
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 1051 to 1075 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Jennifer Marjorie Moore

    The noise from incoming aircraft is frequent and noisy now. An increase in aircraft particularly at night is totally unacceptable.

  • Jennifer Maryan

    We have enough plane’s flying all through the night now any more would make it unbearable to sleep. They fly over our house putting the under carriage down some making a very load noise.Even Heathrow... Read more

  • Joe Brown

    Im interested in seeing what will be done in regards to traffic and expanding car park permits systems further away from the current areas under this scheme. Along with compensation or supplying... Read more

  • John Brian Alexander

    I shall want to know about the proposed projecf in order to know if it will affecf adversely my quality of life - in which case I shall want to raise concerns

  • John Duncan

    It is perfectly clear that in order to reach the Net Zero 2050 goals established in law that we cannot allow airport expansion of this nature.

  • John Marsham

    I am a climate scientist. Increasing flights is totally at odds with our legally binding emissions targets. See ccc repirts I am a father. I am genuinely terrified for my children's futures due to... Read more

  • John Martin Pinney

    I would like to know the details regarding how you are going to monitor noise levels whilst doing the expansion works I would also like to know the traffic management plans for all the road works

  • John Michael Humphreys

    The V shaped hedge between 7.32 and 7.44 on our land in Tea Green is not necessary as the Airport cannot be seen here due to rising ground. The hedge 7.39 in front of our house will block excellent... Read more

  • Joseph Kelly

    I am writing to express my strong objection to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, as outlined in the recent Application submitted by Luton Rising. As a resident of the affected area and a... Read more

  • Joyce Family (Joyce Family) on behalf of Joyce Family (Joyce Family)

    Concerns over: Increased Noise Increased Carbon Omissions Negative impact on health and environment. Impact on reducing home value due to these issues. Increase in traffic.

  • Julian Wathen

    Luton airport, from my experience as a passenger there over >20 years, is I’ll-equipped to deal with its current passenger volume with just one runway. It has been a near perpetual building site for... Read more

  • Juliet nolan

    I do not support the expansion of the airport or passenger numbers, this will lead to more noise, more pollution, more road traffic, congestion snd pollution near the airport and most significantly... Read more


    Impact to my quality of life

  • Karen Kester

    If we are serious about the climate emergency this expansion of Luton Airport cannot go ahead. It feels as though the council is trying to grow its way out of trouble and debt which is a very short... Read more

  • Kate Netherton

    I object to the expansion of Luton Airport on environmental grounds as it will reduce the likelihood of the UK meeting its emissions targets

  • Kate Penning

    Luton Airport must not double passenger capacity because we are in the midst of climate catastrophe and Luton Borough Council are going in completely the wrong direction with this. Luton also has dire... Read more

  • Keith Raymond Gissing

    I would like to see alterations to the approach and parking, especially of bus and coach vehicles

  • Kensworth Parish Council (Kensworth Parish Council)

    The main objection the Parish Council wish to note is: Unacceptable increased Noise Pollution expected from significant rise in the number of passengers from 18m to 32m, in particular night flights.

  • kevin driver

    Luton Airport loses money. The council has over half a billion in loans to pay back. Luton is the most air-polluted town of it's size in the country. But Luton council wants to double the number of... Read more

  • Kevin Griffiths

    Noise pollution over rural villages is already disruptive and upsetting lots of residents. There were noise level monitors recording for a while but it seems planes were routed away for the duration... Read more

  • Kevin Stephens

    Aside from Employment opportunities I Want to know impact on Noise / Infrastructure/ Pollution /Greenbelt / Quality of Life for existing residents

  • Kornelia Deppe

    As a Luton resident, I strongly oppose this application because I believe such significant additional expansion will cause further noise pollution in the local and broader area, put an unsustainable... Read more

  • Kristin Coldwell

    We are supposed to be demonstrating climate leadership as a country and supporting sustainable forms of transport. Expanding Luton Airport takes us in the opposite direction. Moreover, the airport is... Read more

  • Laura Fellows

    Planning to double the passenger numbers at Luton airport, while the climate & ecological crises worsen on a global scale is insane. We cannot afford the extra CO2 emissions this will bring, let alone... Read more

  • Laurie Gibson

    I think that in order to combat climate change air travel needs to be minimised. Expanding an airport goes against this, therefore I oppose these changes.