
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1576 to 1600 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Alison Austin

    I wish to support the application for the reopening of Manston airport as a cargo airport. I do not support the building of more homes. This plan to reopen and redevelop Manston as an airport will... Read more

  • Amanda De Pulford

    The applicant claims that his proposal has ‘unique’ public and political support. He offers that as a justification for building what he himself compares to ‘Boris Island’- on a site hard up against... Read more

  • Amelia Clover

    I am a strong supporter for the reopening of Manston Airport. It is of national importance. It will bring much needed jobs to the local area.

  • Andy Butler

    1 NOx pollution from predominately old aircraft 2 Noise pollution 3 Impact on tourism 4 Experience of RiverOak to provide a successful airport operation 5 The business case for a freight hub at a... Read more

  • Angela Sutton

    I would like to see Manston reinstated as an airport for the following reasons: 1. To bring prosperity to an extremely deprived area 2. To provide numerous jobs that are above the living... Read more

  • Anna Anderson

    As a resident of Ramsgate for he last 7 years I have seen many good changes and growth occur in the area and I strongly feel reopening Manston to allow freight planes would be seriously damaging to... Read more

  • Anne Peers

    As a Ramsgate resident I am writing to oppose the granting of a Development Consent Order applied to install a cargo hub airport on the former Manston airport. I do not have technical knowledge in... Read more

  • Anne-Marie Le Roy

    I have been a resident of Ramsgate for all my life, bar my time at university. Thanet is beginning again to become a place that people come to to relax and enjoy the sea. The town of Ramsgate is... Read more

  • Anthony Best

    I am a resident of Ramsgate who strongly objects to the plans to introduce a busy cargo airport, which will ultimately destroy the town by it’s invasive low flying dirty, noisy and smelly aeroplane... Read more

  • Anthony Colin

    My comments are made as a retired airline pilot of 42 years experience. At the end of my career I actually operated a 747 freighter into Manston. From the Air Traffic Control perspective, Manston... Read more

  • Barry Finch

    I would like to register my concern regarding the proposed cargo hub at Manston. My main concern would be the noise pollution caused by the amount of flights ultimately happening both day and night.... Read more

  • Barry Quinn

    I am a resident of Ramsgate who is really concerned about plans to introduce a dirty and noisy central cargo hub that will blight the town, which is finally shaking off decades of decline by... Read more

  • Ben Olins

    The airport proposal will be a blight on Ramsgate and surrounding towns and villages, bringing no substantial jobs or other improvement. For a part of the country struggling to regenerate after... Read more

  • Big jelly Studios Ltd (Big jelly Studios Ltd)

    I own and operate a small business in Ramsgate. The extra noise would have severe implications on our business (recording studio). I am also very concerned about the additional traffic which would... Read more

  • Brenda Bowden

    I oppose the opening of Manston as a cargo airport because I have great concerns regarding the frequency of flights especially at night. Logically if it's successful, more and more use will be made... Read more

  • Carole Gunning

    I have lived in Ramsgate for 20 years. When I first moved here there was a working airport with a limited number of passenger flights. These were mainly daytime. Despite a limited number of... Read more

  • Caroline Corris

    I live in Herne Bay directly under the extreme east to west proposed flight path. I object to the application because:- The applicants intentions regarding night flights is not clear, worst case... Read more

  • Celia Russell

    I want the Airport re-opened for jobs, the opportunity for university further education and the opportunity for passenger flights to Europe.

  • ceri diffley

    I do not want this cargo Hub. I think it is a land grab. I think it will be detrimental to the local economy, our students, our environment, our tourism. I doubt it economically feasible and question... Read more

  • Chadlyn Ross-Mackenzie

    Thanet needs jobs for its local people. Manston will give many various jobs, at all levels of skills. Manston is part of our heritage and should not be destroyed, History is important for future... Read more

  • Charlie Small

    The reopening of Manston Airport will provide much needed employment in the Thanet area, any additional housing will only increase the unemployment numbers. I lived in the Medway Towns area of Kent... Read more

  • Chris Davies

    I am concerned about noise from night flights, I believe there will be many if the airport is to be viable. I am also concerned about the additional pollution.

  • Chris Lowe

    List of the principal aspects and concerns; I wish to reserve the right to respond to issues raised by the Inspector, or to additional evidence supporting the Application. SUMMARY I question the... Read more

  • Chris Welch

    Why am I interested in this matter? My wife and I have owned a house on the East Cliff of Ramsgate for over 10 years. We run it as a holiday let. We let it out about 26 weeks of the year and use it... Read more

  • Christa Drennan

    I moved from London to Herne Bay seven years ago for a quieter and healthier lifestyle. The seaside towns along this coast suffered a steep decline as holiday destinations in the latter half of the... Read more