
Mallard Pass Solar Project

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  • John Bavister

    This site will never become carbon neutral, as it is impossible to generate the amount of electricity claimed. To focus on the real finite generation of Carbon released by the use of PVs and the... Read more

  • Margot Walford

    I would prefer to see solar farms on brown field sites, not farm land.

  • Mary Parry

    Spoiling good agriculture land and wildlife.

  • Peter John Martindale

    I have lived in Castle Bytham for 47 years and am very familiar with the area currently being considered for the development of the Mallard Pass solar farm. I am in favour of the development as it has... Read more

  • Robert Beaver

    Solar panels should be on roofs of houses ,warehouses Factories & Brownfield sites not on food producing land And spoiling green countryside. Panels going on beautiful countryside and agriculture Land... Read more

  • Stella Morgan

    Apart from the devastation of the countryside, the loss of arable land, at a time when production needs to increase rather than the opposite, is something that must be avoided.

  • Douglas Davidson Anderson

    The size of the site is far larger than any other proposed or operating in the UK. It will turn a rural landscape with good quality agricultural land into an industrial scar severely impacting on... Read more

  • Jill Salkeld

    The proposed solar farm is too close to housing and busy roads. It could be moved further away from these. There will be two years of noise, light pollution, disruption and damage for all those living... Read more

  • Kelham Cooke

    - 2 years of noise, light pollution, disruption and damage across 2,105 acre site and surrounding area. - Cabling to new sub-station may now run through Essendine on A6121 with Mallard Pass seeking... Read more

  • Kyla Mulvaney

    Concerns about environmental, agricultural and economic implications about this project. It is not in the best interests for Lincolnshire and the U.K. reduction of the size will only diminish the... Read more

  • Andrew Ebdon

    My over-riding concern about this project is the amount of 'Best and Most Versatile' agricultural land that will be given up to solar panels. While, nationally, we do need to have energy security, we... Read more

  • Errietta Panagiotopoulos

    In my opinion solar farms are not a good solution to our clean energy needs. There are 27 million households in the UK and many of these could have rooftop solar, not to mention the many often very... Read more

  • Margaret Elizabeth Anderson

    The proposed site is huge, far larger than any others in the UK and larger than Windel Energy and Canadian Solar have completed so far. The farm would be visible from miles around and will be a major... Read more

  • Peter Garry Smith

    I wish to object to the proposal because :- - it is inappropriate use of agricultural land - it is visually intrusive and hideously ugly - the scale is unsuitable and detrimental to the area in many... Read more

  • Rosemary Ann David

    Mallard Pass Solar Farm, is vast. A large percentage of it is to be built on high grade agricultural land and it will have a detrimental effect on all forms of wild life and the natural environment.... Read more

  • Rupert Gibson

    I object to this project. It is too large, it will destroy a huge area of countryside and farmland. Solar panels on buildings not fields.

  • Susan Bryars

    The size of the project is very worrying. Whilst I appreciate that the location is advantages in terms of access to the grid, to have split this into a number of smaller projects with similar... Read more

  • The residents of 46, High Street, Carlby (The residents of 46, High Street, Carlby)

    These are our main concerns: •The sheer scale of this project • The land is good farming land •The fact that villages and small communities will be surrounded by acres of solar panels •The impact on... Read more

  • William Michael Halford

    In my opinion solar farms are not a good solution to our clean energy needs. There are 27 million households in the UK and many of these could have rooftop solar, not to mention the many often very... Read more

  • A Mitchell

    In no order at this point: Sheer Scale Land use….AGRICULTURE not solar Visual impact combined with Mental Health transferring to physical health of the people affected by this. Ecology and Wildlife... Read more

  • Alexandra Ellis

    I am concerned about the use of agricultural land when there are numerous alternatives eg roof slopes of large industrial buildings. The prospect of compulsory acquisitions in Essendine is not... Read more

  • Benjamin Tony Evans

    I oppose the mallard pass solar farm because of the sheer size of the development in the chosen location. It will be a great loss of beautiful countryside, there are far more suitable areas for this... Read more

  • Darren Gray

    This will have a significant impact on the future use of high grade arable and grazing land, by removing it from use. Also, the resultant impact on wildlife is very much a concern. Other than during... Read more

  • David John Gladstone Wilby

    To big, too many disadvantages would ensue for a small rural community

  • Eric Tindall