffic through the village... Read more

  • Laura Blake

    I strongly oppose this proposed project because it would be destructive and harmful. At a time of climate emergency and Carbon Net Zero targets, a project that emits nearly 2 million tonnes of carbon... Read more

  • Sarah White

    Concerns about increase in traffic from Hatfield Peverel through Boreham and speeding. Wish to suggest 2 or 3 calming measures along main road Boreham if current slip road at 20a is closed off.

  • Christine Boyle

    The effect of the amount of traffic that is going through Boreham now and this is before work had started on this project - the speed is horrendous and unable to get onto the main road - we have just... Read more

  • Debbie Ingram

    Main concerns are extra traffic coming through the village, making it harder to get out of side roads & peoples drives making it more dangerous. Not to mention extra noise & pollution. This will... Read more

  • Victoria Burrows

    I want to unsure sufficient traffic calming will be put in place in Boreham as this scheme will increase traffic so much and it’s already much too busy for a small village.

  • Charles Henry Martin

    I am a net supporter of the A12 widening scheme. However, the closure of the existing Junction 20A between Boreham and Hatfield Peverel will, by National Highways own figures, increase through traffic... Read more


    Increased traffic along Main Road Boreham due to the closure of junctions 20a. Hatfield Peverel residents will not go back to junction 21 to the backtrack along the A12 to Chelmsford/London they will... Read more

  • Feering Parish Council (Feering Parish Council)

    We are submitting a response on behalf of Feering Parish Council. Feering Parish is going to be significantly affected by this scheme and the Parish Council are concerned about the effect on the local... Read more

  • Fernando César da Costa Magalhães

    I, as resident of Boreham village, I'm very concerned with the widening scheme planned. There are already a heavy traffic flow from A12 through our main road and church road and with this new scheme... Read more

  • Graham Ekins

    I am very concerned about the closure of the access road just west of Hatfield Peverel. The result is a massive increase in traffic through Boreham. This will make it difficult for those living on... Read more

  • Jan Webster

    This will absolutely destroy Boreham Village. It will become dangerous for childrens and residents due to the heavy flows of traffic in an emergency situation the emergency services wont be able to... Read more

  • Little Braxted Parish Council (Little Braxted Parish Council)

    The Parish Council has concerns that the existing link from the A12 slip road to Little Braxted will be adversely affected by the development, in so much that the link is removed, or that it is... Read more


    I am appointed as a Chartered Surveyor to act on behalf of claimants affected by the proposed scheme being the Brice Family and Brice Aggregates and wish to register for this process. The claimants... Read more

  • Alan Fisher

    The project should consider additional traffic calming measures in Boreham village.

  • Geoff Ambrose

    I think the closing of junction 20A is a gigantic mistake as this will automatically send more of the traffic which travels towards Chelmsford from the Maldon rd and Hatfield Peverel area through our... Read more

  • James Harrison

    Widening the A12 will cause negative impact on the local environment and the world climate. Such projects should not go ahead. We instead need investment in public transport and low carbon transport... Read more

  • Jo-Anne Mathieson

    I am opposed to running the traffic through boreham, it goes against the mission statement for the project, puts unnecessary pressure on the village road system. It will hamper emergency services... Read more

  • Linda Fisher

    Consideration should be given to cars joining Main Road from Plantation Road and Church Road.

  • Mark Dobson

    This road will do nothing but increase traffic along the A12. It will increase pollution and have a negative environmental impact in a time when we need to do all we can to protect the environment. It... Read more

  • Mel Sullings

    It will vastly increasing the amount of traffic coming through our small village and with many pedestrians walking along the main road I fear that there will be incidents. I disapprove of this plan... Read more

  • Ashfords LLP (Ashfords LLP) on behalf of Messing and Inworth Action Ground Limited (Messing and Inworth Action Ground Limited)

    Dear Sirs, Application by National Highways Limited for an Order granting Development Consent for the A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme – TR010060 s.56 Planning Act – Relevant Representation of... Read more

  • Messing and Inworth Parish Council (Messing and Inworth Parish Council )

    Dear Sirs, A12 Chelmsford to A120 Widening Scheme – TR10060 We write in respect of the above referenced application for Development Consent Order, submitted by National Highways to you on 15 August... Read more

  • Rosie Pearson

    I register an interest in the A12 widening scheme. The Option selected, Option 2, results in six additional lanes (Jn 22/23 and along the 5km stretch between Jn24/25, where the current four lanes seem... Read more

  • Sarah Moran

    Boreham cannot cope with any more traffic going through the village. With all the the new house build proposals as well, it will become gridlocked. It’s already busy and is only a village. The noise,... Read more

  • Andrew Gregory

    I'm extremely disappointed at the lack of consideration given to the existing unacceptable levels of noise pollution from the A12 past Boreham. There are inadequate measures in the proposed widening... Read more

  • Angela Miller

    The closure of the slip road to the southbound A12 will have a massive detrimental impact on the village of Boreham. The temporary closure of the northbound slip from the Boreham interchange is a... Read more

  • Climate Emergency Planning and Policy (Climate Emergency Planning and Policy)

    Dr Andrew Boswell, Climate Emergency Planning and Policy I am an independent environmental consultant specialising in climate science, policy, and law, and I object to the A12 Chelmsford to A120... Read more

  • John Angier

    I feel the whole project is flawed in the way it has been designed especially with the proposed closure of Junction 20A. The data on traffic volumes is understated in so many parts of the application.... Read more

  • paul Ian bilboe

    The closure of Junction 20A on the A12 Hatfield Peveril Essex. The increased traffic and associated problems this will caused to the already congested road through the village of Boreham has been ill... Read more

  • Steven Woodward

    We have recently moved to Boreham, from Chelmsford, and one the major reasons that we chose Boreham was its lovely village feel. We love the fact that people walk around, cheerily stopping for a chat.... Read more

  • Violet Richardson

    I live [Redacted], Boreham. Already I take my life in my hands every time I turn off my drive onto Main Road. Traffic is thundering down at 60 miles an hour. I am very concerned that this situation... Read more

  • Amy BRYANT

    Main issue / impact is the removal of the Hatfield Peverel junction 20a. The impact on Boreham will be high - a lot of unwelcome traffic having a negative impact on the village. Which will include... Read more

  • dawn martin

    living in the village of boreham I am very concerned about the increased traffic the closure of junction 20a will cause. The main road is already a very busy road and used as a cut through when the... Read more

  • Dorothy Sargeant

    Having problems with sleep due to traffic noise, pollution, not good for your health. The problem trying to cross main road boreham on foot due to heavy traffic. Also if trying to drive to town can't... Read more

  • Evelyn Patricia O'Kane

    Unacceptable increase in traffic along main road Boreham,causing danger to pedestrians especially children. Also will cause noise for local residents, pollution in air quality,sleep disruption, unable... Read more

  • Richard Buckthorpe-Cooper

    The closure of the Hatfield Peverel junctions must be reconsidered. The village is growing rapidly and is largely commuter populated. With the worsening train service from the station, more people are... Read more

  • Shaun Patrick o'kane

    Pollution.air quality.noise increase.unaccetable traffic increase.detriment to the village

  • Antonia Woodward

    I am extremely disappointed by the proposal to remove junction 20a and 20b on the A12. The removal of these will have the effect of diverting traffic from Maldon and the surrounding areas straight... Read more

  • David Leslie Buckle (David Leslie Buckle)

    It is madness to close junctions 20a & 20b. The bypass as is was built to alleviate traffic through Boreham village. By closing these junctions we are now going back many years to put traffic back... Read more

  • Jamie russell

    I would like to strongly object to this scheme. It will increase carbon emissions by almost two million extra tonnes. The construction emissions are 428,626 tCO2e (Table 15-21 of the Environmental... Read more

  • Tiptree Parish Council (Tiptree Parish Council)

    Tiptree Parish Council wishes to object to the A12 widening proposals in respect of the positioning of Junction 24 in Inwoth (Kelvedon) Road for the following reasons: 1. Tiptree is concerned that a... Read more

  • Barry Fenn

    Very concerned on the extra traffic coming through the village with the new proposed scheme. Noise, pollution,, the extra vehicle using th minor roads as rat runs, it's bad now. Concern about the... Read more

  • David McSweeney

    I have viewed the plans and see that there will be increased traffic directed through Boreham village. I do not have confidence that motorists travelling from Malden to Hatfield Peverel will turn... Read more

  • Heidi Robinson

    I am highly critical of this scheme because it will create more traffic for Boreham. Having lived here for over 65 years, recently widowed but wishing to remain independent by using public transport,... Read more

  • Janis Fenn

    I feel the A12 widening will severely affect the village of Boreham, both from pollution levels which are already felt from the increasing number of vehicles on both the A12 and having to come through... Read more

  • John Riley

    We are in a climate emergency and bigger roads are going to encourage more CO2 emissions, from construction to more journeys travelled. Then there is the issue of the destruction of the environment... Read more

  • Peter Offord

    “The world has entered a climate emergency, which demands that we increase action to address climate change at all levels as quickly as possible,” UN Climate Change Executive Secretary Patricia... Read more

  • Rebecca Adams

    Closing entry and or exit from the A12 at Hatfield Pevrel will severely impact the traffic through boreham. During any issues on the A12 the village already becomes a cut through and the traffic... Read more

  • Tina Teearu

    In these times of climate breakdown and collapsing ecosystems I think we should put a hold on ALL major road and rail projects as they will pump ever more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and make... Read more

  • Raymond Ian Terry STRUDWICK

    I am very concerned about National Highways traffic predictions for increased traffic through the villages of Messing and Inworth in relationship to the proposed location of the new Juntion 24, and... Read more

  • Rosemary Woodgate

    V concerned at impact on trees and the screening they give to ours and other houses . The new footbridge would be better placed at the bottom of Gershwin Boulevard rather than coming through the small... Read more

  • Sarah Eglington

    I wish to register my objections to this scheme. We are in a climate emergency, and recent record-breaking global heating and drought in the UK, Europe and around the world demonstrate that it is a... Read more

  • Chris van Aalst

    I have lived [Redacted] Boreham for 34 years and have seen the effect on this road when accidents close either junction to the A12 and it is bedlam! Therefore I am very concerned and against the... Read more

  • Essex Bridleways Association (Essex Bridleways Association)

    Consider the impact of the scheme upon equestrians

  • Gillian Hamilton-Barr

    I am very concerned regarding the closure of junctions 20a and 20b and the position of the new A12 junction. With the new layout Boreham will have more traffic passing through, estimated, 34% on Main... Read more



  • Peter Newland

    I am happy to support the widening of the A12 but cannot understand why this starts at Boreham rather than at the M25. I am opposed to the closure of junctions 20a and 20b as this will significantly... Read more

  • William Brown

    Concern about the closure of junction 20a and impact on Boreham through traffic being increased (particularly from Maldon area). Boreham does not lend itself to easy "traffic calming" measures due to... Read more

  • Anne Parsons

    I live in Boreham. The increased amount of traffic coming through our village, due to the slip road closure, will be enormous. We have been given some idea of this whilst work has been ongoing at the... Read more

  • Mr John Macrae

    I broadly support the proposals. I have concerns about noise and nuisance from reversing HGV construction vehicles in the planned "compound/laydown area" between [redacted]. This area is immediately... Read more

  • National Grid (National Grid)

    Relevant Representation of National Grid Electricity Transmission Plc in respect of the A12 Chelmsford to A120 widening scheme DCO (the “Project”) This relevant representation is submitted on behalf... Read more

  • BTF Partnership Chartered Surveyors on behalf of the Brice Family and Brice Aggregates limited (BTF Partnership Chartered Surveyors on behalf of the Brice Family and Brice Aggregates limited) on behalf of S Brice, Brice Aggregates, R A Brice & Partners. (S Brice, Brice Aggregates, R A Brice & Partners.)

    1.Environmental/Ecological Mitigation Land - excessive and impact on future use of adjoining land/quarry operations 2.Access to Quarry Site - no detail as to how access will be maintained during... Read more

  • Adrian Avery

    The scheme must consider diverting traffic away from Kelvedon. At present the number of lorries using Kelvedon High Street is unacceptable and dangerous. This needs to be considered in the final... Read more

  • Adriatic Land 9 Limited (Adriatic Land 9 Limited )

    Many thanks for your helpful explanatory email and drawings etc. relating to the scheme, the contents of which I have noted. Based on the information you have provided at this point, I confirm on... Read more

  • Ambrose Smith

    We are affected by the landtake

  • Cllr Bob Wright

    As one of the district councillors for this area I wish to register to be kept up to date on this process.

  • Dr Roslyn Marie Elliott

    Oak Road is a narrow residential turning off the current A12 that is used constantly by heavy goods vehicles and other traffic to reach the Commodity Centre and other commercial sites towards Maldon... Read more

  • Hannah Louise Rush

    I would like to register to express my opinions and concerns for the extra traffic this will cause through our village . It’s not only regarding the pollution it’s the time it takes to get anywhere.... Read more