
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Mr M. Redfern

    1. Disturbance of rare bird species (Curlew and Bustard) 2. Loss of view from the road and subsequent need to pay 3. Lack of alternative options in consultation that would not damage the World... Read more

  • Natasha Wilson

    I have listened to Mike Parker Pearson's explanation about why the proposed road changes at Stonehenge are so damaging and wish to register my request that an alternative solution is explored and... Read more

  • Nick Wakelam

    I believe that the current plan will cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international... Read more

  • Paul Marchant

    The scheme as proposed will damage this unique, UNESCO-recognised, archaeological area, merely for the convenience of motor-transport.

  • Richard Baxter

    I object to these plans on the grounds that untold damage will be done to this World Heritage site . I believe that the whole sight should be preserved for future generations & any plans for road... Read more

  • Sara Bellisio

    I object to the A303 Stone Henge Highway,due to my concerns regarding the following issues: permanent damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a... Read more

  • Searles O'Dubhain

    I am writing to you to protest any developments that affect the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. It is truly a spiritual hub and center of Britain. Driving a tunnel through it is like digging a tunnel... Read more

  • Stephen Greenwood

    I object to the plans for the new road at Stonehenge. this world heritage site will be obliterated by this plan. It is a UNESCO site that is so special it must be protected

  • Sue Scholan

    I object to the development of the A303 on the grounds that it will cause irreparable damage to the UNESCO World Heritage site of the landscape surrounding Stonehenge, which we are charged with... Read more

  • Sue Weaver

    Please do not risk this very special and very sacred site. There has already been one devastating error. Please stop now to prevent more. You surely do not want to be the government that goes down... Read more

  • Sue Y Symmons

    • Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ • UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Valerie Stagg

    I believe that the creation of the A303 Expressway will be extremely damaging to the surroundings. Particularly affected would be the Heritage site of Stonehenge, which is a very important cultural,... Read more

  • Wendy Freeman

    I strongly object to the planned irreparable damage to Stonehenge, the archaeology and natural setting, which I love to look at. I object to the current scheme to hide the Stones from view and force... Read more

  • Anne Stocker

    I strongly oppose anything that damages any area of the Heritage Site of Stonehenge. England has always been applauded and revered around the world for preserving every aspect of it's heritage. The... Read more

  • Belinda Lopez

    Our history and legacy must come first. The Stonehenge monument is one of many special areas of scientific interest in a unique landscape that will be destroyed for ever if a tunnel is allowed to... Read more

  • David Gardner

    I am concerned that the proposed highway changes will significantly impact public enjoyment of the world heritage site at Stonehenge (and will also effect the surrounding landscape and environment),... Read more

  • Deborah Hedderwick

    I object in the strongest terms to the A303 development proposal at the UNESCO world heritage site of Stonehenge, for the following reasons: - there will be irreparable damage caused to the WHS, its... Read more

  • Elly

    I don't want the expressway or anything to damage the historical site of Stone Henge or make it so you have to pay.

  • Irene Henson

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site, which in itself gives kudos to the tourist attraction remaining as is I'm very concerned that the extensive works would cause damage that would be irreparable to... Read more

  • Jacqueline Levin

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its setting and archaeology and all that may lie in the surrounding area as yet undiscovered. The economic impact of this loss on tourism. The loss... Read more

  • Jay Hawkins

    it is sacred ground and a spiritual site surrounding please relocate

  • John Shaw

    I am concerned there will be Irreparable damage to Stonehenge, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. In fact UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Jon Preston

    I object to the development of the A303 Expressway near the Stonhenge World Heritage Site. The development of the expressway will cause irreparable damage to the Stonehenge site and... Read more

  • Jozi Norton

    I have a strong view that developing this road under this very sensitive national heritage site would have a severe impact on the prescious artifacts and remains of our ancestors. This place.... Read more

  • Ken Grayling

    The proposed tunnel will inevitably damage archaeological remains in the vicinity of Stonehenge - it is reported that a test boring has already damaged an artefact. Simply widening the A303 would... Read more