
The Sizewell C Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 626 to 650 of 1290 representations, newest first.

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  • Ann Follows

    I am a local resident living about eight miles from Sizewell. The proposed development will alter the environment, the economy and the quality of life of the local population for the duration of the... Read more

  • Anne Tyerman

    I strongly object to this project which will destroy this glorious coastline of outstanding natural beauty which I have been close to since 1962. The impact of the large scale building work on small... Read more

  • Anne Westover

    I strongly object to the proposal to build SZC. The location on the sensitive Suffolk coast and within our nationally designated coastal ‘Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty’ (AONB) is unacceptable for... Read more

  • Annette Lisa Story Vigar

    I intend to make the following submissions: - the issue of the huge increase in road traffic, - the irreversible despoliation of the AONB, - the strain on local services (already stretched) from an... Read more

  • Anthony Mackintosh

    This area of East Suffolk is well populated and contains several areas of Special Scientific interest. The construction and operation of Sizewell C will disrupt and in some cases destroy these... Read more

  • Antony Philip Baskett

    The project is to big for the area. Surrounding roads are not able to cope the amount of traffic. The new link road devastates farm land, making farming the land unviable. The devastation to the... Read more

  • Arthur Stansfield

    Like much of EdF’s consultation the proposed mitigation is superficial. They have failed to consult sincerely and taken responses into account. The offered mitigation seldom makes amends for the... Read more

  • atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben! (atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben!)

    Our organisation has to reject the project UK EPR™ for several reasons. We could not find sufficient proof of safe disposal for spent fuel and radioactive waste in the documents. We even are missing... Read more

  • Ayres Family

    1. We are a household of six and have lived at [redacted] The house and barns can be dated to the early 17th Century. We have also acquired surrounding arable farmland and currently own 37 acres in... Read more

  • Boyton Parish Council (Boyton Parish Council)

    Boyton is a coastal village, approx 15 miles due south of Sizewell on the Alde estuary, looking out to sea and the off-shore wind farms. On behalf of the parish residents, we wish to raise the... Read more

  • Brian Lowry

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. This is too big a project for the present infrastructure of roads, our delicate and acclaimed wildlife habitats and at a time when... Read more

  • Brightwell, Foxhall & Purdis Farm Group Parish Council (Brightwell, Foxhall & Purdis Farm Group Parish Council)

    The Group Parish Council’s principal concern is the development of a Freight Management Facility near the Seven Hills A12 / A14 junction. Not only will the site itself be an unwanted intrusion into a... Read more

  • Bryant Maitland

    1. I am concerned about the effect on wildlife -birds in particular due to the proximity of the new power station to Minsmere RSPB site-Sir David Attenborough is drawing our attention to the danger of... Read more

  • C Foster

    I have many concerns short and long term issues regarding the following aspects of the proposed development: • long term implications of nuclear waste, with unknown strategies, costs and future safety... Read more

  • Caroline McHugh

    I must express in the strongest terms my objection to the development of Sizewell C for the following reasons: - The potential threat to an area of outstanding beauty and wildlife. - The huge increase... Read more

  • Catherine Lindsay-Davies

    I wish to raise the following issues of concern about Sizewell C. I believe this site is unsuitable as it will have a catastrophic impact on the local area in terms of its precious natural environment... Read more

  • Charles Croydon

    1. Site Selection I believe it is the wrong project in the wrong place Site at risk from climate change, sea level rise and flooding Adverse impact on adjacent internationally designated sites of... Read more

  • Chas Bazeley

    There are several questions that remain unanswered regarding this application: 1) If nuclear power is safe, why is this generator not being sited on the Thames close to London where the demand is... Read more

  • Chillesford Parish Meeting (Chillesford Parish Meeting)

    This is the registration of interest in the Sizewell C DCO proposal by EDF from Chillesford Parish Meeting. We have responded to all stages of pre-consultation though note that only responses to stage... Read more

  • Chris McCarthy

    The site is in the wrong place. Its at risk from the effects of climate change. Sea levels have risen on the East Coast and are rising every year. Flooding is of concern. The proposed site is... Read more

  • Christopher Haydn Morris

    Why would junction improvements need to be made to the A12/B1119 junction in Saxmundham?

  • Clara Rose

    I wanted to register my complaint against the proposed sizewell C. As a resident of the area the extra traffic, pollution both now and in the long term with radio active waste cannot benefit the area.... Read more

  • Clifford M. Reed

    Sizewell C would be a permanent and highly intrusive imposition on the Suffolk Herirage Coast and the Suffolk Coast and Heaths AONB. It would threaten the biodiversity of a wildlife-rich area by... Read more

  • Cllr Tony Cooper

    I am focus on the immediate local effects on Leiston. The main issues I would like to raise and take forward to the examination are; 1. Transport. ? Controls are required for bus movements and... Read more

  • Dave Fleetham

    I wish to register the following concerns about the proposed Sizewell C development: I am opposed to the proposed development on the following grounds: The Site Is wholly inappropriate for a nuclear... Read more