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Increase in passenger numbers on the proposed scale could lead to almost continuous overhead flight noise, 24 hours each day. Quality of life will be seriously impacted, particularly during summer...
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Why does a small airport such as luton need to have the facility for so much night traffic.The aircraft fly only 200 feet above our property but we are not thought to have any input to any comments...
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I'm concerned about the environment, particularly the areas in the flight path
Already the frequency , noise and pollution from aircraft’s over our village is unacceptable.. as shown by the noise monitors . I do not agree to expansion on these grounds
The civil parish of Whipsnade lies underneath the flight path for aircraft landing to the east at Luton Airport runway 07 with approaches of landing aircraft at heights approximately 2,000 ft. above...
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Aircraft fly over Woodside Park day and night, causes severe noise pollution and preventing the residents from quiet enjoyment of their homes and gardens. In the curent hot weather having our windows...
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I am against the extension of the Luton airport extension
It is My opinion that The Lives of all people Living in Breachwood Green , Wigmore and Luton Will Be Made A complete Nightmare if this project is allowed to become a reality . There is no compensation...
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Additional traffic on local roads, causing additional time for me to get to work and do the school run. The impact on the environment and local parks and wildlife and fumes from Car exhausts whilst...
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The planned expansion of Luton Airport will result in more jobs for the local population and boost the local economy and ultimately help the Council achieve its Luton 2040 vision. The investment in...
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I am very concerned about the proposed expansion of Luton Airport at all, but I understand stand this is well in advance of a 15 year agreement. The proposed increase in flights will badly affect me...
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We are pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to express support for its objectives and its application for...
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I am happy to follow the decision of the planning authority. I confirm that I am in favour of the proposed development
I am in support of the project. I think that consideration has been given to residents, wildlife, fauna and flora in the vicinity of the extension and surrounding areas. Apart from Luton Airport being...
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As a Lutonian resident, I fully support the expansion of the airport; I had had the opportunity to work for an airliner, for the airport and now I am part of the council staff team, and the impact,...
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My main concerns are the increased traffic noise at all hours of the day and the difficulty in accessing the Wigmore estate both by car and on foot. I have lived here for over 38 years.
Luton airport is a crucial asset for the area for ease of travel. It is a ‘community airport’ and makes a massive contribution to the wellbeing of Luton. .
Issue; increased aircraft at 5000ft directly above Baldock. Flight path could move eastwards and miss Baldock, as previous flight path did before holding point changed to st Neots. Increase to 32...
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Overall I think the Luton Airport Expansion is a good idea as it will create more jobs for the town, hopefully rectifying some of the poverty issues faced. Knowing that for every passenger travelling...
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I am writing to express my support for the proposed expansion of Luton Airport. The economic impact on the area will be of immense value in coming years, and the expansion will create job...
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I am very concerned about this project and feel the expansion is unnecessary and will have a negative impact on the environment and my family's living conditions. It will also have a detrimental...
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There are 2 fundamental concerns [a] air quality degraded from significantly increased environmental pollution due to greenhouse gasses arising from Luton airtraffic eg PM2.5, CO2, NOx [b] noise...
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I am concerned that the data informing the model for this expansion has not been made public and would therefore not have been challenged. The stress that this will cause current highways...
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Expanding airports goes against recommendations of the UK climate change committee, iupcc and the UN in meeting net zero targets. We have UK climate legislation that is being ignored by most other...
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The impact the airport already has on our ability to sleep and even converse outside of the house is unreasonable. Adding further this will not only pollute air further, but it will increase sleepless...
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