
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Miss Sian Twigge

    My concerns about the damage to an area of both national and international significance as the standing stones at Stonehenge are just a tiny part massive area of archaeology and setting, described by... Read more

  • Nick Jones

    The proposed tunnel will cause needless, irreparable damage to one of the world's, most iconic Word Heritage Sites. UNESCO describes it as a ‘landscape without parallel’, and its advisers say the... Read more

  • Nycki Owen

    How many times have we destroyed and damaged our priceless ancient sites in the past? I can't believe there's anybody would agree to a road or tunnel being built anywhere near Stonehenge, one of the... Read more

  • Odo Saunders

    Concern about the potential damage to the archaeological heritage of the site that will be caused by this unwanted development.

  • Ollie Barron

    Damage to the area and the invaluable artefacts. Increased road noise and associated pollution damaging the experience of people attending the sacred sites and damage to the sites themselves from... Read more

  • Sam McAdams

    Given that it is common place for archaeological sites of profound importance to be left in situ for future generations when archaeological techniques are further developed, it seems ridiculous that... Read more

  • Tiffany Stephens

    Stonehenge is one of the most sacred sites in Britain. It's integrity should be maintained and protected. The needs of commuters is in my opinion irrelevant. We must uphold our heritage not destroy it... Read more

  • William Brown

    I oppose this planning application on the grounds of the destruction of this site and surrounding countryside and the environmental impact of more road traffic in the area

  • Andover Ramblers (Andover Ramblers)

    Andover Ramblers have two interests. One is to ensure the plans accommodate walkers and open up the right of way network for people to enjoy. Two is to promote easy vehicle access to the west of... Read more

  • Brian Simms

    I believe that the cut and cover tunnel will destroy very important archaeological evidence.This will no longer be available for our future generations.In the future there will be technological... Read more

  • Brian Turner

    This brief note is intended to register my objection to road building in the vicinity of Stonehenge, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. I believe that the landscape of which Stonehenge is a part is a... Read more

  • Captain Nick Kettlewell,RN

    As a former Wiltshire County Councillor for Amesbury and thus for Stonehenge I have continued to engage in the debate of routeing the A303 past Stonehenge for the past twenty years. I like to think... Read more

  • Carrie Jackson

    The form is very simple – you fill in your details* Give the reasons why you are objecting without going into great detail. Examples could include (but please use your own words): Irreparable... Read more

  • Daniel Demmel

    I strongly oppose this scheme on multiple grounds: * In general road budget should be focused on fixing and improving existing roads, especially with the backdrop of climate change it's not... Read more

  • David Durkin

    I strongly object to any tunnel with entrances or exits that are constructed within the boundaries of the World Heritage Site. I strongly object to the construction of any related roads or service... Read more

  • Gillian Madge

    Stonehenge is a world class heritage site. Please make sure it will be fully protected for us all and future generations. The proposed road sounds as if it will possibly cause structural damage to the... Read more

  • Grant Munro

    I think Stonehenge should be prioritised over any roads for traffic.

  • James Bickerton

    The Stonehenge World Heritage Site MUST be preserved as an absolute priority. NOTHING should be allowed to 'taint' this historic, world famous landmark and link to our prehistory. It is SACRILEGE that... Read more

  • Jennifer Smethurst

    I believe this will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’

  • Jim Rayner

    I would like to see Green Bridge no. 1 be built as a 'standard concrete & steel structure'. The 'green capacity' of this bridge could then be moved into the World Heritage Site. This change would then... Read more

  • John Phillips

    I merely wish to register my support for the scheme and hope that it can be constructed as soon as possible. I have been satisfied that my original concern regarding the effect of the tunnel on... Read more

  • Jonathan Dixon

    I have summarised my objections in a bullet list. To be clear, I object to this new road entirely. My objections include: - Fact that building more roads does not ease congestion, it attracts more... Read more

  • Kelly Cannon

    I object to this project because of the damage to the Stonehenge World Heritage Site that would inevitably occur. I am concerned that no alternative has been proposed that would not damage... Read more

  • Laura Lorson

    As an American journalist who covers arts, culture and history, I care a great deal about the issue of historic preservation, and I am deeply concerned about the way this project is being handled. The... Read more

  • Maggy Simms

    I believe the cut and cover tunnel plan is destructive to the archaeology and heritage of the wider area and will destroy the world heritage site's potential for future archaeological research.