
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 526 to 550 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Mark Blackbourn

    This development should not go ahead for the following reasons; Local disruption to local communities when under construction No clear plan for when the site is disposed of. The loss of quality... Read more

  • Mark Hudson

    There is a need for energy security. There is also a need for food security. Using a large area of prime agricultural farm land for the purpose of generating electricity I consider to be foolish. If... Read more

  • Mark Waudby

    It is my understanding that the Cottam proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar schemes within a localised area and in total would cover up to 10,000 acres. This would be a vast area of our countryside that is... Read more

  • Martyn Allen

    I object to this development as I consider the use of arable agricultural land for solar panels totally inappropriate. Solar panels should be fitted to all new residential and commercial buildings or... Read more

  • Natural England (Natural England)

    Overall, Natural England are satisfied that the proposals address the majority of potential impacts to the natural environment. The only areas of concern we consider require further assessment and or... Read more

  • Patricia Mitchell

    This is my formal representation to become an interested party and I call for the Planning Inspectorate to take particular note of the information in the first paragraph. Together with Map 1, which it... Read more

  • Sally Marr

    Food security is threatened by this project due to the land being of a high enough grade to grow cereal crops. There are also significant impacts to wildlife in the area which can currently cross... Read more

  • Sarah Pickering-Paterson

    I’m writing to OBJECT this application and request the County Council reject the proposal. There is no room for oncoming cars or lorries to pass. This single track road has only 1 passing place (only... Read more

  • Scampton Parish Council (Scampton Parish Council)

    Concerned about loss of agricultural land Loss of habitat and wildlife size of the development Will just see a sea of glass

  • Simon John Gregory

    1. The project will have a negative impact on local property values. 2. The recent Scampton meeting mentioned that Net Zero targets were the driving force but surely this project is entirely... Read more

  • Susan Chambers

    This solar farm project is going to cover thousands of acres of productive agricultural land. It will be an eyesore in what is at present unspoilt countryside. It will be seen from the Lincolnshire... Read more

  • The British Horse Society (The British Horse Society)

    Consultation Feedback re Cottam Solar Farm proposal The response below is from the British Horse Society however our volunteers in the county may also respond at a local level. The British Horse... Read more

  • Thomas Miller

    I strongly object to this proposal. It is the first of 4 significant proposals in this area.It would be the largest solar farm in Europe totaling 10,000 acres. All 4 schemes should be looked at a... Read more

  • Tracy Marie Wilkins

    I oppose this project. This is one of several huge potential solar installations in a 6 mile radius. This project will ruin several thousand acres of productive arable land for many years. It is too... Read more

  • Weightmans LLP on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) PLC (Weightmans LLP on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) PLC)

    The following representations are submitted on behalf of Northern Powergrid (Yorkshire) PLC as an electricity undertaker for the area within which the Cottam Solar Project is located: Northern... Read more

  • West Lindsey District Council (West Lindsey District Council)

    Please see attached

  • Hannah Lockwood-Geck on behalf of William Lockwood-Geck (William Lockwood-Geck )

    The Cottam proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and... Read more

  • Willingham by Stow Parish Council (Willingham by Stow Parish Council)

    Willingham by Stow Parish Council strongly oppose the massive scale of the Cottam Solar Project that have been earmarked for the area. The parish council support plans for renewable energy generation... Read more

  • Cheryl Felix

    To add onto what I’ve said many times before, and for the comments to be noted by the deadline, I repeat - These projects are neither wanted nor needed here. The amount of electricity generated by... Read more

  • Claire gannon

    I object to the use of the access road for the purpose of the solar farm. This is a much loved and well used area used by horse riders, dog walkers and walkers and runners. People take their grand... Read more

  • kevin buck

    this is an important access road to the river Trent and is used for recreation such as walking and horse riding. This will be another part of the development that encroaches on wildlife. The area is... Read more

  • Mrs D Albone

    I am writing to the lack of thought by the developers to the damage to wildlife, Badgers, Foxes, Hares, etc which will be severly damaged due to Fences being placed around the solar panels, this will... Read more

  • Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board (Trent Valley Internal Drainage Board )

    The proposed extension to the DCO area interacts with the Board maintained Rampton Beck 1, Seymour Drain and Un-named Drain 24. Previously, comments have been offered relating to the Board's... Read more

  • Health and Safety Executive (Health and Safety Executive )

    Based on the revised order limits ‘redline’, in drawing CR1/C2.1_A_CR December 2023 downloaded from... Read more

  • Victoria White

    This is not a safe efficient project. The impact on the rural community is immense if this and the other projects are allowed to go ahead. Compulsory takeover of farmland reduces the food available.... Read more