
A303 Stonehenge

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  • Anna N Oake

    Irreversible damage to a sacred sight. Threatening rare bird species in the area.

  • Anne Davidson

    Stonehenge is a World Heritage Site. Its archaeology and setting have been described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ This should be protected. UNESCO’s international advisers say the... Read more

  • Anne-Marie Wardlaw

    Irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site (WHS), its archaeology is precious and archeology is found beneath the surface the tunnel will destroy it and the wider landscape has not been ‘worked’ by... Read more

  • Annette Smith

    I am corncerned that there will be irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting. Stone henge is part of our natural heritage and should be valued and protected. UNESCO describe it as a... Read more

  • Anthony Guy Simmons

    UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present form because it may cause irreparable damage to the World Heritage Site, its archaeology and setting, described by... Read more

  • Archaeology In Marlow (Archaeology In Marlow)

    The proposed invasive activities in a area, so close to such significant historic monuments, is almost without parallel. Perhaps if a stretch of the A308 were to be made a toll road there would be... Read more

  • Becky Maxwell

    I believe the historical value of Stonehenge will be jeopardized by the building of the A303 Stonehenge Expressway. Once damage is done it cannot be repaired.

  • Benita Maginnes

    My personal objections follow UNESCO's description as a "landscape without parallel" and their advice not to proceed with the changes as they stand. I feel we are responsible for our heritage site,... Read more

  • Bluestone Press (Bluestone Press)

    1. To make sure that executives of the planning process are aware that we still know relatively little concerning the function(s) which required Stonehenge to be located where it is, nor the... Read more

  • Brian Taverner

    I condemn the A303 dual carriageway and tunnel scheme for introducing a major constructional feature that will dwarf the prehistoric earthworks. What message does that send? That we can afford to lose... Read more

  • Brian Williams

    I object to the A303 Expressway due to: - the permanent damage that will be caused to this unique site, and the local wildlife - increased traffic / noise / pollution - apparent lack of interest... Read more

  • Brian Williamson

    We may have Brexit or Remain a high standing member of The EU in the event of a Second Referendum, but we won't look good in the face of UNESCO. Many tourists use the route and don't mind waiting to... Read more

  • Brona Langton

    As a graduate in archaeology, former field archaeologist and as a UK resident who enjoys visiting the prehistoric sites of England, I am deeply concerned about the proposed scheme. The damage that... Read more

  • Carol Anne Jones

    My opinion is a simple one. I treasure our ancient Monument & History. Your planning has ignored the advice of those qualified who have stated the obvious, the potential damage to this Ancient... Read more

  • Carolanne Ellis-Brewer

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’ UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Caroline

    I am concerned that these plans will damage a world heritage site with unique archaeology and setting. UNESCO’s international advisers have stated that they believe that the scheme should not go... Read more

  • Caroline Jones

    Irrepairable damage to our heritage site, world famous, a national treasure, sacred to the indiginous people, please stop and rethink the route. The money spent on this atrocity should be used to help... Read more

  • Caroline Morgan

    This world heritage site is irreplaceable. I find the proposal unacceptable in its impact on this important site. There must be a better way to accommodate the volume of traffic well away from this... Read more

  • Caroline Thorne

    This idea of defacing a World Heritage site is shaming. The damage it will do to the site itself and archaeology yet to be discovered. We know so little about the people who used it and lived and... Read more

  • Carolyne Roberts

    Irreparable damage to the WHS, its archaeology and setting, described by UNESCO as a ‘landscape without parallel’. UNESCO’s international advisers say the scheme should not go ahead in its present... Read more

  • Ceri Jones

    This plan makes a mockery of UNESCO recognising the site as of special interest to the whole world. It is outrageous that any one would consider doing anything to denigrade the area.

  • Charlie Roberts

    The structures for the planned route would damage irreparably the WHS of Stonehenge as well as impinge upon birdlife in the area. This damage could not be undone. It is a disgrace that this should be... Read more

  • Charlotte Brooks

    I appreciate that the traffic running past Stonehenge is increasingly bad but this is one of our most spiritual areas, there are hundreds of burial grounds around and it is appalling that they want to... Read more

  • Charlotte Browning

    I am concerned that any major construction works will damage the integrity of the archaeological features of Stonehenge and the surrounding areas - archaeology is as much about the preservation of... Read more

  • Christine Alexander

    I wish to express how unhappy I am with the current plans for the A303 Expressway on the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. It is a plan which fails to protect this unique and special site, UNESCO... Read more