
Sunnica Energy Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1151 to 1200 of 1360 representations, newest first.

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  • William James

    Too big

  • William McClure

    I am registering to make my objection to Sunnica. * Firstly, this scheme will consist of 1 million solar panels and imported probably from China; 100 acres of concrete laid and over 30 miles of... Read more

  • Adam Eatock

    I live in Burwell and want a say in the health and environmental impacts this proposal brings to the local area.

  • Truly Ko on behalf of Adrian Ko (Adrian Ko)

    I appose the Sunnica scheme for many reasons. The main being. Toxic fumes & fire risk of large battery storage in close proximity to village.

  • Alan Gordon Sharp

    I am the Cambridgeshire County Councillor for the Woodditoon Division and the proposed development will not be far from the boundary of my ward. The major points that I wish to raise are:- 1. Danger... Read more

  • Ali Killlingback

    The Sunnica scheme is far too big. Using valuable arable land. Badly planned and way too big

  • Alison French

    The monstrosity that is the Sunnica solar farm will turn vast areas of farmland and beautiful countryside surrounding our village, and other villages around us, into an ugly industrial zone. It is way... Read more

  • Rosalind Bavington George on behalf of Alun George (Alun George)

    1. Areas of valuable agricultural land will be taken out of production 2. Our local infrastructure of small country roads and villages will suffer hugely during the years of construction. 3. Huge,... Read more

  • Amanda Benton

    I do not want sunnica to be approved. Far too big, too close to villages and a huge environmental impact.

  • Amanda Golding

    As a farmer and parent whose land is not directly effected by the proposal, I still have grave concerns on the following grounds: 1. Large scale Li-ion BESS battery safety/noxious fumes are a huge... Read more

  • Andrea Flynn

    I think sunnica will ruin the beautiful views and farm land which surrounds us. This farm land is very fertile as we are in the fens. This would be a stupid decision if this goes ahead.

  • Andrew Stephens

    The description 'Sunnica Energy Farm ' is misleading. Given the massive scale of the project there is nothing of the 'farm' or agricultural about it. It should be called the Sunnica Power Station; a... Read more

  • Anna Jones

    I wish to register as an interested party in respect of this planning application. As a member of Church of England clergy licensed to serve in the five parishes of Chippenham, Fordham, Isleham,... Read more

  • Anna Louisa Maxwell

    I object to the Sunnica scheme for the following reasons: • I live in Chippenham, and work in the racing industry • The construction phase of this scheme will have a very detrimental effect on my day... Read more

  • Anna-Katharina Jung

    Dear Sir or Madam, dear Planning Inspectorate, I here with declare my interest, Anna-Katharina Jung, as stakeholder of the country Great Britain, dependent on fossil fuels for generating electricity... Read more

  • Anne Roberts

    The roads are not designed to cope with the amount of extra traffic - these are country lanes and in some places very narrow and hazardous. Why should so much land be lost to this project which will... Read more

  • Annette Flindall

    Greed not Green This project will be an industrial plant. Consultation was appalling, Isleham (residents not consulted) only came to the table after another farmer turned the scheme down. Not engaged... Read more

  • Anthony French

    Whilst billed as primarily being an environmental initiative of solar energy in reality this is a company profiteering heavily with limited benefit nationally or locally. Locally it is the residents... Read more

  • Anthony Hollyer

    I am directly impacted by this horrendously large scheme It will be noisy, dusty & dangerous when being built. A huge impact on traffic flow & local villages Will take out almost 3000 acres of... Read more

  • Bidwells (Bidwells) on behalf of B C Mitcham Farms Ltd (B C Mitcham Farms Ltd)

    CB459227 - [Redacted] Owner: B C Mitcham Farms Ltd Bidwells is instructed by the Mitcham family to act as their agents with regards the Sunnica scheme. A number of their properties are affected by the... Read more

  • Barbara Ann Bradshaw

    I am writing to express my concern about this proposed Sunnica energy farm. As I understand it, this project is not in the interests of the environment as we have been led to believe, e.g.: 1. The... Read more

  • Barry Garwood

    I am concerned about the size and scale of the proposed solar farm. It will inevitably alter the character of several small villages and their surroundings. It will take a large amount of agricultural... Read more

  • Bennie Smalls

    I lived in Red Lodge for the past 17 years I do not support the Sunnis development. I feel that there will be environmental issue that may affect the health of the residence.

  • Beverley Gale

    The proposal is for a colossal project which will have far reaching effects on the area that i love, and have come to call home. Myself and thousands of other residents are opposed to the scheme which... Read more

  • Brian Prince

    The main concern I have is the tying up of good agricultural land for 40 years that may be needed for food production. This land is capable of producing root crops such as carrots onions or potatoes... Read more

  • Cadent Gas Limited (Cadent Gas Limited)

    Please see representation sent via email

  • Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority (Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority)

    1. Agricultural Land Value is incorrectly considered The Combined Authority’s Economic Strategy recognises the value that its agricultural sector provides to the national economy and food security.... Read more

  • Cambridgeshire County Council (Cambridgeshire County Council)

    Cambridgeshire County Council's representation has been sent separately.

  • Carol Ann Marner

    I wish to object to Sunnicas proposals - I have read the Jockey Club and Tattersalls submissions and totally support their objections. This energy farm cannot be allowed to happen.

  • Caroline Lancaster

    Good food producing land will be lost for a long period of time, and it will destroy natural habitats. This development is on an unprecedented scale. The battery storage is too close to many homes,... Read more

  • Catherine Audus

    The plans for the Sunnica solar farm will destroy thousands of acres of farmland in a rural community. This project will have a dramatic effect on the services of my village and the local villages. It... Read more

  • Catherine Noakes

    I am concerned about the size of the project, its impact on the local community during construction, the industrialization of a rural landscape, using farmland which should be used for food... Read more

  • Catherine Tuli

    I object to proposed Sunnica solar farm for the following reasons: - The solar energy farm should not be located on productive farmland. I understand the need for solar energy production, but not at... Read more

  • Ceryn Hopla

    I wish to object to the Sunnica application to build a large solar farm near my home for the following reasons: - the scheme will cover an enormous amount of established farmland which we desperately... Read more

  • Ian Maclaren on behalf of Charlotte Maclaren (Charlotte Maclaren )

    * Please do not expose us to risks of toxic chemical/radiation or exposure to harmful and deadly toxins, should the batteries catch fire. *Please do not take away valuable farm land from Suffolk... Read more

  • Chloe Barker

    I adamantly object to the plans submitted by Sunnica. With so many unanswered and inadequate plans some of the reasons I object are: *The installation of the development will bring an unacceptable... Read more

  • Chris Morrell

    This proposed Sunnica Energy Farm is not environmentally friendly or sufficiently environmentally beneficial It destroys prime agricultural land when the UK is a net importer of food The location is... Read more

  • Sophie Louise Rixon on behalf of Christina Rixon (Christina Rixon)

    My grounds for objecting to this scheme include, but are not confined to: The alleged ineffectiveness of the project In ‘The Daily Telegraph’, 14th February, 2022, Charlie Brooks stated: ‘The solar... Read more

  • Christopher Burrows

    To disagree with the Sunnica solar energy project as a whole, the size of the site and the negative impact this will have on the whole of the area, from noise pollution, the environmental impact, to... Read more

  • Claire Muldoon

    My concerns are * Large amounts of large heavy vehicles will be using roads that are not fit for this . * Noise pollution from set up and unknown noise level from the battery station. * Will this... Read more

  • Claire Murphy

    I object to the Sunnica proposal on the basis it will cause disproportionate disruption to life and completely alter and dominate the environment surrounding the villages. I believe an alternative... Read more

  • Colin Pountney

    I say no to this as you will be closing a byway which runs straight through the said site.

  • Colin Purton

    I completely reject the Sunnica solar proposal, my main reasons are: Far too big and located too close to homes, farms, businesses, involving large scale construction sites above and below ground.... Read more

  • Cynthia Bates

    I do not agree with this use of perfectly good farm land , as this country will need all the produce we can grow to feed our selves due to Brexit .I except the country needs more green electricity to... Read more

  • Daniel Hilsden

    The wanton destruction of the countryside in favour of a "green initiative" cannot be permitted to proceed if that same proposal comes at the cost of natural habitats and ecosystems; Bird species,... Read more

  • Danielle Powles

    I wish to put forward my objections to the afore mentioned Sunnica Solar and Battery Plant. The concerns I have for myself and young family are the size of the plant, the proximity to our village as... Read more

  • Darren Fitch

    Main points of representation i would like to highlight as key concerns: Overall scale of the proposed scheme. I am not opposed to a scheme which is sensitive to its surroundings and does not... Read more

  • David Coe

    i am registering my firm objection to the Sunnica application I have lived and worked on the farmland around Badlingham as a farm hand permanently for 52 years and i can confirm this is all good grade... Read more

  • David Heggs

    My concern is the safety of the site,they do have track record of blowing up these batteries!why should we have sleep in fear just in case the worst should happen and i have seen first hand the damage... Read more

  • Dawn Burford

    I think we need to be self sufficient in our energy and so am in favour of Sunnica, but not on the scale as proposed. Maybe half of the proposed scale would be appropriate and would provide a... Read more