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I am opposed to this project because the expansion is likely to have an impact on the value of my property. As an owner of a property that's in the vicinity, I believe I am entitled to a fair...
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Excessive noise from 6am until 11pm causing sleep disruption,sometimes unable to hold a conversation with neighbours and friends outside also need to close windows to listen to radio and TV which is...
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The expansion of Luton airport will cause loss of air quality on a local level and contribute to global warming on an international level through the carbon emissions of the aircraft.
We thank you for the opportunity to comment, on yet another revised Luton Airport expansion plan, the fourth such consultation within five years. We note that the amount of documentation is now so...
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RELEVANT REPRESENTATION Representation by Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent) to the London Luton Airport Expansion Development Consent Order (DCO) Cadent is a licensed gas transporter under the Gas Act 1986,...
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I strongly object to LAE future expansion due to the following reasons - Noise Pollution , Light Pollution , Air Pollution , Road Infrastructure , Traffic , Wildlife issues and finally the scamming...
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Concerns over pollution Concerns over highway infrastructure/ additional traffic
Ridiculous to expand flying when we are in such a climate emergency
The proposed expansion in the number of flights is unsustainable at a time when carbon emissions urgently need to be reduced to net zero. The catastrophic effects of climate change are already having...
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I am deeply worried about the impact on the local community and surrounding areas if the airport is expanded.
We are in a climate crisis driven by burning of fossil fuels. More flights will add to this by causing more CO2 from aviation fuel and increased traffic to the airport. For those living locally, more...
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The expansion of Luton Airport will cause considerable distress to residents on the flight path into the airport from the east. The change in the stack and hold pattern has resulted already in...
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Noise - routine flights pass at their closest to us at 2,500 feet an,d in the middle of the day, every 10 minutes or so. If we are in our garden, conversation has to be repeated. Increasing the...
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Main issue: the high carbon impacts of airport expansion, both in the build and in the increase in aviation traffic. We have to be drastically cutting our carbon emissions to retain a livable planet...
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I am totally against the proposed expansion of the airport. It is quite large enough as it is. I have lived near the airport for over 40 years and have used it for 40 years. My experiences of the...
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Noise, particularly from aircraft departing in an easterly direction over Breachwood Green, has already reached an unacceptable level. In addition to night flights, there is a peak starting at 06:00...
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I have been pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the benefit we...
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Negative impact on environment from increased air travel and traffic to airport. Negative impact on noise pollution levels in heavily populated local areas.
We should develop and democratise the railways not the aviation industry. Not many parts of the world are now left untouched by the climate emergency. We know what the consequences are. Increasing...
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I’m against the project to extend Luton airport and increase passenger numbers I object to it on the basis of noise pollution, too much road traffic, and environmental pollution, and the negative...
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We need to cut carbon emissions not increase them to protect all our futures.
Although I understand the need for Luton Council to create jobs and revenue for the town, I disagree with the increase in pollution and co2 emissions that will accompany a bigger airport. Yes jobs are...
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Please do not expand Luton airport or seek to rapidly expand passenger numbers - first and foremost as aviation is a big contributor to the climate emergency, but also because of local pollution and...
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I would like to object to the expansion based on: 1) Environmental concerns - noise pollution over our village, climate change impact, night flight impacts, extra car congestion and traffic on the M1...
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My wife and I have lived in Kimpton for 17 years. We have noticed an enormous increase in the number of flights from Luton Airport over this period. The flights start around 6am and continues...
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