Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 425 representations, newest first.

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  • Protectcoastalsussex.org (Protectcoastalsussex.org)

    Relevant to EN-1,Section 1.1.4, [REDACTED] (PCS) will offer argument and evidence that the local impacts of Rampion 2 would result in “adverse impacts from the development outweigh benefits” . It is... Read more

  • Steven Gibbs

    As a caravan owner on the site next to the planned access road for the development I wish to object to the road next to the caravan park. I bought a van on this site for the quiet, relaxed feel of the... Read more

  • Brian Bradley

    1. The Location: Whilst I fully support the need to bring on stream more renewable energy, wind farms need to located with sensitivity to the amenity and landscape of the local area. It is important... Read more

  • Denise Lee

    This appalling project beggars belief in the supposition that it will benefit the UK and West Sussex in particular. An investment of £3Bn+ that has a projected efficiency of 35% meaning that it will... Read more

  • East Beach Residents Association (EBRA) - Littlehampton (East Beach Residents Association (EBRA) - Littlehampton)

    I have registered on behalf of the East Beach Residents Association. Members have a number of concerns over the Rampion 2 Project. ? It is considered the size of the proposed turbines, much larger... Read more

  • Edwin William David Stokes

    Dear Sirs, I would like to register my concern about the new Rampion 2 wind farm as a full time fisherman of the past 40 years based in Chichester harbour, I have fished the seas off Selsey and... Read more

  • Esther Patricia Ann Hedwig Graham

    My comment is the Rampion 2 Application takes little account of the many adverse impacts on local residents living on the coastal strip along the populated Sussex Bay inshore from the western extent... Read more

  • Mark Andrew Whitcombe

    My main concern is over the siting of this proposed development. It is too close to the coastline rather than being truly offshore, the proposed construction is also so large it is going to have... Read more

  • Steven Blower

    Our caravan is close to the northern border of the holiday park and as such will be close to the service road which is proposed as part of the Rampion 2 wind farm. We agree with the need for more... Read more

  • The Crown Estate (The Crown Estate)

    The Crown Estate requests to be registered as an Interested Party in the examination of the Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm. Our interest in the project is that Rampion Extension Development Limited... Read more

  • Alan Sutton

    I feel Rampion did not engage adequately with Cowfold residents about the project, including it’s exact location or the impact it would have on local infrastructure, traffic, pollution etc and failed... Read more

  • CowfoldvRampion (CowfoldvRampion)

    We have submitted evidence to demonstrate that the local community of Cowfold was not consulted about the proposed substation being located at Oakendene, Cowfold. Furthermore, the decision was made... Read more

  • Deborah Jane Miles

    My main concerns is the increase traffic and pollution on the A272 running from Oakedene and Cowfold. Pollution is already extremly high in this area, with increase traffic from trucks can only make... Read more

  • Littlehampton Resident (Littlehampton Resident) on behalf of Edward Stratton Woodward (Edward Stratton Woodward)

    I object to the proposed Rampion 2 development. Concerns I wish to register are that many people in my community who are actually aware of what is proposed in the Application documents disagree with... Read more

  • Eric Norman Smith

    Trawling has been banned up to 4 kilometers off the West Sussex Coast for 3 years now to give the ecosystem a chance to recover from the deverstating effects of inshore trawling and help the... Read more

  • Geraldine Huggett

    Increased traffic causing huge chaos in and around Cowfold Destruction of habitat for newts, bats, frogs, nightingales and many other species Destruction of the village of Cowfold, turning it into an... Read more

  • Hannah Russell-Smith

    I object to the proposals. I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide in Written Representations and verbally at... Read more

  • Isabella Russell-Smith

    I object to the proposals. I agree with the views expressed by CowfoldvRampion, our community action group, and support the evidence they will provide in Written Representations and verbally at... Read more

  • Jeremy Smethurst

    I strongly object to the Rampion 2 proposals for the Oakendene substation. As a resident affected by the project, I did not know anything about it until I received a Section 42 letter in October 2022.... Read more

  • Kathleen Carson

    Green Energy when generated efficiently and cost effectively is to be embraced. This proposed project does not achieve either of these two objectives. Extending the pre existing windfarm off the south... Read more

  • Lynne Sorrell

    I am extremely concerned about the impact on traffic & air pollution through the village of Cowfold for the duration of this project. The A272 is already busy and often congested with traffic queuing... Read more

  • Mark Lower

    Location and size of proposed sub station and associated traffic congestion.

  • Martin Bugler

    I have grave concerns on the impact of an already extremely busy A272 that has many accidents over the course of the year being further impacted not only by extra traffic but the inevitability of that... Read more

  • Mary C Woolcock

    I strongly object to this proposal. Subsequent to the consultation, proposals and information has materially changed. The village was not properly consulted in the first place. Rampions proposal is... Read more

  • Maurice Huggett

    Increase in traffic on the A272 which is already under strain, Cowfold double roundabouts will be gridlocked bringing an increase in accidents ,local single track lanes will be used as a substitute... Read more