
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 376 to 400 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Michael Arnold

    I believe it is inappropriate to use productive farm land for this purpose. This land should be used for growing food. The use of domestic solar panels to reduce the need for power from the grid would... Read more

  • Michael Hare

    I will be adding further comments in due course once I have had the opportunity to study the submitted documents in detail. The documents produced during the community engagement phase were nothing... Read more

  • Patricia Anne Stansfield

    The main issues are that it is a massive project that is being put alongside three other projects that will dominate an industrialise an agricultural area. The projects are being presented as separate... Read more

  • The Environment Agency (The Environment Agency)

    Below is a summary of our relevant representations. We have sent an email with our detailed comments to which can be published alongside this brief. We... Read more

  • Graham Robert Johnson

    I am not convinced that the benefits of solar energy outweigh its disadvantages. My major concerns are the loss of good agricultural land and the toxic elements used in pv cells' construction and the... Read more

  • Ian Parsons

    This project uses too much agricultural land that should be used for producing food. This nation is not self sufficient in food production. There are alternative places that could be used instead that... Read more

  • Jennifer Peters

    I firmly believe that good quality farmland is needed for growing food not energy. Whilst I recognise and support the need for solar power I believe there are more suitable alternatives for solar... Read more

  • Lesley Elisabeth Worth

    In times of the vital need for food security, I object to thousands of acres of agricultural land being sacrificed for unreliable, commercial greed and the destruction of this county’s farming... Read more

  • Mark Edward Wardle

    As a resident of Marton for over 30 years I would like to object to this development. I believe the use of active and productive arable farmland is wrong. I think that food security is of paramount... Read more

  • Ms H Currie

    I feel there are a huge number of issues this project brings up… Loss of farmland Loss of wildlife habitat Loss of countryside to enjoy for physical and mental health Disruption / access during... Read more

  • Neighbourhood Planning Commitee (Neighbourhood Planning Commitee)

    The Neighbourhood Planning committee have made a summary of main issues - Use of agricultural land - Proximity to people's houses - Impact on the local environment including wildlife - Impact of... Read more

  • Addleshaw Goddard LLP (Addleshaw Goddard LLP) on behalf of Network Rail Infrastructure Limited (Network Rail Infrastructure Limited)


  • Palmira Arenaz-Laborda

    I would support the solar farm if it brought additional benefits for the environment as suggested below. It would also be great if cheaper electricity could be offered to the affected communities for... Read more

  • Sacha Baggili

    The cumulative effects of all these mammoth solar projects will be absolutely devastating to the villages in the West Lindsey district, totally changing the character of the rural environment that we... Read more

  • Shirley Carroll

    The whole scheme is ill conceived at best nothing about it is’green’the cost of build the impact on the land to destroy perfectly good farm land especially when we can’t fill supply chains with basic... Read more

  • Sturton by Stow and Stow Neighbourhood Planning Group (Sturton by Stow and Stow Neighbourhood Planning Group)

    Summary of main issues: - use of agricultural land - proximity to people's houses - impact on the local environment including wildlife - impact of construction phase on local (inadequate)... Read more

  • The Woodland Trust (The Woodland Trust)

    Thank you for the opportunity to register as an interested party on the following project. The Trust notes that a significant number of trees are located within the site boundary for this proposal,... Read more

  • Adam Sissons

    Why has lincolnshire been selected as the coverage area for solar projects? Why have solar projects been prioritised over wind farms as wind farms can generate more power than required hence why they... Read more

  • Clive Patchett

    The number of proposed solar parks in the West Lindsey area is excessive. Whilst I support efforts to mitigate climate change, I feel removing fertile agricultural land from food production is wrong... Read more

  • Emma Chapman

    I am concerned at the loss of arable land and the implications for national food security. This application is just one of many in Lincolnshire covering thousands more acres of arable and farming... Read more


    I strongly object to such huge areas of versatile farmland being turned into to industrialised solar factories at a cost to our food security, rural landscapes, quality of life and wellbeing of anyone... Read more

  • Helen Mitchell

    I strongly object to this project as this will be a huge blight on the countryside in which I live. I choose to live in the countryside for the simple reason it is the countryside. If I wanted to be... Read more

  • kay Murphy

    I don't agree due to the impact on essential farmland which will be very bad for food production for the whole country. Also there is enough houses being built in our villages without being surrounded... Read more

  • Leanne pollard

    I feel need to protect our food growing infrastructure. There are more suitable places for solar panels such as the roofs of all suitable buildings.

  • Nicholas Paul Philip Waller

    This project will take away a lot of agricultural land for the sake of providing a relatively unreliable source of electricity. Our nation's food security is being abandoned in favour of supposed... Read more