
Mallard Pass Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 126 to 150 of 1223 representations, newest first.

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  • Philip Stephens

    Simply too large. Impacts area close to Braceborough Forestry Commission wood. Vast herds of Deer (of which there are thousands around here) will be funnelled into concentrated crossing places causing... Read more

  • Richard Charles Burbidge

    It is proposed on prime, productive farming land which is an absolute waste. Secondly views from the A6121 are currently absolutely beautiful, the development will seriously impair the beauty of this... Read more

  • Richard Malcolm Cable

    Concerned about: Impact on property values in the area Construction impacts Visual impact Loss of agricultural land Green credentials given over stated power generation potential measured against all... Read more

  • Robert Edward Trickey

    There are several comments to make which will need careful consideration to ensure objectivity but these will have to made later. Right now I wish to say that this area of England is becoming... Read more

  • Rosemary Joan Nelson

    • Food production, land use and agriculture • Impact on local environment, wildlife, biodiversity, habitats • Visual Impact, particularly on rural landscape - Impact on recreation, community • Impacts... Read more

  • Sara Fraser

    Concern given global food insecurity caused both by climate change and political upheaval, [redacted] , the planned project spans land predominantly in agricultural use. This land should be used to... Read more

  • Sheena Cable

    The main issues for me are: Impact of the development on the local amenity and property values Loss of good agricultural land Noise during construction and during operation Impact on wildlife and... Read more

  • Simon Penson

    I am emailing to raise my official objection to the Mallard Pass solar farm, which is proposed for a vast swathe of farmland across our area. I am sure you have received numerous letters akin to this... Read more

  • Stephanie O'Flaherty

    I am strongly opposed to the Mallard Pass development. Not because I am opposed to solar panels but because I am opposed to solar panels being installed on agricultural land. Solar panels should be... Read more

  • Stephen Shaw

    Disgusting waste of valuable arable land which needs to be used for the production of food. The place for solar panels is on roofs The site is unsuitable as it is prime agricultural land needed to... Read more

  • Stephen Smalley

    I am deeply concerned about the loss of prime agricultural land to solar panels when an equivalent number could be placed upon existing or new buildings in any location across the country. Placing... Read more

  • Nigel Callow on behalf of The Callow Family (The Callow Family)

    Use of good agricultural land rather than roofs for solar generation and a potential damaging increase in traffic through our conservation village during construction.

  • William Hervey de Gale

    1. The amount of compulsory purchase contemplated appears completely excessive. Any compulsory purchase is deeply suspect in a democracy - if the project requires this much, it is clearly going... Read more

  • Angela Mary Glover

    Destruction of wild life eg ground nesting birds and animals Impact on roads when being constructed Devaluation of properties Destruction of farm land Visual impact to area Wild life damaged and loss... Read more

  • Basil Robert Clare

    The prospect of forced acquisitions was not adequately addressed in the consultations,

  • Beverley Wrigley-Pheasant

    Concerned that good productive agricultural land is to be use because it is close to the sub-station, which conflicts with the reduction of omissions as imported food will be necessary. There is no... Read more

  • Carlby Parish Council (Carlby Parish Council)

    Having held a public meeting a high percentage of the parishioners of Carlby Village are against this Mallard Pass Solar factory on the ground of the huge scale of this project in the rural landscape.... Read more

  • Charlotte Davis

    Too large for the locality Fencing to high and more unsightly than the panels themselves - hedging preferred?! Too much wildlife affected Why can’t sheep be used on the same land as per other panel... Read more

  • Diana Mary White

    Increased Flood Risk for properties in our flood prone village of Greatford and the local area. Misuse of vast area of good quality agricultural land. Desecration of massive area of wonderful quality... Read more

  • Emma Porter

    I think this Will impact negatively on the environment and infrastructure of the local area, as well as taking away more farming areas which are needed for the whole country. The impact on the... Read more

  • Jonathan David Hill

    It is sheer lunacy to use good agricultural land for solar panels.

  • Langtoft Parish Council (Langtoft Parish Council)

    In this area of Lincolnshire and Rutland we have several applications pending, all impacting on the countryside and taking productive farmland out of production for food. In Langtoft we have had... Read more

  • Liz Heesom

    Despite the reductions proposed in the revised scheme, the scale of the Mallard Pass solar farm is still enormous and will have a hugely negative impact on the countryside, farms and villages nearby.... Read more

  • Malcolm Goode

    I object to valuable food producing farmland being taken out of use to provide land for solar panels

  • Mrs Anna L Bussey

    Too large scale adjacent to villages and as a principle solar panels should be installed on on industrial building roofs NOT on productive farm land.