
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 151 to 175 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Heather McConville

    I am deeply concerned that EDF proposals for Sizewell C will severely affect me, and the Marlesford and surrounding community throughout the anticipated 12 year construction period. Despite the fact... Read more

  • Julie Barham

    EDF only propose a two village bypass. The A12 is currently an extremely congested and dangerous road and adding a further 2000 vehicle movements a day for the next ten years is madness. There should... Read more

  • Marie Adams

    I am worried about the consequences of building a nuclear reactor in such a sensitive area. It negatively impinges on sites of special scientific interest and is adjacent to internationally designated... Read more

  • Norfolk County Council (Norfolk County Council)

    Norfolk County Council response to Proposed Sizewell C Project – Submitted DCO Application September 2020 (a) General Comments As the proposed development is located outside of Norfolk within the... Read more

  • Parish Clerk (Parish Clerk ) on behalf of Parham Parish Council (Parham Parish Council )

    We would like to register as an interested party to give us the chance to send a representation, although we do not currently have a representation. -------------------------------------------- Parham... Read more

  • Simon Maier

    I want to raise the following serious issues of deep concern relating to the possibility of Sizewell C. Firstly, the site: 1. It is the wrong project in the wrong place 2. The earmarked site is at... Read more

  • Marc Sidwell

    As a homeowner in Marlesford I am extremely concerned that the impact on our village has been insufficiently considered. EDF rarely even mentions our existence, and yet the Southern Park and Ride will... Read more

  • Peasenhall Parish Council (Peasenhall Parish Council)

    Sizewell C: Relevant Representation Statement by Peasenhall Parish Council If the Sizewell C power station is built, there will be impacts on the parish of Peasenhall during the 10-15 year... Read more

  • Timothy Roberts

    I intend to object in detail on the basis of the huge waste of capital and construction resources this project will entail plus the massive and lengthy disruption we will face across our rural... Read more

  • Amanda Taylor

    I am writing to highlight my major issues of concern about Sizewell C 1. The technology is yet to work anywhere (except perhaps China??) and is already outdated; in the meantime proven green... Read more

  • Butley, Wantisden & Capel St Andrew Parish Council (Butley, Wantisden & Capel St Andrew Parish Council)

    Dear Sirs, RE: THE CONSTRUCTION OF SIZEWELL C The Butley, Capel St Andrew and Wantisden Parish Council has debated the issue of building a significant nuclear power station within eight miles of our... Read more

  • Michael Wade

    My issues of concern for planners to examine regarding Sizewell C: 1. Environmental damage - The site is at risk from sea level rise and flooding particularly in view of climate change and loss of... Read more

  • Mrs Ann SK Mitchem

    As a resident of East Suffolk, a volunteer at Minsmere and at Dunwich museum, I am passionate about this beautiful area of AONB - and an invaluable SSSI. We must protect the species that flourish... Read more

  • Pete Wilkinson

    Amenity The construction of Sizewell C will require the urbanization of a rural area, the wholesale conversion of a tranquil, peaceful area of Suffolk into a building site with the influx of thousands... Read more

  • Peter Etheridge

    The site at Eastbridge is too small for the proposed construction. It is impossible to construct a building of this size without causing environmental damage Will cause a huge noise and light... Read more

  • Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty)

    This representation is made on behalf of the Suffolk Coast & Heaths Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Partnership. The Partnership is made up of around 25 organisations who are committed to... Read more

  • John Pigneguy

    Regarding the widely-acknowledged looming environmental crisis, it is absolutely crucial to make the future as "green" as possible. Wind, solar and tidal power are all "green and clean," unlike... Read more

  • John Richmond

    my representation will include the following areas of concern General - this power station is too large for the national Grid to cope with - EdF have not yet demonstrated a working EPR and are badly... Read more

  • Mrs Susan Eckholdt

    The application misleadingly suggests that there is a need for Sizewell C, yet the claim is a false one. There is no local, county, regional OR national energy production target driving this specific... Read more

  • Susanna Powers

    Sea level rises are almost certain making the siting of Sizewell C extremely dangerous given that there is currently no solution to the problem of nuclear waste which will need to be kept cool for the... Read more

  • Bromeswell Parish Council (Bromeswell Parish Council)

    Bromeswell Parish Council would prefer that we didn’t need to use nuclear power but accepts that there is a need to phase out fossil fuels and that, at this stage a mixture of nuclear & renewables... Read more

  • Greg Walsh

    As a Chartered Engineer, I will be examining safety and environmental aspects of the EDF reactor and infrastructure design, and basing my objections to the development based on these.

  • Hillas Smith

    I object to sizewll C construction on the following grounds, The vast sums of money involved in the project could be better spent on other renewable energy sources eg wind and solar power. The costs... Read more

  • Phillippa Headlam

    This is the Relevant Representation of Phillippa Headlam to the Planning Inspectorate regarding NNB Generation Company (SZC) Limited DCO Application for Sizewell C New Nuclear Power Station and... Read more

  • Sibton Parish Council (Sibton Parish Council)

    Relevant Representation by Sibton Parish Council on the application by EDF to construct Sizewell ‘C’ nuclear power station. We are disappointed that EDF are still not proposing to make full use of the... Read more