
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 951 to 1000 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Annabel Jermyn

    I would like to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. 1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place As I understand it the site is at risk from climate... Read more

  • Annabel Ward

    1. The site is unsuitable owing to climate change with sea levels rising. Also costal erosion. 2. 6,000 workers coming to the site will have a huge impact on the local infrastructure: medical, social... Read more

  • Anne Lauton

    - traffic through the village of Westleton will inevitably increase. The lanes through from Blythburgh to Middleton have not been considered and there are many pinch points which are already a hazard.... Read more

  • Ashley St Clair

    This project clearly proposes an irreparable blot on the landscape and the psyche of the country for many thousands of years, all in the name of promoting over-consumption in the name of short-term... Read more

  • Beach View Holiday Park (Beach View Holiday Park )

    We are registering as Beach View Holiday Park located at Sizewell Common IP16 4TU (David, Sylvia Nicholas, Kristian & Kimberly Thorp) We agree with the concerns raised by Suffolk County Council and... Read more

  • Ben Horwood

    I am concerned about the following: - the safety of the site given coastal erosion and likely rises in sea levels given climate change - the location of such a major civil engineering project, both... Read more

  • Bess Harrup

    I believe the vast amount of money needed to build Sizwell c could be better spent investing in renewable energy with minimal disruption to the local area and environment. Our beautiful, fragile coast... Read more

  • Beth Goose

    My family and I live in Theberton on Main Road. Theberton is a small village close to the proposed Sizewell C site. We are concerned that: 1.the site for Sizewell C is too small for the proposed... Read more

  • Bill Parker

    As the former Head of Coastal Management for Suffolk I wish to express deep concerns about the proposed EDF development at Sizewell C, especially: Application process and documentation A digital... Read more

  • Bill Turnbull

    I am deeply concerned about the proposed construction of Sizewell C because: It will do untold damage to local wildlife, particularly at RSPB Minsmere. Marsh Harriers and many other birds will be... Read more

  • Blaxhall Parish Council (Blaxhall Parish Council)

    Dear Sirs, Blaxhall Parish Council feel that EDF Energy have still failed to respond to the widespread concerns raised at Stages 3 & 4. The Parish Council are appalled that the rail & sea options for... Read more

  • Brian Dicks

    I am writing to OPPOSE the building of Sizewell C on our beautiful Suffolk coast. I am totally opposed to nuclear energy in principle for many reasons, but the main one is the storage of waste. I... Read more

  • Bridget Chadwick

    I am concerned about the following issues about the potential building of Sizewell C: The site is unsuitable because: - the coastline is eroding as I have seen in the time I have lived here and is... Read more

  • Briony Sones

    This development MUST be considered with other energy projects proposed for this area - the cumulative effect will be devastating and long lasting for the residents and this beautiful area. I am... Read more

  • Britten Pears Arts (Britten Pears Arts)

    Background Britten Pears Arts (BPA), reg. charity 261383, was originally formed in 1948, with the creation of the Aldeburgh Festival of Music and the Arts. The organisation, founded by the leading... Read more

  • Carole M Wilson

    I strongly object to the plans for two more nuclear power plants at Sizewell. Our coastline is fragile, our landscape is gentle, nature has provided such a rich variety of coastal habitats for a wide... Read more

  • Ashtons Legal (Ashtons Legal) on behalf of Caroline Ogilvie (Caroline Ogilvie)

    1. I, Caroline Ogilvie, own [Redacted]and have lived here since 1987. I wish to be registered as an interested party for the Sizewell C DCO. I do not support the construction of the new Nuclear power... Read more

  • Catherine Bacon

    Representative in relation to farmland affected by compulsory purchase, plus residential property affected by increased traffic at a separate location.

  • Catherine Langton

    The Suffolk Coastal Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty is an inappropriate location for Sizewell C nuclear power station. Construction work including new roads would permanently damage the wider... Read more

  • Chris Fox

    As a resident of Darsham I would wish to make you aware of my concerns about the proposal for another Nuclear Power Station at the Sizewell site. Adjacent to the Sizewell sites is the Minesmere Nature... Read more

  • Chris Goff

    I wish to raise the following objections about Sizewell C: 1. Environment • Impossible to compensate the damage to landscape and ecology because of the location, design and scale of the construction... Read more

  • Chris Maloney

    I have concerns about - Over reliance on foreign companies for key infrastructure projects Environmental effects on unspoiled natyral areas Pressure on traffic infrastructure Pressures from a large... Read more

  • Chris Nice

    As a resident of Suffolk I wish to raise my concerns about Sizewell C: 1. The long term environmental risk of handling the radioactive waste that will be generated by Sizewell. 2. The possible short... Read more

  • Chris Sheehan

    I am against the proposed development of Sizewell C. My main concern is the devastating effect it will have on wildlife and loss of important habitat along the Suffolk coast.

  • Christine Wall

    As a long term visitor and onetime resident of East Suffolk I wish to register my objections to the proposed construction of Sizewell C. These I set out below in no order of priority: Environmental •... Read more

  • Christopher George

    The application fails to take account of the latest Intergovernemental Panel on Climate Change projections on predicted sea level rise and in particular the likelihood and magnitude for tidal surges... Read more

  • Christopher J Leggett

    This site is inappropriate for the proposed development due to the serious damage that would be done to the fragile coastal landscape, known for its beauty and instability. There would be immediate... Read more

  • Christopher Smith

    Sizewell C will have a significant negative impact on the area. - It is in an area of outstanding natural beauty including the nature reserve Minsmere which will suffer from the development of the... Read more

  • Claire Chilvers

    I object to Sizewell C as it is a huge development in an area with poor roads/infrastructure and the impact it will have on wildlife. Most businesses have trouble getting permission to build one house... Read more

  • Claire Whittenbury

    This would be a disaster for the region

  • Clare Sheehan

    I am very much opposed to the Sizewell C development. it will decimate a beautiful area of suffolk coast, much of which is an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty. I understand we need to generate power... Read more

  • Clare Turner

    Outdated and hugely expensive technology. Site selection Impacts on Minsmere, nearby SSSI i.e. the very narrow corridor near Sandy Lane between land and sea and all the wildlife in the broader area.... Read more

  • Clive Gissing

    This remote part of the Suffolk coast is completely inappropriate and impractical for building such a large Nuclear Power Station. This is obvious to many in Suffolk opposing the development - we’re... Read more

  • Cllr T J Haworth-Culf

    Cumulative impact of this project alongside the multiple Energy NSIP’s coming forward on this coast requires consideration as the current plans would result in chaos. An early overview from the... Read more

  • Colin Cooper

    It is my opinion that the Sizwell C application should be approved and the station constructed - because 1 - This area desperately requires the the quantity and quality jobs that will be created... Read more

  • Cordelia Richman

    This project must not go ahead and please do not allow it to go ahead. In-depth studies by Friends of the Earth demonstrate that the proposed Sizewell C construction works would cause permanent damage... Read more

  • D Watson

    Local geology stability concerns. This site is marshland over sand/clays and saturated chalk, essentially on an ancient riverbed. This proposed area is highly vulnerable to future engulfment from the... Read more

  • Daisy Haworth

    Cumulative impact of this project alongside the multiple Energy NSIP’s coming forward on this coast requires consideration as the current plans would result in chaos. An early overview from the... Read more

  • Daniel Thompson

    The science is clear that Sizewell C is a vital step forward in our fight against climate change. It is by far the cleanest and least environmentally impactful way to provide energy for the local... Read more

  • Savills (UK) Ltd (Savills (UK) Ltd) on behalf of David and Belinda Grant (David and Belinda Grant)

    Our client's concerns are outlined in the ‘Outline Representations’ detailed below prepared by NFU and LIG. Our client may decide it is necessary to appoint a barrister and experts to act on their... Read more

  • David Breen

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: The Site The site identified for Sizewell C is... Read more

  • David Freeland

    I am against this development, on the grounds of cost, storage of waste on site, the impact on the surrounding environment and this technology is flawed

  • David Mandela Jesse

    I don't think nuclear power is a safe or acceptable technology to be carrying forward into the future.

  • David McLean

    My comments relate to Pledge 4 of the Sizewell C documentation. As a general observation, the reference to “40% of construction materials by rail and sea” is completely unsatisfactory because it... Read more

  • Deborah Thomas

    The reason so many of us choose to live and work in east Suffolk and more come here to holiday is its outstanding natural beauty . This would be massively impacted by the construction of this huge... Read more

  • Denise Parry

    Dear Sir/Madam, I am opposed to the proposed Sizewell C development on the following grounds: The damage to our fragile Suffolk coastline will be immeasurable: our areas of natural beauty will be... Read more

  • Derek Walduck

    I believe that if the Sizewell C development were to go ahead it would have a very detrimental effect on our area. My reasons include, among others: * our rural communities would be overwhelmed by the... Read more

  • Diana Huntingford

    I am concerned of the effect of this proposal on this fragile and valued environment of the East Suffolk Coast, on the continued effect of coastal erosion. It seems to me the economic impact of this... Read more

  • Diana Quick

    I am concerned about the IMPACT on the local environment including *Transport and the increase of traffic and access on inadequate roads, and the siting of the 2 park and ride facilities *the housing... Read more

  • Don Foster

    Concerns regarding the environment, transport and the tourism economy