
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1276 to 1300 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Dacorum Borough Council (Dacorum Borough Council)

    Relevant Representation of the Hertfordshire Host Authorities 1. Pre-Submission The host authorities’ consultancy team 1.1 Pre-submission the Hertfordshire host authorities (Dacorum, Hertfordshire and... Read more

  • Daisy Cooper MP

    I am applying to register as an interested party in my capacity as the Member of Parliament for St Albans, to note my OBJECTION to the proposed Development Consent Order (DCO) that would increase the... Read more

  • Dan Chatterley

    Unacceptable increase in air pollution

  • Dan Jenkins

    My quiet peaceful village has been ruined by the new flight paths to Luton, supposedly not low enough to hear we hear planes fly over Head every few minutes day in day out, even through double... Read more

  • Danny Norman Chapman

    Sound proofing does not enable us to enjoy the outdoors and surrounding areas. Increasing the capacity inevitably leads to the other phases of the expansion which leads to more degradation to us being... Read more

  • David Beaty

    As a homeowner living near Luton Airport, that plans to nearly double the number of passengers, while also expanding into green belt areas and increasing nighttime flights, several aspects of my life... Read more

  • David Farr

    Destruction of centuries old village life (where my family have lived for over 300 years). Air pollution making it unbearable to continue to live in my house. Noise pollution making it unbearable to... Read more

  • David Glazebrook

    The day-to-day life of the community, and our house has not been considered in the expansion plans for Luton Airport. The increase in noise, and being under a flight path for substantially increased... Read more

  • David John Brown

    The expansion of Luton Airport would increase noise & air pollution in its vicinity. It is already difficult to sleep at night in warm weather with windows open due to aircraft noise. In some weather... Read more

  • David Lyon

    I oppose the Application as it does not include sufficient mitigating actions for work or operations outside of Luton Borough. As a property owner in St Pauls Walden, I have been planning to establish... Read more

  • David Martin Rhodes

    I am a resident of the village of Bendish and the proposed expansion of London Luton Airport (LLA) will have a significant negative effect on this village in general and on my home and work life. My... Read more

  • David Paul Ascott

    I object to the dramatic increase in aircraft movements and noise which the proposals will generate . As a St Albans resident the noise starts with a barrage of activity flying over the house from 6... Read more

  • David Robertson

    Noise and air pollution

  • David tree

    My main concerns are the environmental impact of the project, both the pollution aspect but also the impact on nearby parks. Also the impact on the populous around due to the changes. Flooding is also... Read more

  • David Wyn Griffiths

    Concern regarding consistency of an airport expansion plan with the climate crisis and government policy on becoming carbon neutral by 2050. Concern regarding aircraft noise, air pollution and blight... Read more

  • Deanna Joan Newell

    Already Oldhill Wood is adversely affected by increased noise and pollution from the increase in aircraft flying over . We were advised by Luton Airport representatives that if the airport expands its... Read more

  • Diane Bernier

    I think this project goes against fighting climate change as aviation produces a significant part of world carbon emissions. Luton already has the worst air pollution in the UK so it would only make... Read more

  • Dorian Walton

    The expansion of Luton Airport would be a serious step backwards environmentally; we all need to be travelling less, not more. We live directly under the flightpath of the airport and are constantly... Read more

  • Dorothy Ann Browne

    Every morning we are wakened by the early morning flights from Luton . The first flight is usually shortly after 6`00 am and from then on every 15 minutes there are flights overhead. In the winter... Read more

  • Dr Jacqui A Hart

    I strongly oppose this application for the following reasons I believe that such a significant expansion would 1) result in a considerable increase in noise, which is likely to exacerbate the... Read more

  • Dr Judith Pillinger

    For the past months, the once tranquil area of rural South Cambridgeshire has been plagued by a massive increase in flights approaching LLA resulting from the change in flight paths. The consultation... Read more

  • E Kavanagh

    Luton Airport expansion is entirely contrary to reducing carbon emissions causing the climate emergency and cannot go ahead on environmental grounds. The recent changes in stacking flight paths... Read more

  • East Midlands Railway (East Midlands Railway)

    Luton Airport provides vital air transport links to the South East of England and beyond, providing hundreds of thousands of passengers with the opportunity to expand their horizons. The airport... Read more

  • Elaine Miller

    The volume of documentation and its technical basis makes it almost impossible for a resident to review and I worked in the airline industry for 20 years! After 17 years we are now unable to sleep... Read more

  • Brown & Co (Brown & Co) on behalf of Eldridge Family

    Our clients are the owners of [Redacted] which is a detached residential property sitting in grounds of approximately 5 acres. The property is located approximately 550m north-east of the airport... Read more