
A303 Stonehenge

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Showing 1026 to 1050 of 2370 representations, newest first.

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  • Linda Johns

    I consider the proposed A303 Stonehenge Expressway will have a considerable detrimental impact on this important heritage site and will make a representation based on the following points: The... Read more

  • Lisa Mead

    I do not want the tunnel to go ahead. I think it will be devastating to the archeology of a ancient environment

  • Lisa Rose

    I want to ensure that the drove and stonehenge is kept open for us all to enjoy, as it was intended.

  • Paul Garwood

    This submission concerns two aspects of archaeological research within the Stonehenge landscape: (1) impacts on the western part of the WHS; (2) future advances in field methods. My research... Read more

  • Prof. M. Parker Pearson

    1. The proposed work will damage the WHS, especially beyond the western portal to the western boundary of the WHS where a substantial area would be rendered archaeologically ‘sterile’. This will... Read more

  • Stuart Morrison

    I would like to lodge my objections to the proposed A303 tunnel project. It is my view that this will cause unnecessary damage to archaeological assets both known and yet to be found/researched. I am... Read more

  • Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust (Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust)

    Written Representation WCSRT as Interested Party for Examination of Highways England A303 Stonehenge Development Consent Order The Wessex Chalk Stream and Rivers Trust (WCSRT) WCSRT is an... Read more

  • aaron quinn

    I am opposed to Highways England's massively destructive road scheme of the World Heritage and a national sacred site that is Stonehenge. You really should leave ancient and sacred sites alone. What... Read more

  • Alexander Wooldridge Smith

    The Stonehenge landscape is rich and full of remains of the ancient history of our ancestors. There is not much of our ancient landscapes left in this country due to land ownership, development, and... Read more

  • Andrew McKellar

    I intend to object due to The damage to the WHS and its archaeology which is described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead... Read more

  • Annie MacDougall

    Stonehenge was gifted to 'the people' with certain conditions attached. One of which was that the ground should remain undisturbed. For this reason I object to the planned tunnels.

  • Ashleigh Horton

    I believe that the introduction of a tunnel under the landscape of Stonehenge will greatly dame its prestige and sense of place as part of the UNESCO world Heritage Status. By digging up the land with... Read more

  • Brendan Thorpe

    This is a unique site in the world. It should be protected from any potential damage.

  • Budha Tony bodhisatva

    1.ease of access byway 11,12...for equinox, solstice ceremonies, praying, meditating etc... Budhist connection, non religuos.. Ceremonies should remane open as chartered in 1926 given to the people..... Read more

  • Prof. M. Parker Pearson on behalf of Consortium of 22 Stonehenge experts

    1. The above-ground works will have a negative impact on the WHS, especially beyond the western portal where a substantial area will become archaeologically ‘sterile’. This will permanently damage a... Read more

  • E. Grant & Sons (E. Grant & Sons)

    Our response relates only to the works in the vicinity of Rollestone Crossroads. We respond as owners and farmers of the land to the SW and SE of the existing crossroads. 1. We note that the... Read more

  • Emma Goodjohn

    The Stonehenge landscape is rich and full of remains of the ancient history of our ancestors. There is not much of our ancient landscapes left in this country due to land ownership and development. As... Read more

  • Francis William George Whiting

    Thank you for the opportunity to make written representation with regard to the western section of the proposed Amesbury to Berwick Down A303 road scheme. This representation will cover 7 issues: ... Read more

  • James Henderson

    I'm writing this to protect at the tunnel at Stonehenge.

  • Joseph Mason

    Stonehenge is sacred to my ancestors, and my gods. Leave it alone.Thou shalt not.

  • Louise Whiting

    Thank you for the opportunity to make written representation with regard to the western section of the proposed Amesbury to Berwick Down A303 road scheme. This representation will cover 7 issues: ... Read more

  • Olivia Dutton

    1) The height of the viaduct as proposed on the A303 northern bypass of Winterbourne Stoke is FAR TOO HIGH. The impact it will have on those who LIVE in the village of Winterbourne Stoke should be... Read more

  • Penny Baker

    Stonehenge is beautiful because it is part of the natural setting that recommended it to its builders. To enhance road speed and road use around this site is anachronistic at best and part of a drive... Read more

  • S.brooks

    I object to the tunnel plans as they will destroy vitaly important archaeology and will increase traffic on the 303

  • Christopher Gillham

    Need: I realise and deplore that big construction projects, conceived politically, are put forward without any publicly apparent process of evaluation, with the result that the Planning Inspectorate... Read more