
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Greg Peakin

    I am objecting to thew proposed development of the A303 for a number of reasons. They are: It will be outrageously destructive to the historical and ecological environment. Most importantly the... Read more

  • Helen Gray

    I am horrified that we are considering jeopardizing the irreplaceable surrounds of Stonehenge - where records of our ancient human and natural history are still to be discovered by future technologies... Read more

  • Helen Marie Darlington

    This is a very sacred place to the whole of the UK and a great tourist attraction and building this road will damage the area and make it less attractive to visitors

  • Helen Parkinson

    We should not compromise the environment of a world heritage site or its environs which is tantamount to cultural vandalism. Additionally, local wildlife, particularly rare birds , will be adversely... Read more

  • Helen Webb

    I object to this proposal. Stonehenge is just one of the features in the wider Stonehenge landscape. The proposed work would irreparably damage the landscape. This landscape has been preserved by... Read more

  • Hilary Duckett

    I have used the A303 for a long time when travelling from Cornwall to my family in Guildford. I am very worried that the proposed tunnel and new road will damage the World Heritage Site with... Read more

  • Ian Lewis

    Just another nail in the coffin of humanity. Our successors will never understand such damage. Now would be a great time to start protecting meaningful long term value and stop knee-jerk destructions.... Read more

  • J Hartley

    I object to the proposed A303 expressway construction on the grounds that it is likely to cause irreparable damage to a number of the stones, vthe surrounding wildlife & also therfore people visiting... Read more

  • J Parker

    This idea seems to pose a great threat to the area that surrounds one of our most famous landmark. It saddens me that such such a disruptive scheme could get the 'go ahead'. It makes me wonder if... Read more

  • Jackie Coleman

    As a local, I'm against this development because I feel the site should not be developed further as it . Its an ancient site, which should be treated with caution and respect. Preliminary work has... Read more

  • Jackie Kimberley

    1. There has been insufficient consultation to discuss alternative solutions that would not damage the World Heritage Site. 2. UNESCO has described it as a "landscape without parallel" and it would... Read more

  • Jacquelyn Miles

    In my opinion, the planned route will disturb our most important historical monument.

  • James Butler

    Concern about irreparable damage caused to a World Heritage Site, and Blick Mead. UNESCO advisers against present scheme. Lack of alternative options.

  • James Wicks

    I am dyslexic so pls forgive any miss phrasing or spelling, this is the best I can do. The risk of damage to the site and the wider environment has already been proven even by its advocates to be... Read more

  • Jan Goodey

    I am very concerned at the possibility of damage to one of our iconic historical sites, and have read that UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in this way. . The... Read more

  • Jane

    Appalling damage to a World Heritage Site which has impacted on my view of the world and of life all my life. I used to visit it when I was child when we could just wander round freely. It has... Read more

  • Jane Mathew-Byrne

    I can't believe this plan which prioritizes a road over this ancient historic site - we, the public and future generations deserve better as does the preservation of Stonehenge. The plan, which is... Read more

  • Janet Sweet

    The scheme being considered would be extremely damaging to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge. Any damage so caused would not be reversible.

  • Janetta Morton

    I am deeply concerned about further destruction and disruption of our oldest and most important historical landmark. It sets a precident suggesting that sites of historic value, special scientific... Read more

  • Jayne Soakell

    Stonehenge and it's environs are irreplaceable and we don't have the right to damage it, especially for short term ends.

  • Jennifer Stephens

    As one of the world's most important historic sites the scheme seems to me to be an appalling intrusion and an act of irreversible vandalism to what has been a sacred site since prehistory . I live... Read more

  • Jill Cross

    Stonehenge is an historical site, and should not be damaged by the building of a huge dual carriageway. I understand that this section of the 303 causes a traffic jam but surely you can build this... Read more

  • Jill Marrington

    This is a site of unique archaeological and historical interest which will be irreparably damaged by the proposed road development. The importance of Stonehenge is recognised by its status as a World... Read more

  • Jo Hand

    My reasons for objecting to this scheme are 1. Damage to a world heritage site. 2. Damage to the environment 3. Damage to wild life. 4. The amount of money it will cost.

  • Joanna Fletcher

    I have close friends in the area and have been visiting Stonehenge all my life. This proposal will cause irreparable damage to this World Heritage Site in its incomparably beautiful setting – and as... Read more