
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 351 to 375 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Diana Maria Gwynn

    The amount of aircraft’s already populating the sky in our area causing a constant noise pollution. This has a real (negative) impact on the lives of real people on a daily basis. We should do... Read more

  • Edward Brooke Crutchley

    We have been particularly affected by Gatwick arrivals overflights, night and day, since the 2013 flightpath changes. In 2016, Gatwick promised improvements which have not been fulfilled. We are... Read more

  • Elinor Skipper

    We are already plagued by noise and pollution, with no help from the airport to mitigate. This will worsen things and have a negative impact on the value of my property.

  • Emily Lane

    I commute to London everyday, the trains are overcrowded, the infrastructure can’t cope as it is. The airport has RACC concrete sort that first! I also live locally and don’t want to see and hear... Read more

  • Francine Dupont

    Concerns about the amount of aircraft taking off and flying low over my property, particularly early morning and late at night

  • Graeme Vincent Short

    Extra air pollution, extra noise, more fossil fuel being burnt by maneuvering aircraft. No quiet ground running area at Gatwick. Air traffic control will need to expand to contain the flight paths... Read more

  • Guyan William Foley

    I am very concerned about the expansion of Gatwick Airport and the2nd runway on the towns and villages in it flight paths.

  • Helen Harber

    There is already noise and air pollution from the current airport which is disturbing to live near. Also in recent years there has been a huge increase in taxi drivers and holiday makers using the... Read more

  • Jacqueline Doherty

    I object to this development because: 1) It will cause more air pollution. 2) It will cause more noise pollution. 3) It is unnecessary as less people are flying since Covid. 4) We already suffer with... Read more

  • Janet Pierce

    Living under a flight path into Gatwick, I’m very aware of the increase in air traffic over the past 30 years. I consider the present volume of traffic to be the maximum that should be permitted but I... Read more

  • Jeffrey Probyn

    I object to the further expansion at Gatwick. No only does the expansion breach green targets but the noise from low flying aircraft is already intolerable. In addition, Gatwick can nearly run a... Read more

  • Judy Lawson

    The environmental affects caused by increased flights, increased traffic with associated parking, etc.

  • Julie Constable

    I live in a village already affected by Gatwick flights and am extremely concerned about the impact a second runway will have. I am registering initially and will comment further as appropriate

  • Linda Stewart

    I have an interest as a local resident affected by flightpaths

  • Louise Bailey

    I strongly object to this proposal to bring Gatwick’s northern runway into permanent use. Gatwick is located in a rural position, well away from London. The flight paths affect rural neighbourhoods... Read more

  • Luca Belpassi

    I have a vested interest as I sit under the flight path in the plans. The increased flights would have a negative impact on local residents and there must be some compromise. Night flights need to be... Read more

  • Mark Heselgrave

    Gatwick is seeking a new runway which would result in an extra 100,000 flights per year. Much of Surrey and Sussex are already impacted by noise and pollution from aircraft. This can only worsen if... Read more

  • Michael Mancey

    I am slightly in favour of an additional runway at Gatwick Airport. I have spent most of my life living close to international airports - Heathrow 31 years, Gatwick - 44 years. I worked airside at... Read more

  • Mrs Kim Frazer

    The increase in traffic on road and rail will have huge impact on locals. Further congestion of all roads as the rail line cannot be increased and roads are already overloaded at peak hours. No... Read more

  • Nicholas Charle White Anderson

    For me, the 24/7 concentrated flight paths introduced without consultative planning in 2013/2014 are a major reason for lack of sleep at night and rest and relaxation in the day. I cannot have people... Read more

  • Paul Parry

    My home is likely to be adversely affected by additional aircraft movements resulting from development of the North Runway at Gatwick. I want to be informed about the proposed development.

  • Paula

    Exssecive noise

  • Sandra Imrie

    I believe the UK transport infrastructure should be re-aligned to increase/improve road and rail public transport links within the UK rather than increase global aviation pollution. For the benefit of... Read more

  • Sharpthorne & West Hoathly Development Group (Sharpthorne & West Hoathly Development Group)

    We are already impacted by noise pollution from aircraft and a second runway will increase our exposure. More emphasis on quieter less polluting aircraft using Gatwick is urgently required.

  • Sheila Rainton

    Additional aircraft flying overhead polluting the area even more Additional traffic on the surrounding roads which are already busy & subject to numerous accidents on the motorway which has no hard... Read more