
London Luton Airport Expansion

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  • mark allen

    The flights over north and east St Albans have had a significant impact to reduce quality of life. Noise pollution and no doubt air pollution. Walking in Hertswood now to the accompaniment of... Read more

  • Mark Butterfield

    I am totally against this needless expansion for many reasons with the main ones being the impact the expansion will have on the local residents on top of what we already have to put up with and the... Read more

  • Susan Martell on behalf of Martell (Martell)

    Aircraft Noise and increased air pollution from traffic going to Luton and the plane itself and building on green belt or increased building due to the need for added infrastructure for this huge... Read more

  • Martin waggott

    After the last air traffic change ,we now have more and more planes flying low over our house .If you increase the amount of passengers we will not be able to our garden at all due to the noise of the... Read more

  • Mary Ann Lund

    We are in a climate emergency. While the UK should be committed to the terms of the Paris Agreement in order to keep the temperature rise capped by 1.5c, we are absolutely not on course to achieve... Read more

  • Matt Fisher

    We are in a climate emergency! The extra traffic, air and noise pollution all are a step in the wrong the direction. Show leadership at this level and stop this poorly considered environmental... Read more

  • melanie parker

    I am concerned about the environmental impact of air travel. I think that as the airlines increase the supply of destinations and frequency of flights, and market them heavily, then demand rises to... Read more

  • Michael Errol Smith

    Obviously it will make the flight path more busier, so the people in the flight path will have to be compensated for the extra disruption.

  • Mike Payne

    Whilst I live under the flight path into Luton, and there will be an inevitable increase in aircraft in and out, I believe that upgrading the airport and associated infrastructure is a good thing. Not... Read more

  • Miss Sophie Smith

    An expansion will be of significant detriment to us for several reasons. -The significant increase in both noise and air pollution which will affect our quality of life, physical and mental health.The... Read more

  • Mr Allan Thomason

    I note that London Luton Airport Limited (LLAL) is proposing successive increases from 18 mppa now to 21.5 mppa by 2027 (+20%) then 27 mppa by 2037 (+50%) and 32 mppa by 2040 (+78%). LLAL’s proposals... Read more

  • Mr garry greensmith

    This project will change my way of life as it effecting my lifestyle before this project is passed. Planes flying to low causing noise levels above the recomend levels submitted by government and... Read more

  • mr johan ward

    Luton Rising expansion plans do not represent the community. The expansion plans are an attack upon the luton community and surrounding areas. The plans will degrade the quality of life for people.... Read more

  • Mr P Sturgess

    I have concerns about noise and air pollution, and the strain on local infrastructure. Current operations do not always stick to agreed flight paths so the problem will only get worse with expansion.

  • Mr Peter M Graham

    I live under the flight path for landings when there is an easterly wind and planes fly over at well under 1000 feet. When outside, all conversation is effectively impossible, likewise telephone... Read more

  • Mrs J Glass

    Whilst I can understand the reasons for the airport expansion, and I can see the benefits that it will bring to the town, I am against the proposals. This is due to the impact it will have on the... Read more

  • Mrs Jacqueline Murray-Fowler

    We don't want the skies above us becoming like our roads - over congested We have lived directly under the incoming flight path for 27 years, having previously lived in Slip End (our choice - yes) &... Read more

  • Mrs Jane sheppard

    We do not have the infrastructure locally to support expansion of the airport. The local roads are already too busy due to our proximity to the motorway . The noise would definitely Impact on the... Read more

  • Mrutyunjaya Kuruvatti

    I do not support the airport expansion. It will have a highly negative environmental impact and should not not be approved for this reason alone. We should be trying to reduce and not expand air... Read more

  • Ms Gail Foster

    Grave concerns about the impact on environment. Especially the increased air pollution and noise levels around Park Town and surrounding villages around flight path.

  • Ms Jane Timmis MBE

    I am a Borough Councillor and Parish Councillor for an area heavily affected by the Westerly flightpath. I am a member of the Luton Airport Consultative Committee and the Noise and Tracks Scrutiny... Read more

  • Neil Blake

    Hi, I live right under the current flight path for the Luton airport and the noise pollution is already significant day and night. This proposed development would only increase the frequency of planes... Read more

  • Neville Doe

    Our ref: PL00764682 PINs Ref: TR020001 The Historic Buildings and Monuments Commission for England (HBMCE) is better known as Historic England, and we are the Government’s adviser on all aspects of... Read more

  • New Economics Foundation (New Economics Foundation)

    About the New Economics Foundation 1. This relevant representation was prepared by Dr Alex Chapman on behalf of the New Economics Foundation (NEF). NEF is a charitable think tank with a mission to... Read more

  • Nicholas Cox

    We are in a climate emergency, people are dying and species are becoming extinct. We need to achieve nett zero as quickly as possible. Fossil fuelled aviation is not compatible with this aim. There... Read more