
Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1401 to 1424 of 1424 representations, newest first.

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  • Steve Pownall

    I wish to make known my objection to this planned development. There is already several freight terminals within 20 miles and the whole Leicestershire side of A5 is becoming a continual... Read more

  • Steven Whitmore

    I write in opposition to the proposed Hinckley national rail freight interchange. I submit that this venture represents a colossal threat to the area, both now and in the future. My reasons are not... Read more

  • Stewart Hook

    I object to the proposal, due to the significant negative impact it would have on Hinckley, Burbage and the surrounding villages, both in the loss of green space, and massive increase in vehicle... Read more

  • Aitchison Raffety Ltd (Aitchison Raffety Ltd) on behalf of Stoney Stanton Parish Council (Stoney Stanton Parish Council)

    Stoney Stanton Parish Council - Relevant Representation Stoney Stanton forms a settlement located less than 1.5 kilometres from the proposed Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (NRFI). Stoney... Read more

  • Sue Allen

    I am concerned about the negative impact that this development will have on the local community in terms of noise, light pollution, extra traffic on already congested roads, the desecration of the... Read more

  • Susan Garnor

    I would like to start by saying that our family have lived in the local villages close to the proposed HNRFI site all of our lives and regard this area as being an extremely important piece of the... Read more

  • Susan Stevenson

    My main concerns are the impact on the local environment and the increased traffic on already congested local roads

  • Susan Taylor

    This rail freight exchange is not needed. There are two alternative railheads nearby (DIRFT to the south and an unused one near Dordon to the north which is close to the M42. There are traffic jams... Read more

  • Suzanne Deacon

    No more freight trains

  • Tara Fox

    Disaster to wildlife and an area of outstanding beauty , greed alone drives this decision , traffic will increase and destroy our green space

  • Edward Charles Bryan on behalf of The Bryan Family (The Bryan Family)

    We live very close to junction 2 of the M69 so the development of this site is going to impact our daily lives for many years. Over the last 19 years the traffic on the M69 and the surrounding local... Read more

  • The Environment Agency (The Environment Agency)

    The Environment Agency's comments focus on those environmental aspects for which we have either a statutory remit, or interest in through legislative requirements. On this basis, and in summary, we... Read more

  • Thomas Ronald Payne

    Loss of agriculture space in our area. the congestion on the M69 leading up to M1 has queues over over 2 miles already so this development will make it much worse The affect on the Burbage common... Read more

  • Titiksha Masand

    As a Sapcote resident I am very concerned about the impact this development will have on our village in terms of traffic, pollution, noise and the environment. I am particularly concerned about the... Read more

  • Tom Nash

    At the moment, my wife and I use the lovely green space for both walking and more importantly, to observe the bird life in the woods. This and other wildlife will badly be affected by the noise and... Read more

  • Tracey hurst

    I’m based right next to the development and have not been contacted personally about the impact it will have on my land and gone this very offensive as it will have a huge impact on my lifestyle

  • UK Health Security Agency (UK Health Security Agency)

    Thank you for your consultation regarding the above development. The UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) welcomes the opportunity to comment on your proposals at this stage of the project. Please note... Read more

  • Valerie Ann Pole

    1. There are already similar infrastructures in our area which means this development is not needed. The area is already covered. 2. This is prime farmland. We need farmland, we need food. British... Read more

  • Vicki Parsons

    There are estimated to be 32 trains daily coming and going resulting in an extra HGV per minute on the roads round Burbage. This will cause unacceptable levels of pollution, noise and road congestion.... Read more

  • Vivien Selby

    The infrastructure cannot cope as it is with all the extra hubs that are being built in and around Hinckley for example, DPD and Amazon. At busy times, Hinckley can become gridlocked, and this would... Read more

  • Warwickshire County Council (Warwickshire County Council)

    Following matters are raised by Warwickshire County Council Highways as part of the Hinckley National Rail Freight Interchange (HNRFI) DCO proposal: 1. Consultation i. WCC Highways attended Transport... Read more

  • William David Moore

    Tritax are attempting to turn our quiet and distinctive rural village of Elmesthorpe into an adjunct to a vast industrial and transport site. Not content with that, Tritax propose the construction of... Read more

  • Z Meade

    This project would have a significant detrimental effect on both the local environment and local road network, impacting all residents within the surrounding area. The proposed site will adjoin... Read more

  • Zoe Reid

    That it is not required and to highlight the detrimental impact to surrounding villages and towns