
Manston Airport

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1551 to 1575 of 2052 representations, newest first.

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  • Nick Claxton

    I am opposed to the development of Manston Airport. In my opinion it will be bad for the environment - more carbon and more pollution from aircraft which will inevitably contribute to climate change.... Read more

  • No Night Flights (No Night Flights)

    The following shows key areas of concern where we plan to make submissions, reserving the right to respond to additional issues highlighted by the ExA or others: General • Lack of evidence of UK... Read more

  • Paul Edwards

    I am strongly in favor of reinstating Manston to a operational airport, To not do so would be a catastrophic mistake. The country as a whole needs the freight capabilities especially in light of... Read more

  • Peter Quinney

    regarding noise and pollution in the quiet village of beltinge. completely destroying the environment of the village and surrounding areas.

  • Phil Rose

    I wish to register as an interested party. You would like to know what aspects of the DCO application document we think the inquiry should address. I think you should bear the following in mind... Read more

  • R McIntyre

    Key areas of concern: June 2018’s Airports NPS identifies no need for a new airport for dedicated freight in the South East. RSP’s proposal is not in line with national aviation policy. RPS’s... Read more

  • Rachel Furlong

    I wish to register as an interested party as I live under the flight path of the proposed development at the old Manston airport site. I am primarily concerned about the environmental impact as I... Read more

  • Robin Marks

    Having lived in Thanet all my life, and seen the various companies try and fail to make a success of the former airport; no one has been able to answer: why it will succeed this time? The low flying... Read more

  • Sara Travers

    I object to freights from Manston Airport due to noise pollution, health concerns and additional heavy goods traffic in the area which the infrastructure cannot support. This plan does nothing for the... Read more

  • Sharon Dutton

    East Kent needs an airport

  • Sophie Atherton

    I am opposed to Manston Airport. I think it would be bad for the environment in general - with more flights contributing to climate change. I also think it would increase pollution and noise in the... Read more

  • Stephen Lobb

    I am against this proposal for a cargo airport. I believe there would be hazards to health, from air pollution from planes and transportation by goods vehicles serving the airport. I believe the... Read more

  • Steve Ansell

    The outline of the main points I intend to make is as follows. 1) The application does not meet acceptable criteria as an infrastructure development of national significance due to the inappropriate... Read more

  • Steve Boyle

    The airport must be re opened this area is in dire need of jobs and the site is crying out for the investment to make it happen. Cannot believe the short siightednes of the local council for not... Read more

  • Steve Frost

    I strongly object to the proposal by RSP to re-open Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub, as I it would do severe damage to the area. I object it as a soon to be a local resident, currently a frequent... Read more

  • Suzanne Horne

    I strongly object to the ridiculous plans for the former Airport. I live a stone’s throw from the end of the runaway and do not want a 24/7 freight airport, recycling centre or night flights. The... Read more

  • Timothy Wooding

    Having been employed by various business based at Manston Airport I believe it is in the best interests to have it working as a functioning airport again, especially as sometimes I had to transfer... Read more

  • Vivien Wetherill

    Having lived in Thanet for 20 years, I have been extremely impressed by how much the people of Thanet have striven to ensure that their airport should remain an airport in the future, despite fierce... Read more

  • Vivienne Yankah

    Sleepless nights and pollution, these are the main areas of concern I have regarding the Manston airport development proposal. Two and a half years ago I moved to this beautiful town from London,... Read more

  • Zuza Atkinson

    I strongly object to the proposal by RSP to re-open Manston Airport as a Cargo Hub, as I it would do severe damage to the area. I object it as a local resident, local mother, local freelancer, local... Read more

  • Adam Coney

    I recently visited the peak district, didn't sleep a wink for all the night flights. What a way to ruin our own peace and the peace of the land. Put some decent housing on the site and help the... Read more

  • Adrian Foad

    Having lived in the County all my life and worked in Kent most of my life, including Thanet, all over the UK and Europe, i fully support that Manston Airport should remain an Airport and should not be... Read more

  • Alec Pettet

    My view as a 59 year old man living in living in thanet all my life. First of all thanet is a very deprived area so building more house's in the area with no jobs seems nonsensical. So opening... Read more

  • Alex Roper

    To Whom It May Concern, I grew up in Minster, Thanet less than 500 metres from Manston Airport runway, I now rent and work in Peckham, South-East London however I still have very strong ties to the... Read more

  • Alexandra Dwarka

    As a resident of Ramsgate, I am extremely concerned about the effects reopening of Manston as a working cargo airport will have on the local population and environment and wish to raise the following... Read more