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As I live directly under the flightpath to Gatwick Airport I'm concerned about additional noise from aircraft landing and taking off on an additional runway at Gatwick. I hope there will be financial...
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I strongly oppose any further extension of Gatwick Airport and specifically the conversion of the current emergency run way into a full-use runway. This is due to the huge environmental impact of...
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I am concerned about the increased noise, the emissions and the decreased air quality, the impact on climate change, the lack of adequate surface transport (and the lack of possibility of rectifying...
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I am totally opposed to any expansion at Gatwick. I already suffer from the noise daily of planes from Gatwick Expansion at Gatwick will blight the whole South East travel area which is already broken...
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I hardly know where to start! The almost constant aircraft noise overhead makes life intolerable in my garden or in bed at night if the window is open. It is scarcely believable that there is a...
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I object to this development in its totality as it is beyond the scope of that envisaged when the airport originally opened, meaning that those who live within a 30 mile limit will be further...
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I am objecting to the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway application primarily on environmental grounds and implications relating to climate change plus the damage to the local environment and pressures...
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This expansion which will nearly double the size of Gatwick will affect our local village enormously: Currently our rural roads are being used by increased numbers of speeding motorists and this will...
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I object to any enlargement of the facilities at Gatwick airport because I disagree with expansion of air travel for environmental reasons.
1] My house is one of the closest to the existing runway, the proposed new runway would be even closer producing more noise and atmospheric pollution to my family. 2] The local roads are not of a...
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I run a Speedwatch group in the village. The problems with traffic are already major. I dread to think of the impact on the village if the passenger numbers for Gatwick are doubled.
My main concern regarding impacts is on the increased passenger numbers, and increased reliance on public transport (particularly rail) to enable the expected journeys to and from the airport. It is...
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We should not be expanding airports. Climate change is changing the weather patterns quickly and permanently and this will just contribute to that. So why are we choosing wealth over survival of the...
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I feel the expansion plan with provide additional jobs abd possible increased revenue for the local supply chain. This will also benefit passengers in terms on increased routes and provide more...
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Gatwick expansion is entirely at odds with reducing fossil fuel use which is the cause of catastrophic climate change. Expansion would also cause an increase in PM2.5 pollution and other pollutants...
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I am extremely concerned that the already severe noise impact in my area will increased.
I already have many flights over the house , no more is needed . Also what about global warming , has this been forgot ? This is a crazy idea and must be stopped , greed greed , (redacted) every one...
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The opening of a new runway will cause excessive noise throughout the day and evening and cause more pollution from more traffic on the roads and more pollution from increased air traffic.
Too much engine noise. Too narrow flight paths. Insufficient infra structure. Extra road traffic. My key concerns are Noise generation from flight path and traffic generation. Additionally,...
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This expansion of Gatwick will cause an increase of fossil fuel use both in the building and infrastructure changes as well as its capacity for increased flights. Given everything that is known...
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The hinterland's roads are already overloaded. It will be impossible to handle more traffic without seriously affecting the health and livelihoods of local residents.
Comments - - an airport gateway south of London is key to the SE region, for intrastructure and easy accessibility of public transport, environmental factors. Having 2 runways makes the offering more...
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I object to the use of the emergency runway at Gatwick for the development into a 2nd runway. The frequency of air planes over the area is already at a high level including night flights. The...
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I oppose the Development Consent Order to rebuild the emergency runway as a 2nd runway for the following reasons: - increase in aircraft noise, - adverse impact on climate, - increase in aircraft...
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We do not have the infrastructure to sustain more flights. Poor roads, inadequate railways, no east west rail lines, not enough housing and frankly we don’t want more houses built around Gatwick....
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