
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3076 to 3100 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Muswell Hill & Hornsey Friends of the Earth (Muswell Hill & Hornsey Friends of the Earth)

    Aviation is one of the activities which causes the most harm to our climate, partly because emissions at altitude have a significantly greater heating impact than those at ground level. We will all... Read more

  • National Highways (National Highways)

    Please see email attachment.

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Please see attached.

  • Neil Anthony Duggin

    This project will dramatically increase traffic on local roads, increase pollution from road and air traffic and noise from aircraft overflying local residents. It is going against government net zero... Read more

  • Neil Wadey

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are... Read more

  • Nicholas Barker

    Noise Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are... Read more

  • Nick Broom

    I support the proposal at Gatwick and want to be kept informed as this develops. Gatwick is a major employer, as well as a source of business to many local organisations. Their planned improvements... Read more

  • Nick Smith

    Fully support the proposal

  • Nicola Coldman

    I have lived happily under the flight path in Hever for 32 years but a second runway will impact hugely on my quality of life by the increase in noise and pollution. It seems ludicrous that on the one... Read more

  • Nigel Lower

    There is already substantial air traffic effecting the local area and beyond. Many residential areas, tourist attractions and beauty spots are directly under the flight path and subject to the... Read more

  • Noel Humphrey

    Should we be even considering expanding an airport when the effects of climate change can already be seen. I have concerns about a diversion of the part of the River Mole. Many communities suffered... Read more

  • P.J.Moore

    I refer to the submission made by Mr M Quirk reference 20044203. For the avoidance of doubt, I have attached it at the end of my submission. He concludes that Gatwick’s expansion plans will create so... Read more

  • Paul Miles

    My interest is in the level of noise pollution affecting over-flown communities.

  • Paul Neame Tracey

    We live under a flight path used by Gatwick Airport which at certain times becomes extremely busy. The noise from aircraft is already adversely affecting my family's quality of life and any further... Read more

  • Paul Orme-Smith

    1. The Government decided in 2018 to proceed with the expansion of Heathrow to cater for the additional demand they foresaw in the South East of England. They did that in preference to having a second... Read more

  • Penelope Mary Healey


  • Peter Frederick Elgar

    We are deeply concerned about the proposed additional flights and affect on increased noise and frequency of noise pollution as well as the very significant increase in carbon and greenhouse gases.... Read more

  • Peter Gearing

    I'm interested as to how noise pollution will be tackled. As an Edenbridge resident, we are at the beginning of the flight path into Gatwick. With an extra runway comes more planes which in turn... Read more

  • Peter John Bashford

    I feel that as a resident of the village that the additional runway wood significantly increase the air traffic noise and pollution of the area which is designated an area of natural beauty. This... Read more

  • Peter Kemp

    I live in a village under the western approach to Gatwick. My neighbours and I accept the current level of aircraft noise as being a reasonable balance between the needs of different groups. The noise... Read more

  • Peter Somner

    The aircraft noise over our house has already increased greatly and any further expansion will make the property uninhabitable.

  • CarneySweeney (CarneySweeney) on behalf of PGIM Real Estate (PGIM Real Estate)

    Our client owns a property within the the blue land highlighted on plan ‘Land lying to the west of Balcombe Road’ and would like to participate in the examination

  • Philip Charles Angus Moon

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed are not... Read more

  • Philippa Weaver

    If Gatwick's expansion plans are successful, the result will be devastating. More noise, more air pollution and even greater pressure on the already overstretched road and rail infrastructure.... Read more

  • Pippa Ward

    More people arriving in the area will impact on our travel around the county leading to congestion ... pressure on the River Mole and its tributaries which is already badly polluted and it may lead to... Read more