
Byers Gill Solar

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  • Paul Dumain

    1. Visual impact The land required for the proposed development is currently open countryside, which provides beautiful unrestricted views across green fields and woodland from residential properties,... Read more

  • Robert Bowes

    I am fully against this proposed development. We already have numerous other solar farms that have been passed within a 5km radius of the village, Gateley Moor, Long Pastures and Whinfield to name a... Read more

  • Sarah Gooch

    I strongly object to the development of the Byers Gill Solar farm. As someone deeply passionate about the outdoors, wildlife, and nature, I know the area and often spend time with family friends in... Read more


    This project is wrong. It will decimate this area and with its construction turn it into an industrial plant. Planned industrialization on this scale is a National issue and anything but green. My... Read more

  • Suzanne Springett

    Firstly I would like to stress that I am strongly opposed to the Byer’s Gill Solar Development. My family have farmed at Great Stainton for decades and decades, presently my Brother farms the family... Read more


    This development appears to be so large and out of proportion to the area we are in. Inevitably destroying a huge number of wildlife inhabitants, wooded areas and pond areas. The loss of much needed... Read more

  • Catherine Melaney

    Residents of near by villages will be impacted by the years of vans, trucks, lorries which are delivering parts to build this solar farm. The roads are not built for industrial vehicles, they are... Read more

  • Eric Whitehouse

    As a resident of Bishopton I am appalled at the thought of good crop producing land that the Byers Gill Solar Farm is proposed to be placed. There is so much opposition to this type of project coming... Read more

  • Historic England (Historic England)

    Bishopton Conservation Area Our only point of concern on the DCO application relates to the impact on setting of Bishopton Conservation Area. Currently the public right of way through the fields... Read more

  • Kevin McAvoy

    I protest the building of this site, my in laws stay in a local village and the home will soon fall to my future wife and then my child. This is a lovely village to grow old in, how long will that... Read more

  • Laura plouman

    The impact of loss of countryside and affecting the surrounding residents

  • Lisa Palfreeman

    The proposed development will mean the total destruction of large amounts of areas that are abundant with beautiful wildlife, we have deer and hare and shrews and many more, we have curlews that nest... Read more

  • Owen Schott

    I regularly visit this village to walk and enjoy the quiet, peaceful area and photograph the wildlife. The wildlife that also enjoy the area will be at best displaced and at worst destroyed, together... Read more

  • Seb Poole

    I am all for green renewable energy but in this case it is situated to close to a school/residential area. The noise and disruption that it will cause for a prolonged time will have a negative impact... Read more

  • Steve Rogers

    My regular cycle route takes me all through this area, during which I enjoy the views the wildlife the roads, the roads can be dangerous with the traffic currently using them, however, the thought of... Read more

  • Angela Peppis

    I disagree with the planned solar power project of Byers Gill. It’s very close and surrounds the village of Bishopton where my parents home is. The size and area covered will severely impact the... Read more

  • Lysanne Gray

    I strongly object to the proposed Byers Gill Solar development on the following grounds 1. There is no justifiable reason for putting solar panels on prime agricultural land, food security is... Read more

  • Naomie Patel

    I believe this should be declined. The playground where many children of the village play, including my own, will lose much of its character. It and the school would seem surrounded by fencing,... Read more

  • Samantha Humble

    It takes approx. 200 acres to generate the same electricity by solar panels as ONE North Sea wind turbine. This represents a grossly inefficient use of precious land, whatever its quality. That said,... Read more

  • Stuart Younger-Cooper

    I would like object to this development on several grounds. The first being that the area for this proposed development is mainly within a Conservation area, I had to get approval from several... Read more

  • Joanne Carolyn Corvesor

    1. Visual impact The land required for the proposed development is currently open countryside, which provides beautiful unrestricted views across green fields and woodland from residential properties,... Read more

  • Sandra Gittins

    I wish to register my objection to the Byers Gill solar panel development proposal. I work in the NHS and have spent the last three years working under extremely difficult conditions due to the need... Read more

  • Andrew Gowing

    I object to the development. My reasons are as follows. I moved from an urban environment to Bishopton specifically to enjoy a rural agricultural setting and raise a family. I wanted my child to enjoy... Read more

  • Great Stainton Parish Meeting (Great Stainton Parish Meeting)

    Great Stainton Parish Meeting Comments Context Great Stainton is a small community with the hamlet consisting of 27 houses and is situated on the highest piece of land in the area, having panoramic... Read more