
London Luton Airport Expansion

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1376 to 1400 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Karen Linda Stewart

    I reside under the existing flight paths and the noise from the planes is already intolerably loud especially in the summer months the planes fly over every 2-3 minutes. I have to halt my... Read more

  • Karen Ryan

    Aircraft noise which affects my day to day life, disturbing sleep. The change in flight paths which has brought planes from around the world to an area where there were no planes other than small... Read more

  • Karen Say

    Good afternoon, With reference to your Luton rising letter dated 9th May 2023, we have been asked to submit our comments to you, regarding your expansion plans by 23rd June. We as residents (owner of... Read more

  • Karen Susan Chapman

    I do not want the airport expanded onto our park. We should be looking to enhance green space, not to destroy it

  • Karen Sutton

    Expansion of the airport will have a significant detrimental impact on the rural communities underneath the approach routes to the airport, communities that will receive no benefit from the expansion.... Read more

  • Karina Klimaszewski

    Luton airport have already exceeded noise limits compared to what was originally approved. Many planes fly over our house on the way up and the noise is already too much and is affecting our... Read more

  • Robin Andrew Cowan on behalf of Kathleen Ann Cowan (Kathleen Ann Cowan)

    I am against the London Luton Airport Expansion for the following reasons 1) Pollution by planes over Luton four schools and residential areas South of the town, I concerned with pollution affecting... Read more

  • Kathleen Marie Corander

    With frequent planes flying over Knebworth the noise is getting to be almost constant I have had [REDACTED] and been told by the doctor it is common and due to the aircraft flying over Knebworth

  • Katie Jackson

    I am concerned about the increase in air pollution and noise in the areas surrounding the airport. Also increased traffic in the local area.

  • Keith Attenborough

    1. Expanding airports is not sensible given the climate change crisis. 2. If nevertheless this expansion takes place then the opportunity should be taken to reduce noise from aircraft during ground... Read more

  • Kelvin Peter Hopkins

    I wish to express my strong support for the expansion of London Luton Airport. London Luton can and should make a major contribution to airport capacity in London and the South East as well as the... Read more

  • Kenneth James Munday

    We live in a peaceful quiet Village which is currently being blighted by Luton bound jets flying at 8,000 ft over and in very close proximity to the village. This is a result of Luton’s preferred... Read more

  • Kevin Sharp

    Expanding Luton Airport will have a detrimental impact on the environment and local area.

  • Kimpton Environmentalists (Kimpton Environmentalists)

    I object to any further expansion of the airport, especially as the conditions for the original expansion have not been met. 1. Many aircraft already fly along the Kimpton valley, and to the north,... Read more

  • Kirstine Mcculloch

    Very noisy and disturbing. Flight path and timings should change

  • LADACAN ( Luton And District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise ) (LADACAN ( Luton And District Association for the Control of Aircraft Noise ))

    Documents submitted by email: Relevant Representations from LADACAN in respect of TR020001 final.pdf PADSS-LADACAN-TR020001 v1.pdf

  • Laura Salton

    This will not reduce the carbon footprint of Luton which is something we should be all aiming for. Expansion will increase the noise pollution and general pollution The noise is detrimental to... Read more

  • Lauren Chapman

    The proposed expansion of Luton Airport will have a detrimental effect on so many local people's lives and health. What is the point of compensation to increase the soundproofing of homes when the... Read more

  • Lauren Lanik

    My home address is under the current flight path so I wish to be fully informed on the details of the planned expansion and how this may affect noise at my home.

  • Lawrence K Maxwell

    Luton is the most air-polluted town of its size in the country. Yet Luton Council wants to increase passengers from last years 6.2 million up to 32 million per year. Previous expansions have not... Read more

  • Lee Armstrong

    Happy for it to go ahead as long as the local roads are looked after.

  • Lewis Tunnicliffe

    The application to expand Luton Airport is an abomination. The land which is being proposed to be developed for this expansion is currently farm land and the landscape is stunning. The increased noise... Read more

  • Linda Parker

    I strongly object to this proposal. Loss of natural habitat. No infrastructure to cope with traffic in local hamlets and villages. Loss of parkland when the government are advocating protect open... Read more

  • Linda scott

    The impact of increased flights over Sandridge St Albans will be very instrumental in the poor air pollution over the area which has high density of schools and households locally. The flight paths do... Read more

  • Lisa Clarke

    Increased Noise pollution Increased traffic Night time/early morning noise Residential parking Destruction of wigmore park