
London Luton Airport Expansion

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Showing 1426 to 1450 of 1603 representations, newest first.

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  • Mary Rankin

    I am totally against the airport expansion. I have lived in Cutenhoe Road for over forty years and it has greatly affected our quality of life, mostly being the noise of the planes which seem to be... Read more

  • Mary Stewart

    The Airport Expansion is going to effect our mental health from the constant noise, as well as our physical health by added amounts of pollution, which is already pretty bad - some days the smell of... Read more

  • Matthew Neal

    My concern is that Luton Airport regularly allows flights in the early hours of the morning, usually around 4am which is disturbing my wife and my sleep, and so damaging our health. We are both... Read more

  • Mayo Nettey

    Generally support the scheme, but I have a couple of concerns. Need clearer information on the projected noise impacts of the proposed scheme on Hillborough Road in Luton. There are also currently... Read more

  • Mel Djogo

    Worried about the destruction of Wigmore Valley Park. Its on a rubbish tip which is a concern regarding disturbing it during and after construction Additionally the plan to have traffic come through... Read more

  • Michael Edwards

    Increasing the number of passengers and number of flights to almost double is detrimental to the overall push towards a sustainable and greener environment. Even allowing for the Dart there will be an... Read more

  • Michael Johnson

    Object on grounds of Noise & Air pollution. I live in St Albans and the flights to / from Luton already pass over us regularly causing noise and contributing massively to air pollution. Luton had the... Read more

  • Michelle facer

    As someone that lives in the flight path it’s hard enough now to be able to have a conversation with the planes not to mention the early morning wake up calls and last night noise also, we suffer... Read more

  • Michelle Salomons

    The increase of pollution, both air and noise pollution, is unnecessary, especially with the amount of airports in and around London existing already. Even more, the increase of air and noise... Read more

  • Mike Lewis

    I am concerned about aircraft noise near my home.

  • Miriam Lowbury

    Expansion of Luton airport will inevitably increase the amount of CO2 emissions. More planes = more emissions. Increasing emissions will be illegal under the U.K.’s obligations with the Paris... Read more

  • Moira Lea

    I live under the the flight path for Luton Airport and I object to the expansion of the airport . We are already have constant noise from aircraft and more aircraft, due to an expansion in airport... Read more

  • Monika Mitchell

    I would like to register my objections to the proposed expansion as follows:- I wish to object to the proposed expansion of Luton Airport, as set out in the application for the development consent... Read more

  • Morny Abramian

    It is come to our attention that the extension proposed to Luton Airport will have a detrimental effect to our neighbourhood

  • Mr B. Strutt

    My family have been impacted by the AD6 airspace change, which now routes descending aircraft over our house as often as every 3 minutes, constantly through the day, and is particularly disruptive... Read more

  • Mr Gary Morrissey

    I would like to know more about the impact this will have on the traffic and roads surrounding this property and will its future be affected. Will it be more difficult to sell and will it present on... Read more

  • Mr Gary Morrissey

    How will this development affect the traffic and infrastructure? How much more noise will there be. Will there be years of road development. How will it affect the value and future sale of the... Read more

  • Mr Gary Morrissey

    How will this development affect the traffic and infrastructure? How much more noise will there be. Will there be years of road development. How will it affect the value and future sale of the... Read more

  • Mr jonathan vass

    I object to the airport expansion it will bring extra noise pollution throught planes and trafficgoing too and from the airport.The air quality will get worse with the polution from the plane engines... Read more

  • Mrs Jill Carroll

    1. Significant increases in noise, air and light pollution 24/7 2. Currently experiencing very little respite from noise almost 24/7 - it is not just while aircraft are taking off and landing but also... Read more

  • Ms Elaine Henderson

    Luton Airport continues to lose money. Luton is the most air-polluted town of it’s size in the country. The council has over half a billion in loans to pay back.

  • Ms.Allison Fordyce

    Main issues and impacts - summary: 1. Wigmore Wildlife Park - removal threat A site of great biodiversity, home to many species, jobs for staff and educational venue for the Public, especially the... Read more

  • Nadine Santus

    The main issues regarding the proposed change in flights approach to Luton are the increase in frequency of, and the increased noise produced by aircraft as they pass so low overhead, low enough to... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways)

    National Highways have sent an email and letter today to the planning inspectorate.

  • National Trust (National Trust)

    The National Trust wishes to register as an interested party in respect of the application for a Development Consent Order for the Luton Airport Expansion (also known as Luton Rising). The National... Read more