
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 626 to 650 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Claire Maxim

    This scheme will destroy are local area. Infrastructure plans can not cope with increased traffic and increased population growth. Noise pollution from trains will be unacceptable. Destruction of... Read more

  • Croft Parish Council (Croft Parish Council)

    I am totally against this Development because it is on a Greenfield site, will endanger Burbage Common, will be a blot on the Landscape and despite assurances that there will be no increase in local... Read more

  • David M Brown

    There are many local rail freight terminals in our area to build another from scratch on farm land is not needed Roads through the villages are not capable of taking extra traffic

  • Deanna von Anrep

    I live directly in front of the proposed site and next to the single country lane Burbage Common Road which is a proposed access route. The proposal will have a substantial impact on the quality of my... Read more

  • Deb Cotterill

    Objection based on the hugely detrimental impact of noise, light pollution, increased traffic on an already stretched road system and above all, impact on mental health for the future population of... Read more

  • Deborah Anne Mann

    Destroying an area of nature ruining peoples only access to nature in an area where there is already a blight of unused warehousing and massive traffic and access problems which will not be improved... Read more

  • Elaine Morgan

    The local Road infrastructure is not fit for purpose without the introduction of the rail freight hub. The proposals do not address adequately how they will deal with the increase in lorries on the... Read more

  • Elisabeth Walker

    I am concerned on the intrusion of this project onto Burbage Common, this is the accessible country side for the local area. The use of the common is enhanced by the integration into the footpath... Read more

  • Emma Foster

    Hinckley already has way to many industrial sites/ warehouse parks that causes enough problems to the area in terms of traffic and also destroy wildlife hotspots. The area preposed to be used is an... Read more

  • Emma Satterford

    Concern for impact on local wildlife that uses the common, and on increased traffic through parts of Hinckley's Road network that are not included in the proposed highway improvements.

  • Francis John Bevington

    I object to this planning application on many grounds. 1. The road network in Burbage is already under severe pressure and with the number of new houses in the pipeline it is set to get a lot worse.... Read more

  • Higham on the Hill Parish Council (Higham on the Hill Parish Council)

    This development will erase acres of green space and increase traffic in an area already under pressure from vehicles . In such a residential area it will inevitably impact on all areas in the... Read more

  • Ian Hayto

    Totally against this proposal. It backs right onto a local beauty spot and will be a blight both visually and for the wildlife living on the common and woods. The light and noise pollution will be... Read more

  • James Stokes

    Against this proposal, the size and scale of this infrastructure so close to our town of Hinckley and Burbage would create so much noise it would travel so easily across our flat lands making it a... Read more

  • Joan Harris

    This site will cause traffic problems as the roads in and out of Hinckley are already overloaded during both mornings and evenings. The increase in, not only lorries, but also the volume of cars... Read more

  • Joanne Wilkes

    *The site proposed has limited space for such a development, once built there is no room to expand. *The main line proposed to feed this development is an old Victorian rail line many of the old... Read more

  • Julie Adshead

    I recently moved to Olympic way which is adjacent to the golf course and burbage common. I moved there to get away from the area where I previously lived which was a similar distance from an... Read more

  • Kathleen baxter

    Concern about noise pollution for the surroundings houses. This will be horrific. Also an eye sore. The noise from the freight will wake us up- it is far too close to housing.

  • Kay duplock

    The impact on the beauty and natural habitat of wild life on the site would be devastating. The roads around the are would be so busy and pollution would increase. There are already so many warehouses... Read more

  • Kim Howard

    This will destroy our all ready limited countryside in Burbage common, a retreat for much wildlife and biodiversity. Please reconsider your location.


    Significant environmental impact, air, light, noise pollution. Health impact as a result of pollution, increased pollution can and has been shown to negatively impact everyone but in particular... Read more

  • Lawrence Taylor

    Huge expanse of Greenfield built on. Similar infrastructure 15 miles away at DIRFT.

  • Lisa Bengi

    Object to this due to environmental impact

  • Lisa West

    I am extremely concerned about the destruction of a huge swathe of local greenbelt land and the impact on wildlife and the wellbeing of local people. My young family and I love visiting Burbage... Read more

  • Louise Backstrom

    I am strongly opposed to this development. Our village is the subject of constant proposals to build housing or monstrosities such as this. I moved to this village 10 years ago and am dismayed to see... Read more