
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 201 to 225 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • John Heaton

    I’m concerned about the huge scale of this plan. It will turn a large area of countryside into an industrial landscape. I’m concerned about the impact on wildlife. Animals such as deer, hares rabbits,... Read more

  • Leigh Butcher

    Disturbance and danger from construction traffic. Damage to both infrastructure and nature. Potential for theft and vandalism as project contains high value metals

  • Lydia Walsh

    Destroying the countryside! Animals, biodiversity, the sky line - all affected! Why not use brown sites/rooves or buildings. The countryside is being destroyed by these solar farms, I cannot believe... Read more

  • Neil Fletcher

    I would like to state categorically that I feel having a solar panel farm so close would have a detrimental effect to the area of Howden. As a small town, we have already born the brunt of a drive for... Read more

  • Nicholas James Jordan

    I am opposed to the plan. It is far too large for this area, it will decimate the countryside for wildlife, gives no consideration to locals, as it will require huge fences and cameras all along the... Read more

  • Peter Hulson

    I find the proposed development so close to a village unacceptable and a complete eyesore. We would view this from all aspects of our property. A complete sea of polycarbonate as far as we can... Read more

  • Rachel Fuller

    I do not agree with this projects location and spoiling the local countryside. There are much better places for things like this to be located whereby it doesn't affect locals. There are plenty of... Read more

  • Samara May Ball

    Iv previously lived in Foggathorpe, and i regulary Visit. I am against the Solar Farm plans, i believe it will bring great disruption to the surrounding villages where the farm will be. The roads are... Read more

  • David starkey on behalf of Starkey (Starkey)

    Traffic impact this would inflict on the area, plus all the new builds. The roads cannot cope with the traffic as it is, the council will not upkeep the highways now so extra traffic is a no. Why... Read more

  • Stephen F Dunn

    Use of agricultural land for industrial use. The project will also ruin popular country walks renowned for their beauty & wildlife - who wants to visit the ugly monstrosity you intend to create. The... Read more

  • Stephen Oakley

    I believe this project is completely wrong. We are living in a country which struggles to produce much of it's own food. Giving up agricultural land for this project is crazy. As someone who regularly... Read more

  • Terry Ram

    The proposed solar farm occupies hundreds of acres of fertile growing land. At a time when the Prime Minister is pledging himself to ensuring Britain’s food security the loss of so much arable growing... Read more

  • Thomas Kendray

    I strongly believe this project should not go ahead, it is proposing to take away a valued revenue of food source to the whole country as this is among a vast area of arable land. If we carry on to... Read more

  • Waterfront Retreats (Waterfront Retreats)


  • Carole Kean

    I would like to register my opposition to this proposal. 1277 hectares is far too big for this rural area. It will surround villages and houses. Also, this is good farming land which will be lost for... Read more

  • Glenn Allen Bryant

    I am against the windmill project as not only will it increase crime in my area but also cause unnecessary heavy traffic and be a blight on our country side which will spoil our area and also have a... Read more

  • Keith Wildgoose

    1. I am concerned about the enormous scale of this proposed development which will effectively cause wholesale industrialisation of the present rural environment of Howden and the surrounding... Read more

  • Mr and Mrs Leonard Minton (Mr and Mrs Leonard Minton) on behalf of Leonard and Susan Minton (Leonard and Susan Minton)

    We feel that a development of this magnitude is totally out of character with the surroundings.we feel the land is far more important being used for agriculture. The displacement of native wildlife is... Read more

  • Matthew Axup

    Hi, On the current plans my land has been selected for a cable corridor route. I would like to launch a complaint against Boom Power and their contractors/ agents due to the following: As we are part... Read more

  • Mr Graham Vincent Warren

    Great concern at the proposed size of the development and its effects upon the countryside, wildlife and damage to this productive farming area. It will also have a detrimental effect on the landscape... Read more

  • Peter Raymond Feasby

    I just think it's a waste of good quality farm land plus its going to look horrible all that glass. I was born and raised near and on the old air station and if these solar panels are allowed its... Read more

  • Stuart Bostock

    While i understand the need for sustainable, zero carbon energy self-sufficiency l believe that there are better ways of achieving this than using thousands of hectares of farmland. lf the government... Read more

  • Stuart Mayman

    Consultation was NOT adequate - questions and emails were ignored and not answered adequately and plans were misleading Noise level should be taken from over already existing wind farm in the area... Read more

  • Brian Birkett

    I object strongly to the proposed solar energy plant development: • The scale and overwhelming size of this development is far beyond what ourselves and the local community should be asked to endure.... Read more

  • Gary Shaw

    The overall impact on the natural environment. The visual aspect - size. It's future growth and what happens next.