
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 426 to 450 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Miss Diane Marie Moulster

    Expansion of the airport will destroy parkland (Wigmore Valley Park, causing a loss to natural habitat, home to varied flora and fauna will cease to exist. It will cause planted roundabouts to be... Read more

  • Miss Samantha Britten

    I believe that by allowing this airport expansions it will kill off alot of wildlife and plant life in the local area. Luton already falls short of its green spaces and Wigmore park is used by... Read more

  • Ananth Vishwanath Rao Nadiger on behalf of Nadiger (Nadiger)

    As an affected household in the landing flight path, I would like to register my comments towards the proposed application of London Luton Airport expansion project: * The potential raise of the... Read more

  • Philip Woods

    I was born in the village of Kensworth and still work the land as a farmer. Over the 60+ years I have seen Luton airport grow. Living in a conservation area and an ANOB I am very concerned about the... Read more

  • Robert Thurlby

    I am very concerned about the increase in Noise which have a huge negative impact on me. I am very concerned about the increased carbon emissions, especially from aircraft. I am very concerned about... Read more

  • Salvatore Cardinale

    I think the expansion of the airport would be great for both the community and the town. It would create lots of work for numerous people.

  • Sharon Drain

    In a time of crisis with the global climate and the destruction of our wildlife habitats we cannot allow this project to go ahead. We should be reducing air travel. Do not stick your heads in the sand... Read more

  • Susan Cotton

    There are too many aircraft flying at low levels over this area. Sleep is disturbed constantly throughout nights already. The proposed expansion does not take into consideration how many people will... Read more

  • Tina Lord

    There are already many aircraft overflying us at a low enough level to be intrusive. This is particularly bad in the morning and wakes me up, especially in the summer when the windows are open. Also... Read more

  • Tracey Hill

    The trees and beautiful open space local in Wigmore Park and our roundabouts need to be kept. This destruction cannot happen, our local environment keeps so many people positive in mind and spirit.... Read more

  • Alan Craig

    The ruling Labour Council, which has partisan support and cannot be changed by those most affected by the airport expansion plans, is hellbent on a slash and burn programme. It can only see profit... Read more

  • Anita wilson

    I object to the de vegetarization of the area, the excessive traffic lights & new roads, the destroying of wildlife & just ruining a beautiful area & parks

  • Ann Adlem

    1. The changes will impact local wildlife. 2. The roads in and around Eaton Green Rd and Wigmore are already congested, this proposal will make it much worse, not to mention the noise levels. 3.... Read more

  • Barry Leonard Cottle

    I have the misfortune to live under the East/West flight path approach to LAP. In consequence we suffer very regular flights directly overhead and at comparatively low altitude. This is both noisy and... Read more

  • Christopher Endicott

    - Recently subjected to changes to Luton Airport flight paths, that, with no consultation or warning have caused huge amounts of overflight noise to our quiet, semi-rural local area. - Already bad... Read more

  • Connected Places Catapult (Connected Places Catapult)

    On behalf of the Connected Places Catapult I am writing to express our support for the Luton Rising airport expansion DCO. We believe that this project will bring significant benefits to the local... Read more

  • Dame Joyce Plotnikoff

    Increase in road traffic: We live on a narrow country lane (two cars cannot pass abreast outside our house) with no pavement on either side. Church Lane is already used as a 'rat run' between... Read more

  • Elaine O Farrell

    I object for the following reasons: My back garden faces Wigmore Lane, as I live opposite ASDA. Under this proposal this section of Wigmore Lane will be expanded to four lanes. This will mean peak... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    Thank you for consulting the Forestry Commission on this proposal. As the Governments Forestry experts, we endeavour to provide as much relevant information to enable the project to reduce any impact... Read more

  • Howard Godfrey

    The noise from the planes is excessive, especially if they take off to the east over our village. In the evenings the TV is drowned out by the noise, which is every 5 minutes sometimes but set to... Read more

  • James Cameron

    I strongly onject to the expansion because flight path is directly over our home We are subject to direct polution

  • John West

    We have lived in the property since Feb 2015, just over 8 years. When we purchased the property, we were fully aware of its proximity to the airport and that the flight path goes over the house and... Read more

  • Kathleen craig

    My house will be surrounded by 4 lane highways, and increased noise and pollution from additional traffic having to stop and start at the ridiculous number of traffic lights proposed. Our quality of... Read more

  • Kh Butt

    I strongly support expansion of Luton airport. This will definitely brings a lot of opportunities for not only for the local council but local public snd surrounding areas. This will make an impact on... Read more

  • Linda Lane

    I oppose the planned Luton Airport expansion for the following reasons. The number of passengers will increase from 18 million to 32 million per year therefore causing more congestion on our already... Read more