
Gatwick Airport Northern Runway

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Showing 951 to 975 of 4813 representations, newest first.

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  • Camilla Peterken

    I object to the plans to expand Gatwick airport because of the environmental impact and increase in traffic, noise, and pollution. We should be protecting our local environment, not increasing damage... Read more

  • Carol Taylor

    Very unhappy that Gatwick Airport is expanding. Serious concerns, environmentally and personally for area where we live. More noise and more frequent flights overhead. Can no longer hear the birds and... Read more

  • Claire Mitchell

    My property is directly under the landing and taking off of the flight path of Gatwick Airport. We already experience a number of issues with regards to the existing runway and airport. The major... Read more

  • Clare Bates

    I am concerned about the increased levels of pollution and the potential need for new flight paths and where if they are needed these will be.

  • Colgate Parish council (Colgate Parish council)

    Colgate PC are concerned for the following reason: Transport and infrastructure pressure Flood risk Increase inAir pollution increase noise

  • David Hugh Andrews

    Aircraft noise and pollution is already making life and sleep at night very difficult. In a warmer climate which we have started to see this year keeping windows open at night is going to be even more... Read more

  • Dr Frederic Sage

    I object to Gatwick airport seeking to build a second runway

  • Elizabeth Moor

    Increased aircraft traffic will lead to dramatically reduced quality of life in Lingfield. Already suffering from broken sleep even with windows closed, interrupted conversation when outside, noise... Read more

  • Emma Sophie Victoria Hodgson

    I do not wish the application to go ahead. There are already far too many aircraft in the skies around the local towns and villages

  • Gatwick Diamond Initiative (Gatwick Diamond Initiative)

    I am a local resident and chairman of the Gatwick Diamond Initiative business group. The Gatwick Diamond Initiative is responsible for sustainable inward investment, facilitating economic growth,... Read more

  • Grace Chitanga

    I and my partner strongly oppose it.

  • Harriet Warr

    Direct impact to the village of Lingfield. Planes are already so loud when landing at Gatwick especially when the wheels come down whilst over the village. During the summer, it is difficult to have... Read more

  • Harry Vickers

    The frequency of planes coming over head through the day is such that we regularly have to stop conversations when we are outside and, when I am working at home, I have to keep the windows shut. The... Read more

  • Indiya Mai Lane

    1) Noise levels will significantly increase over our property due to increased numbers of flights. The Gatwick Perspective previously wrote that some aircraft wouldn't be able to perform a Continuous... Read more

  • James Bauer-Mein

    If Gatwick are successful, the result will be devastating. More noise, more air pollution and even greater pressure on the already overstretched road and rail infrastructure. Critically, the expansion... Read more

  • James White

    I'm apposed to the application for an additional runway by Gatwick Airport for the following reasons. 1. Review has already selected Heathrow for expansion to meet the future capacity needs in the... Read more

  • Joel Chovet

    I am concerned about the negative impact this project will have on the area we live in and I object to the application because of the significant damage and impact it will have on the Parish and... Read more

  • Julie Anne Etheridge

    I strongly object to any expansion of Gatwick airport, air travel is a major contributor to climate change, and, as a local resident I already experience severe, noise, light and air pollution as a... Read more

  • Kevin Bellinger

    I have lived in and around lingfield for over 40 years and have had family members who have worked at the airport. However recently I have noticed the aircraft much more. There are more flights taking... Read more

  • Lee Richard Allsworth-Sims

    Protesting against the development of the additional runway at Gatwick Airport

  • Lewis Webb

    This project urgently needs to go ahead, a different proposal was offered years ago but Gatwick was failed again and put second to London. Gatwick is a very important airport for the local community.... Read more

  • Lorraine Ogrady

    I live under the flight path for Gatwick Airport and have done for over 20 years my quality of life is greatly affected now by the amount of flights taking off and arriving. They are too low, too... Read more

  • Lucy Capel

    We are in a climate emergency and should be decreasing carbon outputs not increasing it. There will be a significant increase in air pollution which is already affecting people with respiratory... Read more

  • Matthew Springall

    My main concern is air quality and noise pollution. The planes are already very frequent and another runway worries me because of the additional amount of flights, daily.

  • Neil Harvey

    This project is innovative, well thought-out and responsible. Privately funded, within its own physical demise and minimises its environmental impact whilst meeting future passenger demand.