
East Yorkshire Solar Farm

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 226 to 250 of 377 representations, newest first.

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  • John Gordon Cunnington

    I oppose this development on the following grounds: Destruction of a rural setting by what is an industrial site in a which will result in loss of wildlife and prime agricultural land forever. I... Read more

  • John Graham Stone

    Scheme is too big Will change environment from rural to industrial Will take away productive farming land

  • Julia Shaw

    There will be a high impact on the local area and local residents.

  • Maxine Birkett

    I am in objection to the proposals for a massive solar farm on my doorstep. The scheme is far too big and virtually surrounds the village where I live, [REDACTED]. It comes far too close to our home.... Read more

  • Patricia O'Connor

    Solar farms do not destroy farmland, they can be removed at a later date if technology improves and they are no longer needed.Sheep fare better grazing under solar panels and have better qualty... Read more

  • Sheila Stone

    This will be a huge industrialised area and we chose to live in a rural environment. Single track roads are not conducive to Hgvs accessing. Safety and security are also major issues.

  • Nicholas Stephenson on behalf of Stephenson (Stephenson)

    This rural, greenfield site is not appropriate for a large solar farm development. It will lead to a loss of productive farm land and an adverse impact on the rural landscape and biodiversity. Any... Read more

  • Alan Michael Farrar

    I object to the proposed Solar Farm, it is to be sited on vast areas of farm land which will be rendered unusable for any form of agriculture in the heart of the Vale of York, one of the most... Read more

  • Beryl Norris

    The solar farm would significantly impact the character and appearance of the landscape and there will be an enormous loss of agricultural land.

  • Caroline Bradley

    We uprooted and moved to [REDACTED] to enjoy the countryside in our retirement. We are now too old for the upheaval of moving and it is devastating to us that our only pastime for us to enjoy walking... Read more

  • Judith Jackson

    This proposal is totally unacceptable in its present form. 3,500 acres taken out of this agricultural land just to appease the government and the commitments it made. Distruption to humans and... Read more

  • Richard John Davies

    I would recommend this scheme is rejected on the grounds it will occupy good agricultural land which is better used for farming. Solar panels are very inefficient method of generating electricity.... Read more

  • Claire Platts

    I strongly oppose the establishment of the East Yorkshire solar farm. Transforming fertile farmland, jeopardising our food security, into vast expanses of PV panels disconnected from the grid for... Read more

  • DR David Aston

    1. No valid economic justification for the proposal is given other than a vague reference to the need for renewable energy. 2.The scale of the proposal is too big and intrusive for the landscape and... Read more

  • Heather Longbottom

    I consider this application will have a detrimental effect on the countryside environment and the people who choose to live here because they want to live in a rural area not a semi industrial one.... Read more

  • Judith Sims

    Impact of nearness to private property and impact on wildlife and good farming land.

  • Ms R Breach

    Apart from the A63 road, which is a busy road especially at peak times, majority of the roads around the area are single track roads, riddled with potholes and certainly NOT suitable for the heavy... Read more

  • Sophie Ross-Briggs

    Although I see the benefit of solar power and how much it will benefit the future this project is ridiculous. Far too big and in a beautiful rural site where people have moved to avoid this type of... Read more

  • Wendy Brownbill

    I object to this project as I believe it is not an appropriate site. The rural roads are too small for the traffic proposed and the impact on local residents and villages would be too disruptive.

  • Elaine Judith Chantry

    I totally oppose the proposed solar ‘farm’. Farms and agricultural land provide food to feed the growing population. Solar panels do not belong on agricultural land. They belong on the roofs of... Read more

  • Forestry Commission (Forestry Commission)

    Thank you for engaging with the Forestry Commission on this proposal. As the Governments forestry experts, we endeavour to provide as much relevant information to enable the project to reduce any... Read more

  • Glynis Jillian Maitland

    Farm land will be taken out of farming use. There will be disruption to plant life and animal life. The increase in traffic during the set up will have a major impact on the quiet country roads near... Read more

  • Lisa Brough

    I am extremely worried that this will be the start of many similar projects in this area. East Yorkshire is flat and we are close to Drax. It makes this area perfect for solar and wind farms. If this... Read more

  • Robin Wilburn

    Generating electricity on poorer quality land will good for the local economy. Local land owners all live and work in the area. Wildlife will be boosted by non application of pesticides and chemical... Read more

  • Shaun Madden

    The proposed application will ruin our local area/community. We will suffer from heavy traffic for years, ruining our clean air, creating noise pollution and ruining our already damaged roads.