Mae'r rhestr isod yn cynnwys cofnod o gyngor a roddwyd gennym ar gyfer y prosiect hwn.
Chwiliwch yn ôl geiriau allweddol neu enw'r unigolyn y rhoddwyd y cyngor iddo.
s51 Advice given to the Applicant following issue of decision to accept the application for examination.
Please see attached
Dear PINS I am writing on behalf of Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth or which I am Coordinator. Our members are concerned that the Sizewell C application for planning consent was put in on Wednesd...
Darllen mwy
Dear Liam and Michelle, We noted in the latest Meeting note between PINS and EDF that issues regarding making documents available at public locations remain unresolved. Can you let us know whether you...
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Please see attached
Please see attached
Dear Sir/Madam, I appreciate that you have no legal ability to control the timing of a DCO application, but I wish to register my concern that EDF/CGN are due to submit the DCO application for Sizewel...
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Please see attached.
Submission logistics meeting
Dear Sir We are writing to say we are extremely unhappy that EDF are intending to submit their DCO application this month and that the Planning Inspectorate will only have 28 days from the submission ...
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Dear Sir or Madam I am writing to you as a very concerned member of the public. I believe that EdF are about to or may have already submitted a Development Consent Order (DCO) in respect of Sizewell C...
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Dear Sizewell team PINS, Please find enclosed the document - Sizewell C – The environment, coastal morphology and climate change-a 2020 perspective. The document explores a serious flood risk associat...
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Please see attached
Dear Sir/Madam, Please find attached a letter sent yesterday to Rt Hon Alok Sharma MP in connection with the impending Sizewell C development consent order and complications relating to the Covid 19 l...
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Dear Planning Inspectorate, I am forwarding a letter I wrote to my MP Peter Aldous today about EDFE's Sizewell C DCO. Please hear my concerns about this possibly happening in the next few weeks as I w...
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Submission Logistics meeting with NNB Nuclear Generation (SZC) Ltd
Dear Planning Inspectorate, BEIS Ministers and EDF I urge you not to accept EDF’s application to construct two new nuclear reactors at Sizewell. I am deeply dismayed that EDF has proceeded with submit...
Darllen mwy
Dear EDF & Sizewell Planning Inspectorate, Do not submit an application for Sizewell C during coronavirus restrictions – which government advisers say could last most of the year. Do not to proceed un...
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Dear Planning Inspectorate, BEIS Ministers and EDF We will all be measured and remembered by how we behave in the current Coronavirus crisis. I urge you not to accept EDF’s application to construct tw...
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Dear all, I am writing to ask that the DCO submission be delayed until after lockdown and social distancing measures no longer in place to allow full access to information such as at re-opened librari...
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Dear Sir, please stop the DCO submission from EDF for Sizewel C.We the residents of Theberton and Middleton living along the [redacted] are already [redacted] and exhausted. Why 1.Living for 8 years w...
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Dear Sir/Madam I wrote to the planning Inspectorate on 12 March 2020 regarding my dissatisfaction of EDF/CGN Sizewell C four stages of consultation. I am now concerned that EDF/CGN despite being made ...
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Dear Sir/Madam, I believe that the short delay in submitting a Development Consent Order (DCO) application for Sizewell C “for a few weeks” is totally unacceptable. It is becoming increasingly clear t...
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Submission Logistics meeting with NNB Nuclear Generation (SZC) Ltd
Dear Liam Fedden, Thank you for your email re the above. I represent a group of people called FERN who will he having to submit documents and evidence about the 2 village bypass proposal. A couple of ...
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Dear PINS Please can you explain at what point the public will be able to see all the documents submitted by EDF Energy regarding Sizewell C. Will this be when the application goes in, or when the app...
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FAO Michele Gregory SZC Case Manager Dear Michele, I have looked at the PINS website for a better understanding of what will happen when EDFE submit their DCO for Sizewell C knowing that it could be i...
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Please see attached
I am asking the planning inspectorate to not accept EDF's DCO until at least sometime after the lockdown has ended . I alongside the Parish Council and members of FERN Farnham Environment Friends & Ne...
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I am writing having heard that EDF intends to proceed with a DCO application in relation to Sizewell C despite the current COVID19 lockdown. It seems so obvious as hardly to need saying that in the cu...
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Dear Sirs I have written to EDF to register my surprise that they are even considering putting in the application for Sizewell C at this time. There is no way it should be allowed and it could not be ...
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Sizewell C Please do not submit an application for a Development Consent Order during the coronavirus lockdown (which could last most of the year). EDF wants to press ahead this month [April], but thi...
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Please see the attached letter sent on behalf of East Suffolk Council and Suffolk County Council in relation to your recent email of the 30 March 2020. Please also find attached a copy of the letter s...
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Submission Timetable Meeting with NNB Nuclear Generation (SZC) Limited (Applicant)
Dear Sizewell C Team We've asked EDF not to submit an application for a a Development Consent Order to build Sizewell C, we copied you on our email. Should they decide to do so anyway please do not ac...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached
Please see attached
Dear Planning Inspectorate, BEIS ministers and EDF, I am writing to request you do not to accept EDF’s application to construct two new nuclear reactors at Sizewell. After 4 rounds of public consultat...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached
Dear PINS I am writing on behalf of Suffolk Coastal Friends of the Earth, of which I am the Coordinator. Our members are truly appalled that EDF Energy are apparently thinking of putting in their appl...
Darllen mwy
> Re: EDF/Sizewell C consultations x 4 > > As we are led to believe that EDF will soon apply for their DCO, Covid 19 not withstanding, I want to submit some serious misgivings I have about the 4 publi...
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Dear all, I think that EDFs planning application, now due for submission in April, for Sizewell C should be postponed until after Covid 19 pandemic for the following reasons: 1. This crisis will not b...
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Please see attached
I hear that the public meetings about this application have been cancelled due to the present Covid-19 criss. It would be undemocratic to proceed without the meetings and the right course of action wo...
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Project Update Meeting
Dear Michele, In these days of crisis with Covid 19 I am very concerned with the situation that may occur concerning the NSIP EDF Energy proposal for Sizewell C. We have been told locally that EDFE ar...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached.
Dear Sir/Madam I write to express my dissatisfaction with the consultation process which EDF has undertaken in respect of Sizewell C&D. In view of the social and environmental sensitivity of this sche...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached
Dear Planning Inspectorate, BEIS Ministers and EDF I urge you not to accept EDF’s application to construct two new nuclear reactors at Sizewell. Despite 4 rounds of public consultations, EDF has not p...
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Dear Planning Inspectorate, BEIS Ministers and EDF I urge you not to accept EDF’s application to construct two new nuclear reactors at Sizewell. Despite 4 rounds of public consultations, EDF has not p...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached
Please see attached
Please see attached
Please see attached
Please see attached
Please see attached
Dear Sir/Madam I have read that EDF are imminently planning to submit their application for a DCO for the proposed Sizewell C. I feel it is necessary, despite four consultations, to voice my concern a...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached
Dear all, I am writing to object to the very unsatisfactory nature of the Sizewell C consultation. I have spoken to over 50 Suffolk residents who overwhelmingly say that their petition signing and obj...
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Please see attached
Re: ‘Sizewell as a potentially suitable site for new nuclear’ EN-6 Please would you consider the following two statements when reviewing EN-6, ‘potential site suitability for new nuclear’: 1) Accordin...
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Please see attached
Draft documents feedback meeting
Update on engagement with the Applicant
Please see attached
Please see attached
Please see attached meeting note
Project update meeting
See attached.
See attached
See attached
Nuclear Build Development Meeting between the Environment Agency and the Planning Inspectorate
Dear Liam, Thank you for your response. I have sent my letter to EDF and our local authority. Perhaps you could keep my response below for use by yourselves when the application arrives in your 'in tr...
Darllen mwy
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate between August and September 2019: Derek Green, Mick Purkiss, Diana Hinton, B.V. Taylor...
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The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation, including comments on the standard of consultation, to the Planning Inspectorate between August and September 2019:...
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The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation, including comments on the lack on environmental information, to the Planning Inspectorate between August and Septem...
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Dear Sir or Madam, Please find attached the response sent today on behalf of Marlesford Parish Council to EDF Energy, replying to their Stage 4 consultation on their proposals for Sizewell C. Can I dr...
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Dear Sir/Madam, Ref Planning Application No DC/19/1637/FUL Relocation of Sizewell B Power Station Complex and use of Adjoining land. Please may I strongly object to the planning application for above ...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached.
Whilst I am pleased that EDF have been forced to add an additional consultation phase to their plans for Sizewell C&D I am disappointed that the notice period for this consultation is so short and tha...
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I am contacting you about the timing of the Stage 4 Consultation. Not only have Public Exhibitions been left out in Theberton, Middleton, Darsham and Saxmundham but the main thrust of the Consultation...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached.
Project and Local Area Impact Update Meeting with NNB Nuclear Generation (SZC) Limited and Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk Council
The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation to the Planning Inspectorate between January and April 2019: Clive Tickner, Barry N and Monica J Osborn, Dave Robb, ...
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The following persons sent responses to the Applicant’s 2019 statutory consultation, including comments on the standard of consultation, to the Planning Inspectorate between January and April 2019: Pa...
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Please see my personal response to the Sizewell C third stage consultation. I am particularly concerned that we are still waiting for the revised EN6 Nuclear Policy and understand that the Government ...
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I am unclear as to how the published documents display the new scoping request information and previous scoping opinion and in particular “ the interaction between the previous opinion and the new sco...
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See Attached
To whom it may concern, I am writing to you on behalf of my constituent Miss Emma Bateman, who has raised concerns regarding the planning of Sizewell C. Miss Bateman is concerned that the National Pol...
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Please can you guide me to the new scoping information request and explanation of difference, and also the Planning Inspectorate’s response to this? I understand this is a requirement for the pre cons...
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You wrote the following in your email below. “Please note, the Planning Inspectorate had a meeting last week with EDF, a copy of the note for this meeting will be shortly be published on the Sizewell ...
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EN010012 - EDF Sizewell C/D EN010077 & EN010078 - Scottish Power EA1N & EA2 I am writing to request extensions to consultations for the above Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects in East Suf...
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I am writing to ask about the stage 3 consultation for sizewell C which is due to begin on January 4th 2019. EDF have a statutory obligation to adhere to the Statement of Community Consultation (SoCC)...
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Please see attached
To Planning Inspectorate, Case Officer for Sizewell C.
Dear Officer PINs
We have just learnt that EDFE are running their Sizewell C 3rd Consultation for 12 weeks from 4th Jan 2019. Also that th...
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Project meeting update
Good afternoon.
I feel it is appropriate to bring to your attention the attached letter
that has been sent to our County and District Council leaders and senior
officers, as well as relevant...
Darllen mwy
Please see attached letter from Paul Collins (dated 07 September 2018)
As the Parish Councillor who has the Sizewell Portfolio I would be grateful if you would clarify whether Kelsale Cum Carlton is a Statutory Consultee or not bearing in mind the A12 runs through the Pa...
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