
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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  • Robert Charles Nye

    Gatwick Airport is one of the largest contributors to the economy of the immediate airport hinterland and a large part of the Southeast. The UK and its future generations cannot expect to maintain and... Read more

  • Robert N Manning

    My concern is that the new runway will increase air traffic volumes. The existing arriving and departing flights pass over my house and create noise. I am concerned that more flights will result in... Read more

  • Robin J Honeysett-Mayes

    We already suffer from enough noise & air pollution from flights, some taking off, landing or in a holding pattern beyond usual allowed times. Increasing capacity potentially increases this as more... Read more

  • Roger Moody

    A second runway at Gatwick would, by the airport's own stated objectives, significantly increase air traffic with the obvious result of increased air pollution and noise, more road traffic to and from... Read more

  • Rory O’Leary

    Detrimental Noise from traffic from planes that may effect where I live with the opening of a second runway

  • Rowena M G Phillips

    The noise of aeroplanes over this otherwise quiet valley is intrusive already and will only increase with the regular use of the northern runway

  • Ryan Jake Piper

    Gatwick Airport is a hugely important airport for the local communities around Gatwick, as well as a wider audience around Great Britain. Not only do people travel out of Gatwick from all over, people... Read more

  • S Merriman

    Adverse increase in noise level taking off and landing. Adverse increase in noise taxiing on runway. Adverse increase in noise from general traffic movement within Gatwick site. Adverse increase in... Read more

  • Saleem Hamid

    Dear Sir/Madam I saleem hamid do confirm this is my property also like to say that i am extremely glad you have extended the date .I had invested i this land about 8 years ago planned to apply for... Read more

  • Sally Schweizer

    The dangers resulting from climate change have to be addressed very seriously, and airline travel contributes to global warming. The south east already has too much road traffic, and there is not the... Read more

  • Sarah Bettison

    Concern that Gatwick Airport has, in the past, been less than honest and transparent about plans, changes to flight paths and likely impact on residents. Is this the case again? There is confusing... Read more

  • Sarah Gabriel

    At a time when we are seeing the very real impacts of climate change, increasing the amount of flights and therefore the amount of carbon emissions is extremely worrying. I have two young children and... Read more

  • Serena Joseph

    Environmental impact on the North Escarpment of the High Weald, AONB

  • Sharon Simmons

    I am concerned opening another runway is not in keeping with our net zero commitment and on a more local level I am concerned about the impact of air pollution on the health of the local community.

  • Simon Humphreys

    Needs Case The Airport National Policy Statement (ANPS) requires airports seeking to expand (other than Heathrow) to demonstrate sufficient need, additional to (or different from) that met by... Read more

  • Simon Moorhouse

    We currently have a lot of planes turning over (Redacted) which cause noise and pollution we do not want more. In addition more flights will increase CO2 emissions which is wrong.

  • Simon Reed

    This is a massive opportunity for Gatwick to continue into the next big era of growing. With increase of traffic brings jobs. The next younger generation need something to look at and think that they... Read more

  • Simon Robert Broome

    Expansion of Gatwick would significantly increase aircraft noise both for those living near the airport and for those further away under flight paths. The noise envelope Gatwick has proposed is not... Read more

  • Stephen Carter

    I fully support the plans to use the northern runway at Gatwick. London needs more capacity and this is by far the most cost effective solution. Expanding Heathrow is ridiculously expensive and this... Read more

  • Stephen Foster

    Gatwick needs to grow and a second runway will help that in a very crowded air traffic market

  • Stephen Raisey

    How can we be expanding air travel given the current climate emergency. We should be restricting air travel notencouraging it. I live under the flight path. Any further increase in aircraft noise is... Read more

  • Stephen Tomlinson

    The extra capacity at Gatwick will improve the UK’s connectivity nationally & internationally and enable a much improved service. The UK has fallen behind other country’s in planned investments and... Read more

  • Stuart Brearley

    I am fully in favour of this application. It's brings much needed capacity increase to the airport, which I use fairly regularly, as well as jobs to crawley

  • Stuart John Wallis

    I am 100% in favour of the plans from Gatwick Airport

  • Stuart Rowland Barnden

    Gatwick second runway must go ahead to further boost our economy. More flights means more jobs.