
A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 231 of 231 representations, newest first.

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  • Edward Simpson

    The A66 is over-burdened road infrastructure. ‘Smart’ Satellite navigation systems often direct drivers to the A66 when travelling from London and the South East to Edinburgh and Glasgow – i.e. off... Read more

  • Emma Nicholson

    I object to NH DCO application to dual the Temple Sowerby to Appleby (west section) . I am impacted as landowner and homeowner. I submitted a 34 page written response to NH’s Statutory Consultation .... Read more

  • Ewen Estill

    The current proposal for the A66 is dangerous when set against the UK climate budget to reduce carbon. I want to express my objection The DCO application ignores the Climate Change Committes advice... Read more

  • Grant Rowley

    I have read teh Friends of the Lake District objection. i agree. The A66 dualling proposal is opposed. - Spending 2 billion of taxpayers money without considering alternatives to control traffic in a... Read more

  • Mary Clare Martin on behalf of Humphrey Taylor (Humphrey Taylor)

    My family moved to (REDACTED) in the 1950s and I have visited regularly since then. I am very concerned about the impact of the proposals for the Langrigg Junction on my sister and her husband, both... Read more

  • Jane Schofield

    I am a supporter of the community farm at Dyke Nook, Sandford. The planned route would compromise the farm and disadvantage the development of the farm. A better route would be to the north of this... Read more

  • Jo Shippam

    This series of schemes directly contravenes all government commitments at COP26 , less than a year ago , with regard to greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity . This 1960s obsessive road mindset is... Read more

  • Karen Baxter

    From a community point of view: I live on the A66 very close to Sandford junction. I have lived in this area for nearly 40 years and traffic flow has increased exponentially. We do need a new section... Read more

  • Kathryn Nicholson

    I own a property in Kirkby Thore. I am concerned that the village will now become a rat run for two reasons. 1. Traffic using the proposed junction to the north of Kirkby Thore to divert of the A66... Read more

  • Long Marton Parish Council (Long Marton Parish Council)

    The Parish Council wishes to make representation about the moving of the junction and the removal of the junction at Appleby. As the removal of the Appleby Junction has been totally removed we believe... Read more

  • Mary Clare Martin on behalf of Louis Martin (Louis Martin)

    As a campaigner for divestment from fossil fuels, I am horrified by the number of extra roads , junctions and other blots on the landscape involved in this scheme. My grandparents who are in their... Read more

  • Lucinda Rowley

    I operate a holiday business in the Eden Valley which has frontage unto the Eden River. I object to the A66 dualling proposal in particular the proposal for the Temple Sowerby- Appleby section. many... Read more

  • Edwin Thompson LLP (Edwin Thompson LLP) on behalf of Metcalf Family (Metcalf Family )

    • The proposals will have a significant impact upon the farming business. The land which will be affected is used mainly to graze the dairy herd throughout the summer months, this land cannot just be... Read more

  • Michael Philip Drew

    I am writing on behalf of myself and my wife, as I did to the Statutory Consultation. We live in a Grade 2 listed building on (REDACTED). is part of the A67. It is immediately after the Barnard Castle... Read more

  • George F White LLP (George F White LLP) on behalf of Mr A Watson (Mr A Watson)

    On behalf of my Clients, I intend to raise through written representations and replies, and if appropriate oral representations at a Hearing and Compulsory Acquisition Hearing concerns relating to the... Read more

  • Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd (Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd) on behalf of Mr Keith Steadman (Mr Keith Steadman)

    Our client has a small land holding and the area of land to be taken seems to be excessive. Detailed information is needed on whether the land is to be taken permanently or temporarily and whether it... Read more

  • Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd (Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd) on behalf of Mrs S Strong (Mrs S Strong)

    Mrs Strong is the owner/occupier of (REDACTED). The project will cut the farm into 2 sections which will be accessed via an underpass. The land take plans currently issued show excessive areas of land... Read more

  • Nicola Renison

    I wish to set out my objection to the A66 proposal. I am most concerned about the Temple Sowerby - Appleby section. I particularly object to the agricultural land take this road will result in at a... Read more

  • Nina Caygill

    I am a local resident and object to the A66 dualling in particular the Temple Sowerby - Appleby section which I fear will have a detrimental impact on the North Pennine AONB. The physical boundary... Read more

  • Parker Family

    We object to the proposed change in road infrastructure on the A66 at Kirkby Thore. This is due to the significant environmental impact of the project which we believe will do far more harm than... Read more

  • Paul Caygill

    I object to the A66 application for a DCO. I am concerned about the impact of this project on the River Eden and share the view of the Eden River Trust that ther route selected in detrimental to the... Read more

  • Penrith and Eden Green Party (Penrith and Eden Green Party)

    A66 Northern Trans-Pennine Project – concerns registered by Penrith and Eden Green Party The proposed dualling of the A66 between Penrith and Scotch Corner is a major road building operation that will... Read more

  • Raymond Bromby

    Due to the poor record Warcop has of houses being flooded due to high rainfall, I am very concerned about any increase in Highways drainage being taken to the main stream through Warcop, called Crooks... Read more

  • Rebecca Ferson

    I am a regular visitor to the Lake District and the Eden Valley. The landscape of this area is recognised in the awarding of World Heritage Status. The recent extension of both the LD and Yorkshire... Read more

  • Edwin Thompson LLP (Edwin Thompson LLP) on behalf of Richardson Family (Richardson Family )

    DCO A66 Trans-Pennine September 2022 Objection – Richardson Further to our previous letter of objections to the November and February consultation. Please find below further objections following the... Read more

  • Rokeby, Brignall and Egglestone Abbey Parish Council (Rokeby, Brignall and Egglestone Abbey Parish Council)

    The exposed and imposing Rokeby junction on the Black route, although avoiding the listed Rokeby Park, places the underpass and associated junction at 190m above sea level and will break the current... Read more

  • Edwin Thompson LLP (Edwin Thompson LLP ) on behalf of Stephen Reay (Stephen Reay )

    DCO A66 Trans-Pennine September 2022 Objection – Stephen Ian Reay, (REDACTED) Land Held Under Title Number: CU148142 plus Unregistered Land. Please see below objection points to the above land being... Read more

  • Susan Hammersley

    Along with my husband and others I am a stakeholder in the Dyke Nook Community Farm. The farm will be compromised by the planned route change.

  • Mary Clare Martin on behalf of Susanna Lucy martin (Susanna Lucy martin)

    I am very concerned about the destruction of the landscape and the beautiful views inherent in the whole scheme, and particularly the Langrigg Junction and associated new roads. Additional junctions... Read more

  • Tim Nicholson

    In the text below "We" refers to the land owners Mrs Felicity Nicholson and Mr Timothy Nicholson who are partners in RK&GF Nicholson and Timothy Nicholson and Emma Nicholson who are directors of... Read more

  • Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd (Ian Ritchie Land Agents Ltd) on behalf of Tyson Family (Tyson Family)

    Our clients own (REDACTED) which is a small holding. A flyover to access West View farm is to be constructed. Plans showing land to be taken in general terms have been issued but detailed Land... Read more