
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Ellen Portess

    Birds such as Stone Curlews and Great Bustards would have their habitat disturbed. Also it is an important Ancient site of world-renown, which also must not be disturbed, plus the the view across to... Read more

  • Erica Gregory

    Although aware of the current traffic problems surrounding this issue, I do not consider the current suggestions valid as they interfere too much with the whole of this ancient and unique site

  • Fiona Frank

    The creation of a A303 Stonehenge Expressway would cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site of Stonehenge, thus affecting its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a... Read more

  • Fiona Marlow

    With this plan there will be irrevocable damage to a site of international importance which will prevent future generations from truly understanding its significance and meaning. Far better to wait... Read more

  • Fiona Marshall

    Future generations will not forgive us for the damage to the site There is no other place in the world like it, nor ever will be UNESCO are against the scheme Damage to Blick Mead would be... Read more

  • Fleur Oakes

    I am deeply concerned about the irreparable damage to a World Heritage Site and to that of the surrounding wildlife ,that the views of UNESCO are being ignored and that no better alternatives are... Read more

  • Gabby Taylor

    Stongehenge and it's surrounding environs are an irreplaceable part of our heritage and contain many sites and artefacts that we only hold in trust and have a duty to preserve for future generations.

  • Gareth Davies

    I will object to this s planning, as it affects an ancient monument In As much That it affects, not just the monument itself, but the original final bronze, iron and Neolithic age especially... Read more

  • Geoffrey Grey

    Apart from the obvious environmental damage which is caused by road-building and the disastrous change of the topography and accessibility of Stonehenge itself, this whole project is a wast of money... Read more

  • Georgina McHugh

    I am wholly against the building of the A303 Stonehenge expressway because it will cause irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a "landscape without... Read more

  • Gillian Bates

    The site is unique. Already it is being damaged irreparably. So to retain its present state, and preserve the surrounding area for future research, in my opinion as much should be preserved both above... Read more

  • Gillian Miller

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ - I visited Stonehenge as a young adult and was overawed by the stones and the... Read more

  • Gloria Smith

    I have been to Stonehenge and drove by it several times. Also I am a science person with some experience at UNESCO sites. In sites like Stonehenge you really have no idea the implications of... Read more

  • Go South Coast (Go South Coast)

    We would like an understanding of the likely impact on journey times on these services modelled through the project so we can understand the need for additional vehicles during certain elements of the... Read more

  • Graham Avory

    I am a regular user of the A303 and have been for some fifty one years. I am interested in the plans for improving the A303 in the Stonehenge area and keen to see the improvements made. I support... Read more

  • Graham Fyffe

    This hugely expensive plan will deface a world-wide admired historical site . There must be far better and cheaper methods to keep traffic flowing such has a simple widening of the road. There is... Read more

  • Graham Trickey

    The proposed road scheme and tunnel will do irreversible damage to the site of Britain's foremost ancient monument. The entrance and exit of the proposed tunnel would sit inside the Stonehenge world... Read more

  • Hannah Berry

    I am concerned about damage to the integrity of the entire WHS landscape and in particular the Blick Mead site.

  • Harold Ewald

    I am concerned that the planned scheme will damage this World Heritage site, which I have visited years ago, and irrevocably disturb the archaeologic and areal setting of the site. This could... Read more

  • Harry Lewis

    I believe that in it's current form the proposal will cause untold damage to the World Heritage Site, and its archaeology. I am also concerned about possible damage to Blick Mead Mesolithic site and... Read more

  • Hazel Holmes-Wilde

    I think it is awful that an area of such worldwide historical importance is to be subjected to such potentially damaging activity. Once done, the damage done can never be undone and historically and... Read more

  • Helen Coulson

    Stonehenge is a UNESCO World heritage site and should not therefore be disturbed either directly or in the immediate surrounding area. It should remain preserved.

  • Helen M Barton

    The disruption to the local area which will cause disturbance to wildlife will be irreversible. Any remaining wildlife will be disturbed by the increase in traffic and the extra noise it will make... Read more

  • Hugh Whiffen

    the plans as in existence will destroy the nature and chracter of the area for ever

  • Ian Cunningham

    I object to the proposed Expressway because of: 1. Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ 2. UNESCO’s international... Read more