
London Luton Airport Expansion

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  • Lin Ball

    We are in the midst of a climate emergency and increasing air travel is the very last thing we should be doing! Growth like this is really not necessary. We need to think about the future for our... Read more

  • linda smith

    If this airport expansion goes ahead it will make life unbearable for the people of south Luton and the surrounding areas . the noise and smell of aviation fumes is already bad enough .The noise... Read more

  • Linda Williams

    I oppose the planned expansion as I live under the flight path and sometimes the noise is very bad and at peak season there is hardly a break in noise between one plane and the next. I am woken in the... Read more

  • Liz O'Connell

    I oppose this project because of the additional pollution and environmental damage.

  • London Southend Airport (London Southend Airport)

    Submission to Planning Inspectorate: Luton Airport DCO This submission is being made by London Southend Airport (LSA). Overall, LSA supports the notion of allowing UK airports to grow to serve their... Read more

  • Louise Brown

    Luton Airport loses money. The council has over half a billion in loans to pay back. Luton is the most air-polluted town of its size in the country. We do not need this expansion that will impact on... Read more

  • Louise Victoria Costa-Sa

    I do not believe that there is the need for further airport expansion around London. Luton is right next to the Chilterns AONB and the easterly landing goes directly over the top of part of the AONB.... Read more

  • Lucile Bertolaso-Scarlett

    Luton Airport expansion is not a sustainable project. It's not in favour of Luton's population. The existing air and noise pollution, not to mention traffic implications, are all important indicators... Read more

  • Luton Airport Operations Limited (Luton Airport Operations Limited)

    London Luton Airport Operations Limited (“LLAOL”) (Registration Number: 03491213) confirms its support for the Development Consent Order (DCO) application to expand London Luton Airport to 32 million... Read more

  • Luton Friends of the Earth (Luton Friends of the Earth)

    FoE registration to object – summary Development Consent Order by Luton Council to expand from 18 to 32 million passengers during an accelerating Climate and Nature Emergency Luton Friends of the... Read more

  • Luton Law Centre (Luton Law Centre)

    We have been pleased to learn that Luton Rising has submitted its application for the long-term sustainable growth at the airport. We would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the benefit we... Read more

  • Lyn Bliss

    I am totally against expanding Luton airport. With climate change we should be encouraging people to fly less. We should be working out how to reduce capacity not increase it. Those who live close to... Read more

  • Lynda Cameron

    My concerns are: 1.The aircraft are now on a different flight path on take off and landing and are getting closer to Breachwood Green. This causes increased levels of noise in the house and in the... Read more

  • Manish Dhokia


  • Marcin Oldakowski

    We are not pleased with the fact the airport will be bigger because the airplanes will cause a lot more noise which is already insufferable. With more traveller's arriving at the airport more cars... Read more

  • Margaret Bonnard

    I believe it to be a forward move for the town.

  • Margaret Burnage

    Aircraft noise especially at night Aircraft direction on takeoff over Breachwood Green they seem to be coming nearer the village. Pollution More traffic on unsuitable country lanes Expansion not... Read more

  • Margaret E Ross

    As a resident and house owner in Breachwood GreenI wish to strongly object to the proposal for the expansion of Luton Airport. • The proposed increase in flights would greatly increase the often... Read more

  • Margaret Maria Geary

    I believe that the proposed expansion is too large and will be disastrous for residents and the environment of the area. It will be a blight for many residential homes and public areas, particularly... Read more

  • Margaret Rose White

    Luton was recently voted the worst place to live in England 2023. Now Luton Borough Council (LBC) want to inflict more misery on residents by proposing a major expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA).... Read more

  • Margaret Stewart

    NOISe, NOISe NOISE. Phone calls are stopped until plane passes. Window’s having to stay closed even when good weather, and daily interruption to WI FI and on streaming tv. Also concerned about... Read more

  • Maria Petersen-Keith

    The level of disruption and air pollution as it is already is enough. We do not need that to be doubled! There are several airports already servicing London - enough is enough. There’s a climate... Read more

  • Marie Cameron

    I believe the proposed plans will be detrimental to our local area, increase in noise, pollution, traffic local access to amenities and more. At a time when the future needs research and funds put... Read more

  • Marilyn Whittle

    I oppose Luton Airport’s application to increase passenger capacity to 30 million. I oppose any further expansion of Luton Airport. I feel that London Luton Airport (LLA) and Luton Borough Council... Read more

  • Mario May

    The air in and around Luton is already toxic. The noise from aircraft is a constant and stressful problem. At a time when we are trying to reduce CO2 emissions, expanding an airport implies we plan to... Read more