
A303 Stonehenge

Relevant representations (registration comments)

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Showing 1601 to 1700 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Public Health England (Public Health England)

    PHE considers that the public health impacts likely to arise from the impact of the development on air, land and water have been adequately considered in the related sections of the... Read more

  • R M Shannon

    1. Any major disturbance of any part of an historic landscape is unacceptable. 2. Land could be resumed somewhere "over the hills and far away" to build a by-pass road, so... Read more

  • Rachel Mayatt

    I am concerned about the destruction of important archaeological information and finds associated with the area, and the unrepairable damage to the site which has World Heritage Status. Also rare bird... Read more

  • Richard James Kedie

    The proposed scheme will cause irreparable harm to the WHS and destroy its archaeology. No sane person can consider this to be acceptable.

  • Richard Jell

    It's ridiculous to spend so much money on a tunnel, yes the traffic is terrible but there has to be less costly options on the table. I understand it is going to be. very difficult to come up with a... Read more

  • Fowler Fortescue (Fowler Fortescue) on behalf of Robert Turner (Robert Turner)

    Mr Robert Turner of Manor Farm, Winterbourne Stoke. DCO Registration of Interested Parties. I wish to make full written and oral representations on many aspects of the scheme (an outline of... Read more

  • Rockerfella Hennessy

    I object to a dual carriageway running beside Stonehenge as I feel it would destroy the significance of the historical value of the site.

  • Rosalie Doekes

    Dear sir/madam, Please keep Stonehenge intact as it is now. An expressway could damage the site because of the vibrations of constructing it and from the cars especially the heavy ones.. And the view... Read more

  • Ruth Bradshaw

    I object to the plans for a main road very close to Stonehenge because, in digging the foundations of that road, irreparable damage will be done to any archaeological remains which are below the... Read more

  • Sacred Grove Western Isles & Astronumerical Druid Order (Sacred Grove Western Isles & Astronumerical Druid Order)

    We - Astronumerical Druid Order ADO and Sacred Grove Western Isles SGWI, OBJECT to this DCO Planning Application. REASONS FOR OBJECTION Viability / Judicial Review. The Treasury, National... Read more

  • Sarah Cattell

    I strongly feel that the proposals relating to the above scheme are wholly inappropriate for the landscape through which the road will be cutting. Whilst the scheme threatens to irreparably damage the... Read more

  • Sarah Love

    It will irreparably damage the archeology of the World Heritage Site

  • Sarah Tanswell

    I am concerned about the proposal as I think it will destroy this World Heritage Site. It is irreplaceable and is still giving archaeologists information. I also understand that rare birds will be... Read more

  • shirley mills

    I am against the proposed new highway as I believe it will be very damaging to this extremely important site and once spoilt it will be spoilt forever. UNESCO advisers are quite rightly against this... Read more

  • Shrewton Parish Council (Shrewton Parish Council)

    1) The build is environmentally sound in relation to the river Till. 2) The realigned cross roads at Rollestone are constructed and open before any other works commence – reason to minimise on the... Read more

  • Sophy Buckley

    The plan to turn the A303 into a under ground dual carriageway that runs close to the Stonehenge site has many flaws. It is ridiculously expensive and cannot give value for money in terms of a return... Read more

  • Stephen Meakin

    I'm very concerned that this tunnel, as proposed, could damage this World Heritage Site and disturb the land. It's just to risky! There must be a better way to improve traffic flow.

  • Steven Andrews

    I am very concerned about the proposals for the A303 at Stonehenge because I feel that the construction of such a dual carriageway and tunnel will do irreversible damage to the landscape of the area,... Read more

  • Susan Baker

    I am opposed to the loss of one of our most precious cultural assets and its view when I travel along the A303. The stones are the only ones in the world and irreparable damage to the WHS, and its... Read more

  • Teresa Price

    Do not do this... Stonehenge was built for a purpose. In alignment with planets and stars also tied to energies within the earth. This place is sacred. Would you bury underneath a cathedral? The... Read more

  • The Campaign to Protect Rural England - Wiltshire (The Campaign to Protect Rural England - Wiltshire)

    CPRE Wiltshire Branch objects to the A303 Preferred Route and proposed alterations as an individual charity and as a supporter of the Stonehenge Alliance of NGOs. Our objections, supported by CPRE... Read more

  • The Irish Fieldschool of Prehistoric Archaeology (The Irish Fieldschool of Prehistoric Archaeology)

    Stonehenge is one of the worlds most recognisable and iconic heritage sites and its setting and landscape are integral to its appreciation. The proposed development would severely impact its setting... Read more

  • Tiffany Reynolds-Flannery

    The proposed tunnel roadworks poses a significant threat to the precious cultural heritage of the area and will be detrimental to the aesthetic, cultural and historical values found in the area. I am... Read more

  • Tula Chiarletti

    I am very concerned to hear about the proposed expressway on Stonehenge. IT is very disrespectful to the UNESCO international advisors and to thousands of pagans across the country, which place great... Read more

  • Vita FitzSimons

    A tunnel is a terrible idea. Not only could you be unwittingly destroying archeological treasures; you would be denying the majority of people who are not rich the iconic sight of the stones in their... Read more

  • Somerset County Council (Somerset County Council) on behalf of A303/A30/A358 Improvement Partnership

    The A303/A30/A358 Improvement Partnership strongly supports the Department for Transport’s ongoing commitment to improving this vital strategic corridor between London and the South West. We welcome... Read more

  • Ainsley Allmark

    The area around Stonehenge is an EXTREMELY important World Heritage Site and as such should not be disturbed for any reason. I personally recommend that this application should be rejected.

  • Alan Shipgood

    I don't believe the disruption to the Heritage site and the local roads and villages when the motorists try to find alternative routes would be worth the expense. I think it would be as ridiculous as... Read more

  • Aleta Mckechnie

    I am concerned about permanent damage to this World Heritage site and the lack of alternative plans that would not cause damage. Loss of view from the road of Stonehenge monument and people having... Read more

  • Alex Gimblett

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Aline MacInnes

    The planned engineering works would scar the Stonehenge landscape for ever. There would be extensive tunnel cuttings into the chalk for four lanes of tarmac, and massive highway interchanges through... Read more

  • Alison Dewar

    Concern over the future of the World Heritage Site

  • Alison Hall

    Hello, The statements below, to my mind, have not been fully thought out. • Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. We're are constantly developing new ways to... Read more

  • Alistair Sommerlad

    I am independent Chair of the Partnership Panel which oversees the management of the Stonehenge and Avebury World Heritage Site. I wish to provide evidence of the risks , benefits and opportunities... Read more

  • Amanda Ayre

    We cannot allow anything to damage our cultural pastudies. Once gone it can not be recreated.

  • Andrea Dalton-Mills

    As someone who grew up in the area and whose family have been documented in the area as far back as the 16th century, likely earlier, I wish to register my objections to the DCO planning application... Read more

  • Andrew Differ

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Andrew Flack

    My representation is made on the following points: - Concerns that permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. - UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in... Read more

  • Andrew Melville

    Such a historic UK site should not be interfered with. Other routes surely can be created.

  • Andrew Ward

    UNESCO says no. Stone Curlews say no. The archeology says no. Therefore I am saying no. The only tunnel that should be considered is much longer and you won't pay for it. I cannot believe that there... Read more

  • Anja Bruckner

    Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, I wonder how the UK government treats his World Heritage. Stonehenge needs to be protected for the future generation. A massive traffic around the site will destroy... Read more

  • Ann Bradbury

    I am very concerned about damage to Blick Mead which offers a unique opportunity to study the lives of our Mesolithic forbears. It is a site which is rich in finds and is challenging our ideas about... Read more

  • Ann Teague

    I am concerned that this ancient and Sacred World Heritage Site will suffer permanent damage. The sight of this unique stone structure from the road is breathtaking and it is wrong that it should... Read more

  • Anne Lindup

    My concern is that this would cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting and there are concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. The... Read more

  • Anthony Bicknell

    Briefly, the scheme desecrates a UNESCO world heritage site and risk causing irreversible damage to other late mesolithic remains in the area. It is likely that such a scheme would have an adverse... Read more

  • Anthony Bridges

    I have commented throughout the consultation process that the tunnel approach walls should consist of soil filled stacking planters as used extensively in Germany and France. These would soften the... Read more

  • Anton Tagunov

    I firmly believe that Stonehenge is a unique and paramauntly important heritage site for preservation if which we are jointly responsible to the generations that come after us both in this country and... Read more

  • Arthur Kincaid

    The proposed highway may cause damage to this World Heritage Site and would certainly increase noise there. They should both be avoided.

  • Asha Lodh

    Our world heritage site should not be compromised in any way. It’s setting and environment are part of what makes it so stunning. UNESCO advisors are against this scheme. Permanent damage to nearby... Read more

  • Barbara Saville

    I am concerned that the proposed dual carriageway will damage the WHS irreparably. It will involve tunnelling into the ancient monument's surroundings, which MUST contain many artefacts which have... Read more

  • Barry Garwood

    “Couldn't find the freeway, had to take a backstreet called the M5.” US Tourist explaining why they had arrived late for dinner in the Waldorf Salad episode of the classic comedy series Fawlty... Read more

  • Basharat Ali

    A waste of money, siphoning off a national asset, denying a free view for the public

  • Ben Parker-Wright

    I wish to oppose the application on the following grounds: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its... Read more

  • Brian Edwards

    Brian Edwards, Visiting Research Fellow, The Regional History Centre, University of the West of England, Bristol. Deputy representative of the Avebury and Stonehenge Archaeological and Historical... Read more

  • Brian Inglis

    • UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form and I would agree with them.

  • Brian Reid

    I am concerned that the excavations for this project will irretrievably damage this UNESCO world heritage site. There have already been reports that the initial groundwork has had an effect and I do... Read more

  • Brian Schaffer

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic... Read more

  • Brian Thompson

    There are many reasons why the tunnel should not be allowed to proceed inc the following in no order of importance or priority 1 Current cost is bound to escalate which cannot be justified in present... Read more

  • Bridget Fox

    I am registering as an objector to the current proposals for the A303 at Stonehenge. The NNNPS section 5.129 requires that decision makers take into account "the particular nature of the... Read more

  • C Chapman

    lack of respect and protection for a sacred landscape Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Campaign for Better Transport (Campaign for Better Transport)

    The A303 at Stonehenge is promoted as being part of a programme of improvements to unlock benefits for the South West economy, local communities and the Stonehenge World Heritage Site (WHS). However,... Read more

  • Carl Burrows

    As a British citizen following the ancient religious ways of my Ancestors. I frequently use the areas commonly known as Stonehenge and Avebury circle for my religeous ceremonies (it is a place where I... Read more

  • Carly Bannister

    Dear Sir or Madam, I have registered concerning Stonehenge Heritage Landscape. The reason why is simply because, I actually protest against the Architecture construction plan to go ahead. To be frank... Read more

  • Caroline Price

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site. UNESCO's advisers have stated that the planned scheme should not go ahead, and no acceptable plans have been made. Blick Mead Mesolithic site would be damaged,... Read more

  • Carolyn Sara Beckingham

    I wish to object to this proposal in the strongest possible terms. The dual carriageway would do irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site which UNESCO describes as "without parallel" and its... Read more

  • Charles David Foulstone

    1) I object to this Proposal on the grounds of the inevitable major disturbance, probable irreversible damage & possible destruction to an ancient & irreplaceable monument that the proposal will... Read more

  • Charlotte Law

    Stone Henge is an extremely important national heritage site that should be preserved and not compromised in any way. It belongs to the people of Great Britain and the area should not be interfered... Read more

  • Charlotte Yeomans

    I believe that this world heritage site would be ruined...that endangered species would be lost.There are alternatives that have not been heard.

  • Chris Bullen

    The plan will damage archaeology, as yet undiscovered above and below ground. It will reduce opportunities for viewing Stonehenge from a distance, such as that from the present A303. It will entail... Read more

  • Chris Chinn

    I am deeply concerned that such major construction is proposed for this work heritage site. The economic case is flawed: the problem very likely overstated and the case put forward fails to allow for... Read more

  • Chris Crean

    destruction to historic sites of national and international importance more and faster traffic knock on effects to lead to ever more wider and higher capacity roads on this route and feeder roads... Read more

  • Chris Lowe

    I and my family have visited Stonehenge many times since I was a boy living in Dorset some 60 years ago, so I have a personal interest in trying to improve the local area to achieve a better... Read more

  • Christine Bardsley

    My representation will cover the following issues: - Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. - UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Christopher Sauvarin

    UNESCO does not approve of the current scheme, this alone should be a huge red flag against the scheme as it stands. The site is unique and only if the archaeology is preserved can it be subject to... Read more

  • Christopher Wain

    I am very concerned at the risk of irreparable harm being done to a unique archaeological site.

  • Claire Kime

    UNESCO object to this scheme and other options have not been adequately explored or represented.

  • Claire Mellish

    This is a World Heritage Site and it is also of great historical, cultural and emotional significance to all British citizens. Unfortunately this scheme is exclusive in nature, effectively putting... Read more

  • Claire Nahmad

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead... Read more

  • Colin Jones

    I am a concerned individual, and frequent user of the A303. I don't believe these works are justifiable to save a few minute's jorney time. I am concerned about permanent damage to the World Heritage... Read more

  • Colleen I Spalding

    I do not think that Highways England should persist in its idea to put a large duel carriage way in place which will negatively impact on the UNESCO / Stonehenge World Heritage Site. I have... Read more

  • Council for British Archaeology (Council for British Archaeology)

    The Council for British Archaeology has long maintained an interest in the protection, conservation, management and public understanding of the Stonehenge & Avebury World Heritage Site (WHS). We... Read more

  • Council of British Druid Orders (CoBDO) (Council of British Druid Orders (CoBDO))

    1 . Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a "landscape without parallel", particularly in regard to the western section between the cut and Longbarrow... Read more

  • CPRE South West (Campaign to Protect Rural England) (CPRE South West (Campaign to Protect Rural England))

    CPRE SW represents the seven county branches in the South West of England and thousands of individual CPRE members. These comments add to and reiterate the concerns/objections already stated in our... Read more

  • Dan Lawrence

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Daniel J Teague

    My reason for completing this form include: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form.... Read more

  • Daniel Miller

    1 - there is no clear evidence road congestion will be improved 2 - there is too much focus on 'bronze age henge' and not enough planning for mitigation of impacts on multiperiod landscape and... Read more

  • Darrielle Devese Jenkins

    No permanent plans to put through anything that could damage the site any further. It' had historic and ancient burial ground and should not be distributed in any way that could damage it and destroy... Read more

  • Dave Wallace

    The WHS is of global significance and much of the surrounding land has lain undisturbed and without proper academic archaeological investigation. The merits of a poorly located road build out are... Read more

  • David Atkin

    My main complaint is that this scheme in its current form irreparably damage the Stonehenge landscape for thousands of years to come and destroy fragile archaeology there needs to be preserved for... Read more

  • David Barthram

    I am concerned that the plans for the A303 near Stonehenge will, if they are approved, cause permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting and concerned about damage to... Read more

  • David Boston

    Driving a road through this area would lead to a loss of knowledge and area which would be a catostrophe.

  • David Ford

    This is an OBJECTION to the scheme for a number of reasons but principally the irreparable damage this will cause to the archaeology and site setting including Blick Mead Mesolithic Site. The... Read more

  • David Holland Smith

    I am concerned if it is the case that the decision to proceed with this work is being taken without approval from UNESCO. Since one stated objective for the work is to restore the World Heritage Site... Read more

  • David Thalenberg

    Stonehenge is probably the most recognisable, iconic and well-regarded prehistoric site in the world. To construct a tunnel under it would both threaten o damage it, from the construction work itself,... Read more

  • Davinia Baldwin

    If the application for the dual carriage way is allowed to go ahead it will result in .Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, Stonehenge both in terms of its archaeology and setting. .... Read more

  • Davy King

    I am seriously concerned about permanent damage to this World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. I am also worried about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and its setting. UNESCO's... Read more

  • Debi Lysaght

    Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site... Read more

  • Debi Richens

    These are all of my concerns: Permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting. UNESCO's advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form. Concerns about... Read more

  • Deborah Lee

    I am concerned about the impact that the proposed works will have on the environment in an area of outstanding natural beauty I believe that it is wrong to deprive people a free view of such an... Read more

  • Deborah Walsh

    This road would mean irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go... Read more