
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1226 to 1250 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Jill Saunder-Airs

    NOT in the national interest. This proposal, for a cargo hub as outlined in the application, is not in the national interest. It is entirely AGAINST the interests of all persons who live and travel... Read more

  • Joanne Hennessy

    Jobs and training are much needed in our area. Manston is an asset to an already struggling aviation system it has so much potential. Has been an airport for many years I live on the flight path and... Read more

  • John Davison

    Please see attached

  • John green

    I am sending you my objections to the re-opening of Manston airport on the grounds that they will enormously affect my family’s day to day life owing to the fact we live directly bellow the flight... Read more

  • John Ing

    I believe the opening of a 24/7 cargo hub airport would have a devastating affect on the Isle of Thanet and beyond, which is in complete contrast to what may be perceived by many. I do not believe... Read more

  • Jonathan Tapp

    I believe that Manston is of strategic national importance as an airfield. I live and farm within 3KM of the airfield and have done so since 1983. Both of my parents had private pilot licenses and my... Read more

  • Karina

    Unfortunately, I am against the plan for the reinstatement of Manston Airport. As a local resident and someone who works in the area, there are many points that I can identify that will be a... Read more

  • Ken Wraight

    Under [Redacted] ie riveroak llc / RSP etc they have failed to convince me and many others that they are a viable set of peoples to try to run an airport. The dco application contradicts what RSP say... Read more

  • Kevin clark

    I would like to see manston airport re-open as a working airport again as the jobs it would create will help local people also that tourism would benefit so local buisness would benefit from yhis... Read more

  • Lynn Yvonne Webber

    [Redacted] and Mrs Lynn Webber are in favour of Manston opening as a fully working airport. This will bring jobs and prosperity to East Kent. The London airports are already at capacity, Manston can... Read more

  • Malcolm McMillan

    I suspect RiverOak Strategic Partners has absolutely no charitable thoughts or love of Great Britain - they are a bunch of foreign investors and property developers with no aviation-based portfolio.... Read more

  • Margaret Denyer

    Please see attached

  • Marshall Marchetti

    Please don’t destroy Ramsgate. We regularly visit to come away from London to get some peace and tranquility. Noise pollution, particularly at night time from aircraft is damaging to a town which is... Read more

  • Martin Northrop

    Manston airport has continually failed as a airport. In my opinion it will fail again if resurrected, this whole planning examination is a disgraceful waste of taxpayers money. I value my night time... Read more

  • Michael Abbott

    I would like to see the reinstatement of Manston airport because: 1. It would provide many needed jobs 2. It would raise awareness of and improve tourism and inward investment into a deprived... Read more

  • Michael Denyer

    Please see attached

  • Michael O'Conor

    We have been Thanet residents all our lives, and when Manston started a passenger service we were so pleased. It meant we were able to travel to Newcastle and Edinburgh to see our families without the... Read more

  • Michelle fenner

    I have serious concerns regarding the damage to the environment of a cargo hub airport from aircraft exhaust gases and unburnt fuel pollution. I have concerns about the pollution caused by 'run off'... Read more

  • Miss Katie R Allen

    I feel that having manston airport open would improve the local economy, bring more tourism and open up more job opportunities.

  • Mr Michael penfold

    I am writing in support for the reinstatement of manston seems to me that it is in the best interests of the people of thanet to have the airport up and running will mean jobs for... Read more

  • Mr Stephen Melton

    I am really distressed to hear that the airport could be opened again, I have lived in Ramsgate for about thirty years, and remember the cargo planes flying directly over my home. Sometimes at night,... Read more

  • Mr.C.J.Ryan IENG. ACIBSE

    My concerns: Significant increase in noise, both day and night. significant increase in risk to my health, both day and night. significant harm to our children's health and education. A huge drop... Read more

  • Mrs Janina Ashby

    My concerns of the re-opening of Manston Airport are as follows:The noise and pollution that these aircraft create we live directly in the path as they descend for landing,which causes vortices and... Read more

  • Mrs Jenny Seatherton MBE

    My husband and I have lived in Broomfield for the last 8 years. At the beginning we had passenger planes going over to land. At the time this was not too bad, however, I object strongly to the... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Bowley

    My husband and I live in close proximity to the Herne Bay water tower. During previous use of Manston Airport for freight, night flights aircraft lined up on the tower on their approach path to... Read more