
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 376 to 400 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Berit Pedersen

    please do not build here. ever. please make sure this site is protected for eternity.

  • Bill Smith

    Stonehenge and its important World heritage Site should never be subject to engineering interventions that may destroy details. This is an important World Heritage Site, described by UNESCO as a... Read more

  • Bob Watts

    This representation concerns the suitability and safety of the rights of way for cyclists, horse riders and walkers, particularly the newly created rights of way and especially the restricted byway... Read more

  • Brenda McAuliffe

    It seems obvious that a one lane road that passes a rare national heritage site should be extended to 2 lanes thereby not causing traffic congestion. This has happened throughout the country. ... Read more

  • British Horse Society (British Horse Society)

    I am interested in the potential the scheme offers to provide reconnection and improvement to the rights of way around and over the scheme site for horse riders, carriage drivers and all other... Read more

  • Bruce O'Connor

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • C A Morrell

    I whole heartedly object to the proposed road scheme at Stonehenge. It is for perceived short term gain but at the permanent loss of ancient surroundings eg Blick Mead. The duelling, tunnels and... Read more

  • Cara Naden

    This is an ancient site of huge cultural & archeological significance as well as biodiversity. As we are also aware that we are in a time of climate emergency where we must do everything we can to... Read more

  • Carmelle Ryan-Sammon

    I dont know what to put here apart from I dont think the plannes roadway is totally wrong

  • Carole Shorney

    This will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. It is unacceptable.

  • Caroline Murray

    The current scheme threatens to destroy as yet undiscovered sites inside the Stonehenge UNESCO WHS area, as well as damaging already known but not fully investigated sites like Blick Mead. Moreover,... Read more

  • Caroline van Oostrom

    I object to the plans to build a A303 tunnel. The tunnel will ruin this World Heritage Site and surrounding landscape. The water table will change and cause irreparaple damage to the Mesolithic site... Read more

  • Carolyn Kennett

    I disagree with the location of the tunnel entrance/exit on the plans

  • Catherine Le Grice-Mack

    1. An imperfect “consultation” process 2014 Corridor Study County Hall, Taunton. I attended as representative of CPRE SW. I had experience of the Halcrow study of this corridor from my role on the... Read more

  • Charlotte Cornwell

    I am deeply concerned that the current tunnel construction plan will irrevocable damage to Stonehenge and surrounding precious WHS sites.

  • Charlotte Moncrieff

    I object to this proposal first and foremost as the wonderful sight of Stonehenge as you drive Westwards will be denied to everyone. There is still not enough understood about this very important site... Read more

  • Cherry Lavell

    I am convinced that the proposed road will inflict unconscionable harm to the Wold Heritage Site. In particular the tunnel approach and exit will carve huge swathes through potentially important... Read more

  • Chris Auld

    i cannot object to this strongly enough. This will ruin an ancient and beautiful site

  • Chris Olende

    An ancient monument must not be damaged.

  • Chris Shipley

    Irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site, when other, alternative routes could achieve the same thing.

  • Christopher Day

    In my opinion, this scheme has been ill-thought-through and there appear to be no other options on the table, which seems extraordinary in view of the site’s World Heritage status, its unique... Read more

  • Christopher Lovegrove

    I can't understand why road traffic has priority over an incredibly historically ancient, environmentally and archaeologically sensitive area and why this scheme, irreversible in its impact and... Read more

  • Christopher Willey

    I am deeply concerned that the present highway proposal will undermine the heritage significance of the wider Stonehenge landscape which is a fragile reality already partially compromised by existing... Read more

  • Claire Aartsen

    I wish to express concerns related to the environmental impact of any proposed works, with specific regard to habitat destruction, and also concerns related to potential impact upon the preservation... Read more

  • Colin Kane

    I feel this will cause irreparable damage to a well known World Heritage Site, it's archaeology and unparalleled landscape. I strongly agree with recent UNESCO advice that suggests the scheme should... Read more