
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 3126 to 3150 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Sheila Byrne

    My main concerns are the frequent night flights that go way into the early hours of the next morning. With the increase in air traffic brought about by this proposal this would be intolerable and the... Read more

  • Sheila Morrison

    I lived in Horley for 12 years, seen the systematic destruction of the little country side around me. The increased traffic, noise and crime. Expanding Gatwick will increase this further. Together... Read more

  • Tim Hancock Associates (Tim Hancock Associates) on behalf of Shell U.K. Limited (Shell U.K. Limited)

    Dear Sir or Madam I confirm we are instructed on behalf of Shell U.K. Limited in respect of their petrol filling station property known as Gatwick North Service Station, Longbridge Way RH6 0NX, which... Read more

  • Sherry Ann Clanson

    Night flights should be banned. They are noisy late enough already!

  • Sian Winter

    I am particularly concerned about the increase in traffic accessing Gatwick through the local villages.

  • Simon Berry

    The airlines, Gatwick Airport, the CAA, Nats and the Government have all failed to address the problem of chronic noise pollution emitted from arriving and departing aeroplanes using Gatwick Airport's... Read more

  • Simon Gibbs

    I’d like to object

  • Simon Pullar

    Obviously another runway at Gatwick airport would be a step in the wrong direction for many reasons. Primarily due to the impact on climate change with an enormous increase of greenhouse gases. This... Read more

  • Sophie Simmonds

    I would like to object to the new runway at Gatwick due to the increase in aircraft noise that we would experience. We are currently not directly under a flight path but still have flights flying... Read more

  • Hazel Janette Stringer on behalf of Stringer Family

    Some 30 years ago, we moved from West London to Nutley to improve our health as we are both (redacted) and have other (redacted). The extension of Gatwick Airport and the potential for an increase in... Read more

  • Stuart Dale

    You will know my home is already directly, and awfully, impacted by the changes that have already occurred with regards Gatwick’s flight paths. The continued push to improve their margins by narrowing... Read more

  • Stuart Ross

    I reject the proposal as I have done before

  • Stuart Roy Spencer

    I believe GAL has made the application over 2 stages (2021 and 2023) as a means to deliberately minimize public examination and understanding of the scheme, with a view to securing acceptance. If this... Read more

  • Sue Skinner

    Impact on our lives will be exhausting, stressful, irritating, a risk to our fields directly under the flight path and most importantly our health mental and physical.

  • Surrey Chambers of Commerce Ltd (Surrey Chambers of Commerce Ltd)

    Following the last couple of disastrous years Gatwick should be able to expand to help speed up the recovery, particularly around the airport. The impact locally from the effects of Covid, Brexit and... Read more

  • Surrey County Council (as host local authority) (Surrey County Council (as host local authority))

    SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL – RELEVANT REPRESENTATION OCTOBER 2023 GATWICK AIRPORT NORTHERN RUNWAY PROJECT PINS Reference: - TR020005 1 Introduction 1.1 This representation sets out Surrey County Council’s... Read more

  • Susan Elizabeth West

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under the flight path. We have lived under the flight path for years... Read more

  • Susan Etheridge

    I oppose these plans as they would effectively give Gatwick a second runway and Government policy is clear that any new runway in the South East should be at Heathrow. The plans will worsen air... Read more

  • Susan Marilyn Lyle

    At a time of climate emergency it is totally irresponsible to be increasing our capacity to fly. We should be taking measures to reduce not increase flying.

  • Susan Paterson

    The significant impact this expansion would have on the surrounding countryside and the people who live in Kent and Sussex does not seem to be of paramount importance to the management of Garwick... Read more

  • Suzanne Jee

    I do not want the emergency runway at Gatwick to become a second runway

  • Tania Ainsworth

    Do not expand

  • TAP Air Portugal (TAP Air Portugal)

    TAP Air Portugal would like to show their support to the Gatwick's Northern Runway Project. For TAP, LGW Airport is already really valuable to our operation, as we have more than 25 weekly frequencies... Read more

  • Thames Water (Thames Water)

    Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project DCO Thames Water Utilities Limited Relevant Representations Thames Water Utilities Limited (“TWUL”) is appointed under Chapter 1 of Part II of the Water... Read more

  • Simon Timothy Drury on behalf of The Drury Family (The Drury Family)

    We already experience unacceptable aircraft noise, especially when the planes are taking off in our direction and at night We have grave concerns about our health, the impact on our environment, on... Read more