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The proposal to provide an access road to link to the B road opposite the rugby club, cricket club, squash club and football club is dangerous. The B road cannot accommodate the amount of HGV traffic...
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Again today around 6pm, junction 2 of the M69 to Hinckley had a two mile queue of cars. This is extremely dangerous and bringing this additional flow with lorries will only make matters worse. Instead...
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I am very concerned about the environmental impact this proposal will have on the local area. Additionally, it will inevitably create a great deal of heavy road traffic in the local area, which will...
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My representation is solely in relation to the environmental impact the proposed action will have especially on the wildlife, trees, flora and fauna as well as the negative impact on those people who...
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Increase in traffic
I want to be kept informed of the various stages of this project. As a concerned environmentalist and a Hinckley resident. I disagree with the planning application for the Hinckley National Rail...
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I'm very concerned about the vast impact this will have on my own, family's and local communities welfare. I do not understand why this project is being located so near to residential areas and will...
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The loss of habitat. The increased traffic and pollution. The project is not needed, due to other rail freight terminals in the area. There us absolutely no need for this project.
There are a number of concerns with this proposal. A significant impact adjacent to Burbage Common and Woods which would blight a significant area.With 1,000,000 said metres of high bay warehousing...
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Need for the rail freight terminal; Location; impact on local residents and infrastructure
Strongly object to the building of this unnecessary project. 1 - It is not needed! There are other rail freight hubs within a reasonable radius, and these are already not fully utilised. Why not fully...
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Lack of consultation Living next to building site How would developers feel if we were to build a shed in their back garden, Suitability of roads around area and access
The damage to our countryside an local environment will be devastating. Also there are already freight terminus within a 40 Mike radius. This is not needed.
I feel this development is completely inappropriate for the area. The number of jobs created will far exceed the number of unemployed locally meaning not only a significant increase in freight traffic...
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The impact to wildlife is going to be irreversible. We have a lot of species which are in danger which are known to frequent the area in and surrounding.
I have registered my interest as I would like to voice how detrimental to the countryside and quite villages this development would be. HGV parks already surround the villages of Leicestershire (A5,...
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My interest in this national infrastructure project is based on the impact of construction and use of the hub and train line upon our local habitat, environment and the impact of increased traffic on...
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i feel that this will destroy all wildlife within the vicinity and the surroundings areas such the burbage common, it will create more traffic of which we do not need, it will also destroy green belt,...
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Environmental Noise Pollution
Traffic construction on the Hinckley road is quite bad with heavy goods traffic and will only get worse Many times the traffic has been at a standstill caused by parking on both sides and larger...
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Damage to surrounding area will affect so many people especially those who use the common. Traffic on Sapcote road will be greatly increased & is already horrendous at times.
I feel that our villages have been picked on to drive to ruin. I visit Burbage Common most days with my dog for peace and meditation. We enjoy the birds, squirrels, rabbits, and if we're lucky we see...
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I oppose the development. The impact to me personally will be increased noise and pollution levels as well as increased traffic in the area. I quote often hear the train noise and horns at very late...
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Impact on the nearby Burbage Common and Woods. The amount of disruption to the area by additional traffic noise and light pollution.
My main issues are the lose of country side and the impact it will have on the environment. The shear scale of the development if built would be seen and heard from all the surrounding villages. Also...
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