
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 751 to 775 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Cathie Gibbens

    1. The area in which this development is proposed is already served by a large number of existing or agreed distribution centres, including rail freight interchanges. This includes: · Northampton... Read more

  • Christopher Linnett

    I wish to oppose a new freight terminal near Burbage common. I am [Redacted] and it is the only near, free park available to me and has unparalleled space to roam in comparison with the other green... Read more

  • Darren collins

    Been a resident of burbage all my life. My main point is the sapcote road cannot handle any more additional traffic. Burbage , sapcote , stoney Stanton are already bursting at the seams with over... Read more

  • David Hurst

    As a Narborough Resident and voluntary Station Adopter, I am concerns regarding the increase rail traffic through the level crossing at Narborough resulting in local road traffic delays through the... Read more

  • Deb Cooper

    RATIONALE for an RFT The proposed site is a near a rail line. However, this line is not electrified so will not be as efficient, nor is it a main line. It provides frequent and regular passenger... Read more

  • Deirdre Clayson

    I feel this proposed rail hub would be detrimental to our local wildlife which is already struggling with the amount of building taking place in this area. I often walk across the fields,where they... Read more

  • Elaine Sereda-Barsby

    Please could you note the following: 1. Generally - I strongly object to the proposals which I feel are inadequate in a number of areas. Additionally, the construction (over a 10-year period) and... Read more

  • Elmesthorpe Parish Council (Elmesthorpe Parish Council)

    REPRESENTATIONS FROM ELMESTHORPE PARISH COUNCIL 1. Introduction 1.1. Around 95% of the main site (excluding the proposed motorway slip roads) is in Elmesthorpe Parish. 1.2. The proposal will have by... Read more

  • Gillian Ford

    This proposal is unnecessary and unwanted in this area. We already have Magna Park distribution which is the biggest distribution centre in Western Europe, Dirft.,Kegworth and recently built DPD... Read more

  • Glynis Barnes

    Damage to the infrstructure of Burbage Woods. Increase in traffic through Sapcote.

  • Heather Williams

    Wildlife pollution access usage

  • Helen Bentley

    Hinckley is a small town with limited roads in and out, those are already heavily congested at peak times and it can take little extra to become gridlocked. Increased traffic from workers and... Read more

  • Helen Pibworth

    We enjoy Burbage Common on a regular basis and do not want to see the area destroyed.....

  • Iain McFadzen

    Burbage Common is probably the only good thing about Hinckley, and these plans look likely to ruin it. The increase in road traffic in the area alone should be grounds to reject these plans. The claim... Read more

  • James Sereda-Barsby

    Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange - Registration of Objection I am a resident in the village of Elmesthorpe Leicestershire and own a property along Burbage Common Road, and have lived here... Read more

  • James Wassell

    The common is a defining part of the Burbage and Hinckley area, used by many on a daily basis as an escape from the noise of the busy surrounding towns and villages. It houses precious wildlife and... Read more

  • John Batte

    The proposed rail terminal should be refused because: 1. Local roads cannot handle the large amount of extra traffic, both trucks and (commuter) cars. There has been a lot of warehouse development... Read more

  • John Clements

    This is a badly planned, unnecessary development that is going to have a significant impact on the lives of local residents and wildlife. There are a number of similar interchanges built (or under... Read more

  • John Palmer

    Main impacts are noise and light pollution, traffic congestion, deterioration of the local green space around Hinckley. This development is less than 800m from residential properties, from our... Read more

  • Jonathan Gilbert

    I want to to tell you about the issues that this development could have on the local environment and why the proposed scale is deemed necessary and in fitting with the rural characteristics of... Read more

  • Keith Ford

    This proposal is unnecessary as there are already similar facilities locally, Magna Park, DIRFT & Kegworth for example. There is also recently opened the huge DPD distribution centre on the A5,... Read more

  • Leicester Forest West Parish Meeting (Leicester Forest West Parish Meeting)

    Impact on local roads and communities by increased traffic volumes

  • Lisa brankin

    I am in favour of the proposal. I think it will help with the growth and maintenance of local businesses. I am in favour of the M69 slip road changes as this will open opportunities for the area.

  • Marcus Davey

    Traffic congestion Pollution Travel delays - rail crossings Destroying green space

  • Mark Hales

    There is no democracy on how this will affect the local area with pollution and disruption to the local enviroment and ecology of the area.