
Cottam Solar Project

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 301 to 350 of 555 representations, newest first.

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  • Graeme Beattie

    I strongly object to this project on a number of grounds: 1. I believe these four solar projects should be considered as one. These four large projects effectively join together to produce a massive... Read more

  • Nikki Metcalfe

    I want comment that I do not agree with the proposed solar panel project. I feel that the sheer scale of the project will be a detriment to the local area and our beautiful countryside. Lincolnshire... Read more

  • Norman Stanley Read

    I am concerned as to the adequacy of the net environmental gain offered by the project, its effect on wildlife and on local residents during both construction and operation of the project, loss of... Read more

  • Sarah Hindley

    What a waste of farm land, these solar panels could be so much better placed on industrial units or along Trent bank rather than using land which is used to produce food & for animals grazing. We... Read more

  • Barbara Chaloner

    (See attached representation)

  • Brampton Village Parish Meeting (Brampton Village Parish Meeting)

    Our village is close to the West Burton project and we want to be engaged in the outcome of proposals

  • David Wood

    Stow is the oldest village/town in Lincolnshire, with the oldest Parish Church, St. Mary's or Stow Minster, the "Mother Church" to Lincoln Cathedral. It is a unique place along with the surrounding... Read more

  • Mark Edgar

    I believe that the destruction of so much agricultural land, especially when considered alongside many other plans for solar farms, is highly detrimental to the whole country. This is Lincolnshire;... Read more


    Due to the cumulative scale of the solar farms projects covering 10,000 acres in a relatively small area, these developments would change the local rural environment, affect wildlife habitat, remove... Read more

  • the Lewin household (the Lewin household ) on behalf of the Lewin family (the Lewin family)

    We object to this application because of the vast amount of successfully productive agricultural land which is being used to help us be more self sufficient ,growing our own food rather than... Read more

  • Bob Sloan

    This will be the destruction of many acres of productive farming land, and I vehemently disagree with it.

  • Hemswell Cliff Parish Council (Hemswell Cliff Parish Council)

    The Parish Council currently objects to the applications on the grounds of wildlife, importance of losing agricultural land, bio-diversity and the scale of the applications.

  • John Cole

    This is the first of four similar solar projects in this area, each around 500MW, that are adjacent to each other and connect to the same local network infrastructure. The impact they have on the... Read more

  • John W Lockwood

    Much of the scheme is being built of good quality grade 3A land, which would be better suited to agriculture. Farmland should not be used for solar sites until all other locations have been explored -... Read more

  • Mr Giles Walter

    1. Decarbonisation a. I fully accept that we as a country need to embrace the decarbonisation agenda and that solar plays an important role, but it must be installed in the correct places. The UK is... Read more

  • Tom Van Camp

    I object to the proposed solar project I believe it will affect the value of my house and ruin the countryside solar farms ARE NOT THE WAY if this project goes ahead I believe it won’t stop

  • Jeremy Stallman

    This deprive the area of valuable agricultural land. Solar panels should be fitted to all new build properties, residential and commercial.

  • Norman Hobson

    objection to the proposed sola farm this solar farm will be devastating for this farming area and a real blot on the lovely landscape. the solar panels are huge.these panels should be on brownfield... Read more

  • Victoria White

    1. The proposal is Just 1 of 4 Solar, Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects (NSIPs) within a few miles of each other. Together this would be the largest solar farm complex in Europe and would... Read more

  • Alistair Clugston

    projects are too large and using vital agricultural land. More should be done by government to encourage domestic houses, agricultural and industrial buildings to take as much solar panels as... Read more

  • Anna Broadburn

    I live in an area that will end up being surrounded by solar panels. Its a rural location and the land the panels will be sited on are used for cereal and crop production. I am concerned of the impact... Read more

  • Charles Henry Hebborn on behalf of Anthony Eric Lockwood (Anthony Eric Lockwood)

    The comparable use of food acreage to kilowatt output is the lowest possible choice available, wasting highly productive food producing farmland. Five wind turbines would produce more than 5,000 acres... Read more

  • Claire Thomson

    The proposal is far too extensive; impacts good arable land; there are better solutions available of where solar panels can be located.

  • Charles Henry Hebborn on behalf of Fiona Lockwood (Fiona Lockwood)

    The comparable use of food acreage to kilowatt output is the lowest possible choice available, wasting highly productive food producing farmland. Five wind turbines would produce more than 5,000 acres... Read more

  • John Eastwood

    The size of the project is too large for the area.

  • Kelly Geeson

    We are totally against the proposal of the solar panels, it will be taking away much needed farming land, causing alot of congestion of traffic around our villages and devaluing our properties. The... Read more

  • Maisie Thomson-Whitehouse

    The planned solar farm is too extensive and takes up too much of the crucial arable land. There are other workable plans which should be used as an alternative.

  • Niko Sarti

    I think that the construction of this solar farm will affect the day to day life of people leaving in the area. I am concerned about the road traffic and the noise and how it will affect wildlife and... Read more

  • Hannah Lockwood-Geck on behalf of Raimondas Padlipskas (Raimondas Padlipskas )

    The UK’s energy security is important, however the countries food security, job security and local communities should be considered just as important. The Cottom Solar Project in question is just one... Read more

  • Sara Belton

    I object to this proposal for the following reasons: Inadequate level of consultation My understanding is that there are actually 4 solar projects being proposed in this area. The question arises as... Read more

  • Stefanie Lee

    I oppose the proposed solar farm project due to the scale or the proposal, the damage it will do to local wildlife, the visual impact on a beautiful area of countryside, the loss of prime agricultural... Read more

  • Stephen Harman

    I am concerned about the amount of solar power panels all in a relatively small area and the effect upon the enviroment this will have. I have great concerns of the risks of cancer caused by Cadmium.... Read more

  • Alfred Rose

    Is the power that this scheme generates the most efficient form against other generation methods?

  • David Andrew White

    Wish to comment to query EMC issues to radio communications where I am the primary licensed user of the frequency bands concerned I'd like to see how the developer will ensure that there is no radio... Read more

  • ella collins

    Disappointed to see considerable quantities of productive agricultural land being proposed for future solar farms.

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission )

    Whilst we note there are no ancient woodlands within the development area, although there are several small wooded areas bordering it. We also note that there are currently no plans to remove any... Read more

  • Gillian Park

    The Cottam solar panel project will destroy 3,000 quality agricultural land which we need for our food production. It is utterly inappropriate as it will only supply a small proportion of the power... Read more

  • Gwen Eastwood

    The scale of this project is vast. It will take away land that is used to grow food. It will impact on wild life. It will be visible for miles because of the location. With so many new build homes in... Read more

  • Ingham Parish Council (Ingham Parish Council)

    At a recent community meeting where this proposal was discussed the majority of attendees a objected to the plans due to the impact of village life, footpaths, wildlife and the surrounding... Read more

  • Julie Barker

    Having a background in farming and the countryside I am totaly against the proposed soler projects a huge swathe of the countryside in Lincolshire is going to be oblitarated, from the use of very good... Read more

  • Karen Kay

    This project is so vast it will destroy the beautiful countryside, have an awful visual impact and will deeply affect all of the wildlife in the area due to the high fencing etc. The high quality... Read more

  • Martin James Duckworth

    I consider this project to be a scheme having had no consideration of other places where solar panels could be erected without commandeering currently farmed agricultural land.


    The proposed site is on good farming land Surely IT SHOULD BE SITED ON EITHER A BROWNFIELD SITE OR SCRUB LAND, The sites of the nearby power stations that are to be demolished would be a good option.... Read more

  • Michael Ward Belton

    There are actually 4 solar projects being proposed in this immediate area, so why they are not being considered as one. Given that the 4 projects would result in the largest solar farm in the whole of... Read more

  • Stow Parish Council (Stow Parish Council)

    The summary of our key points for registering with the Inspectorate is, with the suggested revisions, as follows: Stow Parish Council is in favour of non-fossil fuel forms of energy production,... Read more

  • Timothy Leckey

    I live in Springthorpe a quiet and pleasant rural conservation village in the heart of the English countryside. For many generations farmers have worked the extremely productive and beautiful arable... Read more

  • Wendy Rose

    We should not be taking viable agricultural land out of food production. This proposed scheme has been called 'sheer folly' by our local MP for Gainsborough, Sir Edward Leigh. We have a war in Europe... Read more

  • Angela Judith Colleran

    I don't want to see acres of prime farmland covered with thousands of solar panels. There has not been a more important time for our country to be self-sufficient since World War 2.

  • D A Elwess

    As an interested party this layout is not the best located as a large area is on medium to good land The Tillbridge site is on poorer land and would be better placed for a more beneficial and... Read more

  • Jonathan Cook

    Object on a number of reasons including loss of food producing farmland, impact on community, impact on wildlife, inadequate and misleading consultation